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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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It usually takes a lot than five hours for an impassioned defence to appear when managers are criticised. Standards really must be slipping.

Sacking McGlynn would be a tremendous error. For a start we can't afford it financially so its a total non-starter.

Six weeks ago I might have agreed with you. Now, I'm not so sure.

As far as finances go, that's more or less why I don't believe he'll be sacked regardless of what happens.

But that aside he's had a great five years so are we really saying that counts for nothing and the first sign of trouble we press the panic button and punt him? Seriously? Look at the league table. We're one point behind the play off and two points from complete safety.

This is hardly the first sign of trouble - we've been rotten for weeks upon weeks, and almost half of our points tally came in the first three weeks of the season. In the corresponding games, we've taken 8 points from 13 games. Nine of those 13 matches were defeats.

Look at Dundee, a run of form and they're up to third. Things can change quickly.

Well, they fucking better change quickly, or we're going to find ourselves cut adrift.

This years budget cuts and the hangover from last season are having just as much impact as McGlynn's tactics. And if we do end up relegated what manager would you want in place to negotiate us out of there....John McGlynn.

Done to death pre-season/early on. McGlynn wanted the small, allegedly competitive squad and he got it. Both are to blame here, though the extent to which party is responsible is up for debate.

If we're relegated, costs will need to be cut and McGlynn's job could easily be one of them. My own feelings are that they might make Grant Murray player manager, in order to perhaps increase the playing budget slightly.

Sacking McGlynn is nonsensical on every level. We all shout about wanting the Rovers board to operate on a more sensible, long term, properly planned future not live week to week. That should apply to the supporters as well. Knee jerk panic is not a sensible approach.

No, it isn't. Our results are getting no better and the performances remain at a very poor level.

McGlynn's been here more than five years now - isn't that sensible, long-term and properly planned? It doesn't mean that he's the right man for the job at all times, change does have to happen eventually.

Bottom of the league.Nine defeats in 13. 16 league goals all season. I don;t think that's a knee-jerk. It's a reaction to what has been a rotten season littered with terrible performances that show absolutely no signs of improvement.

FWIW, I have still yet to hear a single person call for McGlynn's head at a game this season. However, the frustration and criticism that has emerged in the last week or so is perfectly justifiable.

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Good post.

6 weeks ago I would have fiercely defended Mcglynn, but it is getting harder. At the end of the day, if a team of decent players is playing rotten football with truly rotten tactics then the manager has to be accountable.

I still dont think sacking Mcglynn is the way forward, but things have to change pretty quickly.

We arent bottom due to bad luck, missed chances or just needing a break - we are bottom because we have been the worst team in the league this season. That has to change, cos going back to that second division isnt even worth thinking about. :(

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Fair points. Just to say I'm not happy with how we're playing either. It's been brutal most of the season. And if it doesn't change we are as good as down. I just think we owe McGlynn some loyalty. There is still plenty of time to turn things around and there is no guarantee a Grant Murray or anyone else would do any better. There is always the chance they could do worse.

The two points I would contend is that McGlynn 'wanted' a smaller squad. He decided on this route of almost all full time only after realising the extent of the cuts. The alternative choice was not a big squad just another fairly small squad but with a different mix of full time/part time.

The other is the impact of the cuts. It's a harsh reality and can't be discounted. As I said on another thread if your boss came in at the end of the year said great job guys, really proud of you. Now this half of the room get your coat you're fired. The rest of you we have no money to replace but let's get to work! Your motivation would be on the floor and that's showing. That said its up to McGlynn to turn that around but don't underestimate the scale of the job.

As I said I'm not some happy clapper but having lived through the roller coaster of the last 10 years a bit of continuity and consistency is welcome. We might go down but we could just as easily finish up in the top half of the table. It's that sort of league. We're not getting humped week in week out. It's tight as hell.

Edited by roverthemoon
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I don't think anyone's discounting the impact the cuts have had, it's probably more that the board has already taken the heat for that and can't be blamed forever. As it is, McGlynn isn't getting the best out of what we've got at the moment, and the results are showing this. The same tactics week after week, coupled with losing goals in the same manner are beginning to really grate on me.

Sacking a manager is always a gamble, and it's usually only with hindsight that you can tell whether or not it was the correct choice. In saying that, should we continue on the same path we're on at present, McGlynn's position will become untenable in my eyes.

Things MUST change soon, I think everyone can agree with that. Change can take time, and even if the results aren't there, you would hope the performances show promising signs. Unfortunately, ours don't.

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So... John McGlynn? A read of Fantalk suggests the tide is turning against him even more. How do we all feel?

He's done a great job here but we're looking pretty hopeless at the moment, and that isn't any kind of snap reaction to a poor performance. We've shown no sign of improvement for four months.

For me, I'd make it crystal clear to everyone concerned that I want him to be manager for the rest of the season and for next season regardless of what division we're in.

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For me, I'd make it crystal clear to everyone concerned that I want him to be manager for the rest of the season and for next season regardless of what division we're in.

I wholeheartedly agree with this post. Even if we do end up in the Second Division, I'd trust nobody more than John McGlynn to pull us back up.

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For me, I'd make it crystal clear to everyone concerned that I want him to be manager for the rest of the season and for next season regardless of what division we're in.

I wholeheartedly agree with this post. Even if we do end up in the Second Division, I'd trust nobody more than John McGlynn to pull us back up.

Regardless if our form shows absolutely no sign of improvement between now and the season's end? I'm not sure that'd be entirely productive for the club in the long-run. I'd like to agree with you guys but if things don't change by New Year we'd have to have a serious look at the situation IMO, and consider if a change in management and the potential for turnaround would be a risk worth taking. Still happy to give him time but I'm afraid I can't particularly blame those who are turning. We're fucking rotten and when I find myself questioning for the first time in my life whether I can be arsed going (and given I've only bothered with home games and Montrose away this season, the answer is often 'no') even with a season ticket I'm not sure staying down the same road we're currently on would be a good idea at all for the club in the long-run.

If we were to start a Second Division campaign tomorrow, I'd be happy for John McGlynn to be there. Indeed, if we go down narrowly and with a bit of a fight, I'll be happy for him to remain. But if nothing changes, and nothing has changed for four months despite four new signings, I don't think keeping him on is a good idea. Even an unsuccessful relegation fight has the potential for big crowds and therefore desperately needed cash in our last four home games, especially the one with Ayr. But if we continue as we are just now we won't even have that - and that's not scaremongering, or a knee-jerk reaction, it's undeniable fact.

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If the board are deperate for us to stay in the 1st division then I think McGlynn should get the games against Thistle, Ayr, Dundee and the Morton double header. If we come out of those badly eg with maybe just a couple of points and out of the cup, it would be time to act.

McGlynn should get no longer than the Thistle and Ayr games.

The other thing which should be factored in is entertainment value. The style of football we play is pretty grim at the best of times, but when we we're losing it's competely unbearable. If we continue as we are it's conceivable we could be looking at a sub 1,000 crowd before the end of the season, and how much is that going to cost us?

Spot on on both counts.His style of football is/will drive supporters away,even the diehards

Six weeks ago I might have agreed with you. Now, I'm not so sure.

As far as finances go, that's more or less why I don't believe he'll be sacked regardless of what happens.

Maybe,just maybe McGlynn will walk

As far as not being able to afford to punt him.Said this before but will say it again,we couldn`t afford to sign Marvin Andrew,we did,we couldn`t afford to punt Daz,we did.

This is hardly the first sign of trouble - we've been rotten for weeks upon weeks, and almost half of our points tally came in the first three weeks of the season. In the corresponding games, we've taken 8 points from 13 games. Nine of those 13 matches were defeats.

The rot set in last quarter/tail end of last season

Done to death pre-season/early on. McGlynn wanted the small, allegedly competitive squad and he got it. Both are to blame here, though the extent to which party is responsible is up for debate.

Small squad,low budget excuse is wearing thin.Its what you do with what you have,how you organise etc

No, it isn't. Our results are getting no better and the performances remain at a very poor level.

McGlynn's been here more than five years now - isn't that sensible, long-term and properly planned? It doesn't mean that he's the right man for the job at all times, change does have to happen eventually.

Bottom of the league.Nine defeats in 13. 16 league goals all season. I don;t think that's a knee-jerk. It's a reaction to what has been a rotten season littered with terrible performances that show absolutely no signs of improvement.


If we are relegated heres one that hopes McGlynn is not in charge in the 2nd division

cue many red cards

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McGlynn should get no longer than the Thistle and Ayr games.

Spot on on both counts.His style of football is/will drive supporters away,even the diehards

Maybe,just maybe McGlynn will walk

As far as not being able to afford to punt him.Said this before but will say it again,we couldn`t afford to sign Marvin Andrew,we did,we couldn`t afford to punt Daz,we did.

The rot set in last quarter/tail end of last season

Small squad,low budget excuse is wearing thin.Its what you do with what you have,how you organise etc


If we are relegated heres one that hopes McGlynn is not in charge in the 2nd division

cue many red cards

You, me and Michael W. Are the only ones who dare speak the truth. I for one can't wait till the end of the season, as the majority of these imposters will be gone. Because the players that bust a gut for us last season have been replaced by shit, we had a fucking brilliant defence last season, look at us now. It doesn't make sense.

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I don't think being relegated would be a disaster in the long run. It would force the club into going part-time which might just stop the club going out of business altogether. Despite all the cuts at the end of last season we will likely post another loss again. This cannot continue indefinitely. We can't afford to be a full time club, no club can on gates of 1,500. Clubs that continue with a full time policy at this level are committing suicide.

So, we get relegated. Let other clubs stay full time and go to the wall. And if we do stay up, we need to be part-time next season anyway. Let's live within our means, and at least we'll still have a club to support.

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I don't think sacking McGlynn is a great idea either, reguardless of what devision we are in come next August. If we go down I would be fairly confident JM could get us back up and lets be honest, who else are we going to get?

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I don't think being relegated would be a disaster in the long run. It would force the club into going part-time which might just stop the club going out of business altogether. Despite all the cuts at the end of last season we will likely post another loss again. This cannot continue indefinitely. We can't afford to be a full time club, no club can on gates of 1,500. Clubs that continue with a full time policy at this level are committing suicide.

So, we get relegated. Let other clubs stay full time and go to the wall. And if we do stay up, we need to be part-time next season anyway. Let's live within our means, and at least we'll still have a club to support.

All good points and I can't disagree at all, but as I said earlier what about if we continue with our current form and are relegated by April? We'll barely be breaking 1000 from now until the end of the season, losing yet more money we don't have. I don't want to see us just give up, I want to see us fight. If the fight that doesn't come under the current management, and at the moment with the best will in the world it just isn't there, then change it. If we can stay in this league I want to. Fuck going to Methil, Dumbarton and Coatbridge if we can avoid it.

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