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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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With all this new talk of a SPL2 and now our Chairman Mr Hutton backing a breakaway now is it just a case of the Rovers board have realised that crowds are dropping badly and they have to act quickly before another Dunfermline happens. Two things strike me, Hutton only last year slated the SPL as a Dead Parrot and that scottish football isnt heading for armegeddon yet he has totally changed his mindset now, Everyone has the right to change there mind but christ sake dont go on national TV and say one thing then do the opposite.

Where the Board have went wrong is appoint a total inept manager who hasnt got a clue with tactics,team formations etc and including poor results,entertainment has led to a drastic fall in crowds at Starks Park not the recession like some Rover fans may let you believe.

Dont see the Flyers feeling the recession with crowds up,must be to do with there fans getting more value for money ,success, results.

I feel the Rover squad is good enough but arent producing the goods for one reason or another, Look at the amount of games they have lost after being in a winning positions this is purely down to the management team and there clueless tactics,

Instead of a fanciful SPL2 Hutton should be worrying about the state of his own teams performances and get rid of that clown of a manager before anymore damaged is done

How much have the crowds actually dropped? Is it actually a 'drastic fall'? What is the average Rovers home attendance this season?


According to the Raith Trust website our average crowd for last season was 1933. The season before that, when we were challenging for the league title, our average attendance was 2718. Then the year before that which was our first time back in the 1st Division, we got 2258, then the season we won the 2nd Division the average crowd was 2234.

According to that website our worst average attendances this century are the Anelka season (1755) and the season after that in the Second Division (1,621).

According to the ESPN website our average attendance this season is 1903. So it's a drop, but it's not as bad as I thought it would be. 30 punters a game isn't a 'dramatic fall', although the season isn't over yet.


Morton's average attendance so far is 2234 and they have a bigger support than us, are supposedly playing decent football and going for the title.

Edited by Scary Bear
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If the manager doesn't rate him, it's time to move him on.

It was the same with McGlynn. He put his trust in a select group of players and tended to ignore others. Are our youth players not good enough, or is Murray the same as McGlynn?

I honestly don't know if the likes of Callaghan are good enough because I've seen pretty much nothing of them.

So far, we have produced one player who has made a fair number of appearances, but has struggled to get into the side this season. If we're not producing players, it's time to can our youth system and use the money saved on more players and paying down our stadium mortgage.

Edit: I haven't seen the Hutton interview in which SPL2 was mentioned, but I'll be devastated if he has went out and backed a breakaway as is being suggested.

I'd rather move the manager on than Donaldson.

I'm not too fussed what approach the board take, but i'd like them to confirm to the support what their vision for the future is.

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One of the most disapointing aspects of murray's reign is his lack of support for the guys from the youth scheme. Donaldson got loads more game time under mcglynn.

Donaldson was given that game time out of necessity by McGlynn as the budget was gone and we had no other right-back. As soon as we had enough bodies for Murray to play there/Jason Thomson was signed, he was out the team.

The young centre half who played in the 1st game at east end was made a scapegoat and moved on soon after when in fact murray should have shown some leadership and played himself from the start. We were near the top of the league at the time of that game and the season has gone downhill big time since then - very poor judgement

Colin Wilson came on for the injured Ellis early on in the 4-1 win at Dingwall, and by all accounts played a blinder. If Murray had dropped him to play himself when he wasn't match fit, he'd have rightly taken pelters for it, and he'd get stick for 'not trusting the youth'.

I do think that given Wilson's East End performance and Laidlaw letting a simple free-kick in in our November derby to make it 1-1, Murray may feel he's had his fingers burnt a wee bit by young players - as a young manager it may make him reluctant to pitch them in more regularly.

With all this new talk of a SPL2 and now our Chairman Mr Hutton backing a breakaway now is it just a case of the Rovers board have realised that crowds are dropping badly and they have to act quickly before another Dunfermline happens. Two things strike me, Hutton only last year slated the SPL as a Dead Parrot and that scottish football isnt heading for armegeddon yet he has totally changed his mindset now, Everyone has the right to change there mind but christ sake dont go on national TV and say one thing then do the opposite.

Where the Board have went wrong is appoint a total inept manager who hasnt got a clue with tactics,team formations etc and including poor results,entertainment has led to a drastic fall in crowds at Starks Park not the recession like some Rover fans may let you believe.

Dont see the Flyers feeling the recession with crowds up,must be to do with there fans getting more value for money ,success, results.

I feel the Rover squad is good enough but arent producing the goods for one reason or another, Look at the amount of games they have lost after being in a winning positions this is purely down to the management team and there clueless tactics,

Instead of a fanciful SPL2 Hutton should be worrying about the state of his own teams performances and get rid of that clown of a manager before anymore damaged is done

I haven't actually seen Hutton suggesting anything about an SPL2 - merely journalists putting words into his mouth. If I'm wrong please feel free to link me.

I do think he's desperate for the change to go through, as should any First Division chairman - when was the last full-time side in this league to make a profit? The First Division in its current guise is a complete sham. Teams have to stay full-time to keep in touch with the SPL but it's just not possible on the very limited money and one promotion spot we have. I think Hutton would be the first to admit the proposals are not good but quite frankly we are desperate for the money. We may make a slight profit this year because of the Celtic games (and that's very much a maybe given how poor crowds are just now) but it's a one off. Hutton estimates we'd make an extra 300k per year under the proposals - we'd have been profitable every year for the last five with that money.

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I'd rather move the manager on than Donaldson.

I'm not too fussed what approach the board take, but i'd like them to confirm to the support what their vision for the future is.

I was actually meaning the likes of Callaghan and the others who rarely feature, but you can say the same for any squad member, really.

As far as I'm aware, Donaldson is the only player we have under contract for next season.

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How much have the crowds actually dropped? Is it actually a 'drastic fall'? What is the average Rovers home attendance this season?


According to the Raith Trust website our average crowd for last season were 1933. The season before that, when we were challenging for the league title, our average attendance was 2718. Then the year before that which was our first time back in the 1st Division, we got 2258, then the season we won the 2nd Division the average crowd was 2234.

According to that website our worst average attendances this season are the Anelka season (1755) and the season after that in the Second Division (1,621).

According to the ESPN website our average attendance this season is 1903. So it's a drop, but it's not as bad as I thought it would be. 30 punters a game isn't a 'dramatic fall', although the season isn't over yet.


Morton's average attendance so far is 2234 and they have a bigger support than us, are supposedly playing decent football and going for the title.

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The Raith trust is saying last seasons average crowd was 1933 (not playing Dunfermline)

ESPN states this seasons average is 1903 (playing Dunfermline)

So the 30 punters a game isnt an arguement there scary. Basically our average was higher last year without the Pars than it is this year with the Pars.

An easy solution would be take away the 8000 we recieved this season for the pars games and replace it with say the 3000 average we recieved playing Ross County last season average it out and im sure our average would be way down.

Look at the last derby we had 700 less Rover fans than we did in the November derby the products pish and the wrong managerial appointment been made this season.

Dumbarton rooted at the bottom of the league fully part-time then Ian Murray takes over totally transforms the team lucky not to beat us at starks then pumps us during the week there,amazing what a manager can do with no money,

We have Cowdenbeath no money who have made some cracking loan signings due there manager doing some great talent spotting, Dunfermline a team on 20% wages since Christmas out play and out fight a Rovers team who had lost the last 3 derbies,We had everything to play for and yet the players couldni careless.

Anyway im sure Rovers will prove me wrong today

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I'd like to see the full time players doing a full days work 9 till 5. What do they do at training? Jog round the pitch and have game of 5's. they should spend a few hour each day working on technique and set pieces which we don't seem to do currently. Any other spare time should be visiting schools or doing stuff to promote the club in the community as opposed to buggering off down the bookis by lunchtime.

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The Raith trust is saying last seasons average crowd was 1933 (not playing Dunfermline)

ESPN states this seasons average is 1903 (playing Dunfermline)

So the 30 punters a game isnt an arguement there scary. Basically our average was higher last year without the Pars than it is this year with the Pars.

An easy solution would be take away the 8000 we recieved this season for the pars games and replace it with say the 3000 average we recieved playing Ross County last season average it out and im sure our average would be way down.

Look at the last derby we had 700 less Rover fans than we did in the November derby the products pish and the wrong managerial appointment been made this season.

Dumbarton rooted at the bottom of the league fully part-time then Ian Murray takes over totally transforms the team lucky not to beat us at starks then pumps us during the week there,amazing what a manager can do with no money,

We have Cowdenbeath no money who have made some cracking loan signings due there manager doing some great talent spotting, Dunfermline a team on 20% wages since Christmas out play and out fight a Rovers team who had lost the last 3 derbies,We had everything to play for and yet the players couldni careless.

Anyway im sure Rovers will prove me wrong today

Last season we had Dundee in place of the Pars. Check out the Dundee crowds. 3629 + 2459 = 6088. The two Pars games this season 3733 + 4294 = 8027. 1939 extra fans. Divide by 18 = 107 fans. So factoring in the Pars games I make it 137 fans down per game on last season.

Add to that, that we replaced Ayr and Qos with Airdrie and Cowden, and we had a purpose last season in avoiding relegation and were making a decent fist of that, which saw crowds of 1800 and 2400 against Ayr and QoS respectively, and the 30 fans down figure seems about right.

Edited by Scary Bear
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If two successive managers have deemed that certain youth players aren't ready for regular first team football, I'd suggest it's because they aren't.

Then I'd suggest we re-evaluate whether we can afford a youth system that produces no players good enough for the first team.

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25% of the players in the Rovers matchday squad are products of the club's youth system.

How many started? How many minutes did these 25% play?

Raith: McGurn, Thomson, Hill, Murray, Mensing, S Anderson, G Anderson, Walker, Graham, Spence, Hamill. Subs: Ellis, Callachan, Donaldson, Vaughan, Laidlaw (gk)

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Donaldson was given that game time out of necessity by McGlynn as the budget was gone and we had no other right-back. As soon as we had enough bodies for Murray to play there/Jason Thomson was signed, he was out the team.

Colin Wilson came on for the injured Ellis early on in the 4-1 win at Dingwall, and by all accounts played a blinder. If Murray had dropped him to play himself when he wasn't match fit, he'd have rightly taken pelters for it, and he'd get stick for 'not trusting the youth'.

I do think that given Wilson's East End performance and Laidlaw letting a simple free-kick in in our November derby to make it 1-1, Murray may feel he's had his fingers burnt a wee bit by young players - as a young manager it may make him reluctant to pitch them in more regularly.

I haven't actually seen Hutton suggesting anything about an SPL2 - merely journalists putting words into his mouth. If I'm wrong please feel free to link me.

I do think he's desperate for the change to go through, as should any First Division chairman - when was the last full-time side in this league to make a profit? The First Division in its current guise is a complete sham. Teams have to stay full-time to keep in touch with the SPL but it's just not possible on the very limited money and one promotion spot we have. I think Hutton would be the first to admit the proposals are not good but quite frankly we are desperate for the money. We may make a slight profit this year because of the Celtic games (and that's very much a maybe given how poor crowds are just now) but it's a one off. Hutton estimates we'd make an extra 300k per year under the proposals - we'd have been profitable every year for the last five with that money.

Fair post but folk seem to be forgetting that Wilson had a broken hand for that game and BERT had the cast removed instead of him, Murray, taking Wilson's place!!

After the game Wilson was taking pelters for something that was not of his making.

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