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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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Grant Anderson tried to get the crowd going when we got a corner in the second half against Alloa.

Just praying we manage to get the three points on Saturday. They are desperately needed.

I've been praying since Saturday morning. My mate called me a jinx prior to kick off. So I can't see it helping this Saturday sadly.

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Just to contrast this, I've had a look and we've conceded nine goals from outside the box.

I'm not drawing any conclusions, but the statistics are quite startling. We've scored 57 goals this season, with all but three of them coming from inside the box. We've only conceded 49, but nine of them have been from outside the box.

Do we need to be shooting from further out more often, or do we need to improve our defending in the 18-25 yard area?

I could be wrong, but Vine looked to me like he was outside the box today. Regardless, we're conceding some amount of howitzers this season.

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Gosh, what a day! Ugly ugly win, but a much needed one.

Come half time I really thought Grant Murray's time was up - despite a valiant effort from our players we were just woeful. Today was the first time, in a long time, we've actually see him manage to turn a game round. In fact, without sounding over dramatic, Spence's two goals might just have turned the remainder of the season around for us...

I've been critical of Murray's goalkeeping choices, but credit where it's due, Robinson had a decent game today.

I also feel bad now for laughing at the wee mascot, who predicted a 2-1 win with Spence to score. Is he available next Saturday too? :)

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As a wee aside...

There's this blind chap who comes in to the 200 Club with his guide dog in tow, an absolute cracker of a Labrador.

I came in to the club today with a steak pie and the dug didn't take his eyes off of me when I was eating it. Left a bit over for the dog and asked his owner if I was allowed to give the dog a bit whilst it was working.

Reply: "Aye, nae bother. As long as I dinnae see ye!"


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That is the same dog that wanted to eat steesh`s artificial arm.He got a new one as he is going to his sisters wedding tomorrow and the last one was damaged due to hitting folk off the head etc etc.This one is in slightly better condition apart from a lack of nails due to watching the rovers and a dog hinging off it.

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Actually went for a coffee there today with Mrs. Grizzly, was very enjoyable. Noticed they had Joker IPA on tap so will partake of a few pints of that with some lunch on Saturday.

Prefer the bottles but good choice

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Well, that's pretty much it for this season in terms of the push for top 4. Now it's about trying to keep above Cowdenbeath.

This season started so well. I certainly did not see this coming in October. Where did it all go wrong?

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Massive, massive failure and let down by management team and players.

When you look at the squad Murray has assembled (an added to), combined with where we were in December, he and the players should hang their heads in shame.

Not remotely good enough. All this cup talk can get tae, league is the bread and butter and we have woefully failed.

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Massive, massive failure and let down by management team and players.

When you look at the squad Murray has assembled (an added to), combined with where we were in December, he and the players should hang their heads in shame.

Not remotely good enough. All this cup talk can get tae, league is the bread and butter and we have woefully failed.

Exactly. I'd maybe feel differently if it was a Scottish Cup Final, but it's the fucking diddy cup. Who fucking cares if it's against Rangers. It's a fucking nothing cup that nobody usually gives two shits about. I'm not sure if it can be blamed for derailing our season but it probably hasn't helped.

This season has been fucking rotten. The fact that I'm now crossing my fingers that Cowdenbeath don't beat Morton on Tuesday shows that.

Even if we do survive this season, I feel we are just postponing the inevitable unless we make some fairly major changes. Next season will be a harder league and we have really struggled in this one.

It's a worry.

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Scary Bear, I'm out of green dots - otherwise I'd give you one!

Another thought about next season, assuming we avoid / survive the relegation play-offs, what sort of players will we be able to attract? Murray (and the board) assembled what should have been a top 4 finish team, but we'll struggle to tempt players of that calibre to sign (or re-sign) for us based on the results, confidence, morale, playing style etc we've displayed under Murray recently.

Dunno what ourselves and others will be offering players in terms of wages and bonuses, but presumably our budget won't be able to compete with many of the other clubs... Especially as we won't have much hope of achieving a top 4 finish next season.

I think Murray might have been an exciting prospect for players to sign for last summer, as he built his own squad up (rather than carrying on with McGlynn's), but I don't think that will be the case this summer - given how badly we've under-performed on his watch. So, presuming we're still in this league, next season could potentially be even worse than this one...

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