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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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I really wish the season wasn't over and we were still playing so everyone could remember how shite we were for the last 5 months... ''Out of sight out of mind''. We were awful guys, Anelka awful, so why retain most of the same squad? Players like Spence, Anderson, Fox should be away without a hesitation, they nearly got us in the seaside league! Same again next season Murray aye?

Well so far we've swapped Donaldson for Barr, which should improve matters. If it were a one for one swap, I'd be worried but the club has stated it wants to go to a larger squad size which means that these guys, who are not nearly as bad as you suggest might ot be guarenteed starters.

I maintain the big issue we faced last year was squad size which meant a lack of competition, no cover for injuries and limited options for changing the style of play. Murray isn't inflexible about how his teams play - his first season should've demonstrated that, but he clearly caught himself out this year with a team that only had one real style of play. Further, we tended to lose stupid, stupid goals - not through playing utter garbage but through moments of breath taking stupidity, more often than not when we were on top. Individual errors can be sorted, systemic ones are harder to fix. A settled back four based around Barr and (hopefully) Watson won't leak nearly as many goals as our ever changing defence did this year.

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I really wish the season wasn't over and we were still playing so everyone could remember how shite we were for the last 5 months... ''Out of sight out of mind''. We were awful guys, Anelka awful, so why retain most of the same squad? Players like Spence, Anderson, Fox should be away without a hesitation, they nearly got us in the seaside league! Same again next season Murray aye?

So the solution would be clear out the entire squad im hope we can replace everyone? Gotcha

I really dont understand the Anderson bashing, he had a solid season and wasn't by any means the worst player in the squad. He was actually more consistant than Cardle but at times Cardle was untouchable by fans

We are going to bring in alot of players to replace those who have left and also to provide cover/competition in different areas. Can we please wait until we have actually signed 11 players before everyone goes postal?

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So the solution would be clear out the entire squad im hope we can replace everyone? Gotcha

I really dont understand the Anderson bashing, he had a solid season and wasn't by any means the worst player in the squad. He was actually more consistant than Cardle but at times Cardle was untouchable by fans

We are going to bring in alot of players to replace those who have left and also to provide cover/competition in different areas. Can we please wait until we have actually signed 11 players before everyone goes postal?

Yes, I would clear out the majority of the squad mate, I really would. I don't see the point of holding onto players who just could not cut it last season at all. We were awful the last 5 months and big change is needed or we will be a walkover next season.

I do hope you are right about us bringing in new players and decent business getting done in the summer, i really do, thats why we support the same team, but the problem is, ive no trust in Murray, I don't believe he's up to the job here at all. The idea that spence has been offered a contract just emphasises that. I really hope I'm wrong and he brings in some shrewd signings but I am totally disillusioned im him and have no trust in the man. Can you blame me?

Bringing Barr in should be a good move and I guess time will tell in regards to all ins and outs, but Unfortunately I am not enthusiastic!

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i think some folk are getting way too excited ov er the early goings on.... we are a week and a half into the close season - not a week and a half before the season starts! Plenty time, and i am prepared to remain patient for the time being. Hutton has already said the squad budget will be increased, so lets hang fire and see what happens!

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i think some folk are getting way too excited ov er the early goings on.... we are a week and a half into the close season - not a week and a half before the season starts! Plenty time, and i am prepared to remain patient for the time being. Hutton has already said the squad budget will be increased, so lets hang fire and see what happens!

My point exactly. We aren't even into June yet... As ive mentioned before Murray did good work in the transfer window last season and regardless of the slump in form Moon and Elliot are good players for us and tbh im delighted they are staying for another year.

Murray can be fustrating at times with his tactics and his post match interviews tho the board at the moment are backing him and so must we. Lets at least wait until he resigns Sean Kilgannon and Scott McBride before everyone gets in a tizz

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What Hutton means by increasing the squad budget and what we would like it to mean are probably poles apart. There's no detail in that statement whatsoever. I'll wait to see whether that means financing a bigger better squad or just a few extra quid in the pay packets in just about the tightest employers in the Championship.

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We're internet bampots and we deal in absolutes.

Not worried yet. All sorts of players are still to be.released by their clubs. As long as we have 3 wide players, a left back and another option at cm we'll be sound. I bought my season ticket last week.

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We're internet bampots and we deal in absolutes.

Not worried yet. All sorts of players are still to be.released by their clubs. As long as we have 3 wide players, a left back and another option at cm we'll be sound. I bought my season ticket last week.

We should get that on a flag or a coat of arms or something.

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Didn't know about that article until 5 minutes ago. Different from that.

For it to be a boost to the rovers players, it would need to be a new striker who has been proven to score goals. Anything else wouldn't be much of a boost as it's our attacking options that's brought on the depressing side of things in this thread..

Is it a new signing? When will we find out?

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We should get that on a flag or a coat of arms or something.

That should be the new song to replace Geordie Munro.

To the tune of We're the Famous Tartan Army.

"Kirkcaldy, Kirkcaldy, we're Internet bampots and we deal in absolutes".

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