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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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2 hours ago, WSDR 88 said:

During the summer and the previous January window, there was always a few folk that seem to know there was other (non signed) players training with us/were going to sign with us. Was that purely coincidence that they were at Michael Woods for a swim also, or were they in the know. I’d like to think even though Barry’s a stubborn hoor, there is surely folk he’s looking at to bring in on loan. Is there anyone in the know to this? Or is our current squad it, until January...?


Smith has hinted that there will be no more additions, but I reckon he could be tempted if there was even the slightest opportunity of adding another defensive midfielder to the squad.

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2 hours ago, WSDR 88 said:

During the summer and the previous January window, there was always a few folk that seem to know there was other (non signed) players training with us/were going to sign with us. Was that purely coincidence that they were at Michael Woods for a swim also, or were they in the know. I’d like to think even though Barry’s a stubborn hoor, there is surely folk he’s looking at to bring in on loan. Is there anyone in the know to this? Or is our current squad it, until January...?


I'm sure Smith would like to bring in a few more, but I think its more the board and the lack of budget dictating. Its seems there is very little, if any, budget left.

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I know from friends who've been involved in playing at levels similar to ourselves that if they're struggling for a club then it's quite common for them to train with a team that will let them.

This is purely speculation but, Garry Irvine was on the radio a couple of weeks ago punting himself for a club. Played under Barry Smith at Dundee. Fits in perfectly for what we're looking for right now.

Which I think makes it less likely we’d get him, because surely if we were interested or could afford him we’d have made a move by now.
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1 hour ago, Ro Sham Bo said:

Smith has hinted that there will be no more additions, but I reckon he could be tempted if there was even the slightest opportunity of adding another defensive midfielder to the squad.

In fairness to Smith, all three of his central midfielders are not what you would call exclusive defensive midfielders. While Wedderburn's size and relative lack of pace means he'll usually be the deeper lying midfielder, the other two - Matthews and Gillespie - would more accurately be termed (at least at third tier level) as box to box type players, and that's certainly how Gillespie has been playing. There seems to be an infinite curve of midfield types, and as many variations on the theme of creativity, but in our team , to my limited imagination at least it's a 6 and an 8, and Wedderburn is the deeper lying 6, and Gillespie the give and go number 8.

I don't think Smith's signing strategy was particularly bad: Gillespie, but mostly Wedderburn have been inching towards full fitness and that looks like it could be a really decent two man midfield. Very early signs seem to suggest I was utterly, utterly wrong on Nesbit who looks a good fit, and Duggan in his limited time on the park looks like the combination of strength, and workrate up front we've been needing. However, Lewis Milne looks like an increasingly odd fit: Ostensibly an attacking midfielder who even Smith reckoned was best playing just off of the front men, it seems unlikely we'll ever setup with an obvious 3 man midfield to allow him to do that, instead being asked to come in off of the wing, in much the same way as Lewis Vaughan will when he's back. 

Right back remains the worry now. The right side of midfield thing will sort itself with time once Milne and Vaughan are back and Nesbit can fill in there for a wee bit now there is less pressure up top with Duggan being available. However, and it may not be representative of every other team, but Watson got roasted by Victoria's combination of pace and strength. Jason Thomson wouldn't have fared any better with the pace aspect  but probably would have been a more effective wall than Jamie Watson. Having said that Watson was playing alongside a clearly not match fit, and totally heads gone Davidson - which can't have helped.

Edited by renton
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Gillespie is basically the replacement for callachan we needed last season. Does a similar job. I can't get my head around where Smith plans to play milne. He's quite clearly better playing in the spaces between the oppositions defence and midfield from what iv seen of him but we won't as you say Renton ever set up in a way that utilises him in that role. Right back is a worry, Watson looks to have the talent Imo at least but is still young so is going to have games like Saturday. Gillespie can play there by all accounts if need be but that then takes away from cm. Smith has said it himself but hopefully Vaughan is back sooner rather than later to provide a more creative spark going forward. Flannagan is a typical winger at this level and will blow hot and cold but is a talent and I would say an upgrade on Barr but Vaughan on his day and not at cm is a cut above and we need that if we are to challenge for the league.

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I know from friends who've been involved in playing at levels similar to ourselves that if they're struggling for a club then it's quite common for them to train with a team that will let them.

This is purely speculation but, Garry Irvine was on the radio a couple of weeks ago punting himself for a club. Played under Barry Smith at Dundee. Fits in perfectly for what we're looking for right now.

Stopped reading after you claimed to have friends.
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8 minutes ago, grumswall said:
18 minutes ago, Zen Archer said:

What's worse? Miller being Dundee's saviour up front at the age of 38 or Wighton actually being valued at more than a spit shake?

Is the answer Hull City?

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I'm gonna guess it'll be at least two to three weeks before we see Vaughan back appearing in the squad. He's not had a full preseason which will have had an impact.

The sooner he's back the better as he played his best football on the left wing last season, and we could have him in there with Gillespie, Wedderburn and Flanagan.

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8 hours ago, HIT THE CHANNEL said:

On the walking wounded...

Anything on Vaughan’s ‘fit to play’ fitness in terms of when we will see him? 

bene after his face knock? 

davo definitely out for the next two games? 

Mathews after his early sub? 

Matthews, Bene and Milne struggling for Saturday.

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On the walking wounded...
Anything on Vaughan’s ‘fit to play’ fitness in terms of when we will see him? 
bene after his face knock? 
davo definitely out for the next two games? 
Mathews after his early sub? 

Davo will definitely be out the next couple of games.

Should be a lot more than 2 games though. Thug.
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