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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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10 minutes ago, Sonsteam of 08 said:

Aside from his horrible injury, has Vaughan been out for a prolonged time before? He certainly didn't strike me as being injury prone.

SuperHans is just coming across as a jealous old guy with a personal grudge against him again to be honest.

In other news, does Mark Stewart genuinely not understand the offside rule? I feel like someone needs to sit him down with a whiteboard and explain it.

His whole game is about playing off the shoulder, the older he gets, inevitably the closer to the wind he'll tack with regards to offside.

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14 minutes ago, Sonsteam of 08 said:

In other news, does Mark Stewart genuinely not understand the offside rule? I feel like someone needs to sit him down with a whiteboard and explain it.

Mark Stewart was born offside. 

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Our squad has absolutely no depth, which makes the situation more desperate. Bobby Barr is out, and our bench last night had no experienced players on it. Take Vaughan (or indeed anyone out) and we are further into the bare bones. 

We also won't get a player of Vaughan's quality for the price we'll receive. It'll be an unproven loanee, or some jobber who hasn't found a club. If we're serious about getting promoted, we should be keeping our players unless absolutely necessary - quality is critical when we lack options. 

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13 minutes ago, baillieinleeds said:

Offside is one of his flaws, but other than he's a grafter.


7 minutes ago, renton said:

His whole game is about playing off the shoulder, the older he gets, inevitably the closer to the wind he'll tack with regards to offside.

Last night he wasn't even on the shoulder, he was just stood on his own, about 4 yards beyond everyone else when he scored his now obligatory offside goal. It was bizarre. There was no reason for him to be there, I would've fancied him to react first to the rebound if he was stood inline with the defenders around him!

He works hard, no doubt, but he's frustrated the life out of me so far. The ball seems to just bounce off him.

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34 minutes ago, SuperHans said:

If Vaughan stays then he would be doing his own career damage as well.

Aye because playing every week and potentially winning a league title will be dreadful for his career.

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3 minutes ago, Sonsteam of 08 said:


Last night he wasn't even on the shoulder, he was just stood on his own, about 4 yards beyond everyone else when he scored his now obligatory offside goal. It was bizarre. There was no reason for him to be there, I would've fancied him to react first to the rebound if he was stood inline with the defenders around him!

He works hard, no doubt, but he's frustrated the life out of me so far. The ball seems to just bounce off him.

Yeah, that'll happen. And yet, he'll occasionally just pull a sublime finish out of nowhere. Having said that he didn't really manage to get a decent partnership working with Nade when they were both here.  

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Aye because playing every week and potentially winning a league title will be dreadful for his career.


Without wishing to defend superhans, and I wouldn't say he's damaging his career staying here, it looks like he would be a first team starter if it is Dundee who are interested. They only have El Bakteria fit AFAIK. Wighton is out for a long time and all know Vaughan is better than Wighton at any rate so I would fancy him to be a starter at Dundee. Unfortunately you can't say being a first team starter in a club looking to challenge for top 6 isn't better for his career than playing for us in League One.


I don't want him to leave but given the circumstances and our board's willingness to flog our better players I'm a bit resigned to loosing him, I'm actually a bit surprised he's still here, though he'd be away quicker after how he's been treated.

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1 minute ago, Fide said:

Hello Kirkcaldy folk.


There are a couple of rumours going round about us being linked with Vaughan.  Bit good, is he?



Last 3 pages or so.

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36 minutes ago, Sonsteam of 08 said:

Aside from his horrible injury, has Vaughan been out for a prolonged time before? He certainly didn't strike me as being injury prone.

SuperHans is just coming across as a jealous old guy with a personal grudge against him again to be honest.

In other news, does Mark Stewart genuinely not understand the offside rule? I feel like someone needs to sit him down with a whiteboard and explain it.

He scalded his tongue on hot tea once, this prevented him running about in his trademark fashion with his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth. This severely affected his taste for goal as was reflected in poor range and target finding for one game.

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1 hour ago, renton said:

It's not wholly about depth. Our squad last year was deep enough with utter shite, mind. We're unlikely to find a good replacement for him, and sure as hell not now. As Calderon mentions as well, he's integral to the way we've been setting up, and while we can shake things up  a wee bit with the likes of Court, we really do need him to make plan A work.


edited to add: I get that we are a selling club, by the way, and we canny stand in their way, ken - but unless we get some useful service from these boys ourselves - what's the fucking point?

agree absolutely - was just looking at the other side of the argument - like I say, would love to keep him


Also agree with other comments regarding youth - they need game time to improve and whats the point in having them if we are only going to put them on the bench when our subs get injured. Thorsen, Berry, Court & McKay, and young Rory Brian will all improve being involved in first team training, and we are talking about slotting one or two players in when we get a few injuries suspensions - its not as if we'll go in playing 8 or 9 guys from the dev team. That's how guys like Vaughan and Callachan originally got their chance - no reason why these guys can't do the same. I still think we will maybe add 2 on loan as well, and remember - if we do have some kind of injury crisis, we can make use of the emergency loan system.


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2 minutes ago, Fide said:

I'll take the sigh as one of resignation.

We'll look after him x

No, not resignation, not yet. Mind you, Killie seem to be going out of their way to help Ayr this season already....

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1 minute ago, Fide said:

I'll take the sigh as one of resignation.

We'll look after him x

Pretty sure it was a sigh of "this c***s a fucking thicko who hasn't even bothered to read a single page of the thread to check if LV has been mentioned" tbqhwy m9.

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Just now, renton said:

No, not resignation, not yet. Mind you, Killie seem to be going out of their way to help Ayr this season already....

Well quite.

Just now, ayrunitedfw said:

Pretty sure it was a sigh of "this c***s a fucking thicko who hasn't even bothered to read a single page of the thread to check if LV has been mentioned" tbqhwy m9.

Yeah, that's what I'll do.  Given the choice of trawling a 2283 page long thread or asking the decent folk of Kirkcaldy for a quick opinion, the former seems like a sensible choice.  Shush.

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Just now, baillieinleeds said:

No worries our board and Super Hans will be pleased with different flavoured box of crisps as payment

If the fuckers cannae even get a multibag of Monster Munch, then I'm tearing up my season ticket.

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Aside from his horrible injury, has Vaughan been out for a prolonged time before? He certainly didn't strike me as being injury prone.


It can all change after an injury like that, he's now far more likely to suffer a re-rupture, as well as that to repair his ACL they have either removed a part of his hamstring or patellar, either can lead to problems with the other. Since I've ruptured my Acl I've been allot more fragile. It's a testament to him that he came back so strongly, it's a vile injury.

Without wishing to defend superhans, and I wouldn't say he's damaging his career staying here, it looks like he would be a first team starter if it is Dundee who are interested. They only have El Bakteria fit AFAIK.

El Bakteria? Have a word with yourself. He's also not the only striker they have fit, Hth.

Also Declan McManus isn't completely shite, great times.
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