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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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I know he was talking about the home game for the financial side of things but after going to that game yesterday I'm struggling to get courage to go this Saturday. You can't expect people to keep paying £17 to watch that. It's bloody awful. He can't expect fans to go home and away, support the team and put in some of the performances we have this season. It's not on!

As for the slashing of prices do it for a one off. Adult £10, Kids £5. This weekend only. Get people coming in. Market it as a big game and do something different. The board seem happy to just sit back, keep it £17 and make the fans feel guilty for not coming to matches and keep putting the blame on us. When we go to the match we all know it's not going to Barcelona playing, we all know the standard it poor but by making it more affordable, even for one game, might just make a difference. What's the alternative? Keep it at £17, be lucky if we get 1500 this weekend after that performance, get beat and have another article in the FFP from Hutton moaning that we don't go.

The problem know is that there is a generation developing that are not going to the Rovers as children and so when it comes to years down the line when the club is hopefully still here then the support will have severely diminished. We need to do something to encourage people to come to games until the end of the season. Come the summer changes will no doubt be made but in the short term something else is needed.

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I know he was talking about the home game for the financial side of things but after going to that game yesterday I'm struggling to get courage to go this Saturday. You can't expect people to keep paying £17 to watch that. It's bloody awful. He can't expect fans to go home and away, support the team and put in some of the performances we have this season. It's not on!

As for the slashing of prices do it for a one off. Adult £10, Kids £5. This weekend only. Get people coming in. Market it as a big game and do something different. The board seem happy to just sit back, keep it £17 and make the fans feel guilty for not coming to matches and keep putting the blame on us. When we go to the match we all know it's not going to Barcelona playing, we all know the standard it poor but by making it more affordable, even for one game, might just make a difference. What's the alternative? Keep it at £17, be lucky if we get 1500 this weekend after that performance, get beat and have another article in the FFP from Hutton moaning that we don't go.

The problem know is that there is a generation developing that are not going to the Rovers as children and so when it comes to years down the line when the club is hopefully still here then the support will have severely diminished. We need to do something to encourage people to come to games until the end of the season. Come the summer changes will no doubt be made but in the short term something else is needed.

Dropping the prices is all fair and well but what if we drop the prices to £10 and the same 1700 or less turn up? The club loses money that it simply can't afford to lose.

It's a gamble that the club simply can't afford to take at the moment.

Don't know if it's true or not but I was told from as reliable a source as you could get at SP that McGlynn is working on a third of the budget that he had last season.

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We're absolutely fucked financially. How anyone can complain about the mess the board have put us in and then suggest we drop the prices significantly is a mystery to me. With the way we've been playing I have little faith that dropping the prices to a tenner would even bring in an extra hundred, let alone the numbers required to actually replace the money we lose through cheaper gates.

I want to see lower prices, I really do. Paying £17 for the level of football that we're seeing is an absolute rip-off. Unfortunately, it's an evil necessity for 1) the club to survive and 2) to stop us being even more rubbish than we currently are.

Edited by Michael W
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We just look like a team with no idea what they're doing. Midfield is a shambles and our severe lack of both width and pace is frightening. Players are getting a game no matter how bad they play whilst others come off the bench, make a difference and then come the next game remain on the bench. Certain players are looking completely disinterested and know their place in the starting line up is guaranteed.

These are all regular comments and pretty much accepted as fact. If we had a semblance of a midfield you'd expect Clarke Baird and Casa to all score regularly. Theres no sign that McGlynn has ever recognised that we've had an inept midfield since coming up from the Second. He's always had his favourites who seemingly can do no wrong.

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I know he was talking about the home game for the financial side of things but after going to that game yesterday I'm struggling to get courage to go this Saturday. You can't expect people to keep paying £17 to watch that. It's bloody awful. He can't expect fans to go home and away, support the team and put in some of the performances we have this season. It's not on!

As for the slashing of prices do it for a one off. Adult £10, Kids £5. This weekend only. Get people coming in. Market it as a big game and do something different. The board seem happy to just sit back, keep it £17 and make the fans feel guilty for not coming to matches and keep putting the blame on us. When we go to the match we all know it's not going to Barcelona playing, we all know the standard it poor but by making it more affordable, even for one game, might just make a difference. What's the alternative? Keep it at £17, be lucky if we get 1500 this weekend after that performance, get beat and have another article in the FFP from Hutton moaning that we don't go.

The problem know is that there is a generation developing that are not going to the Rovers as children and so when it comes to years down the line when the club is hopefully still here then the support will have severely diminished. We need to do something to encourage people to come to games until the end of the season. Come the summer changes will no doubt be made but in the short term something else is needed.

Theres no point in dropping prices. Dropping prices will only work if it generates a larger crowd who are then entertained with a decent display of football or a show of grit and determination.......and maybe a win.

They then come back the next home game .

We've tried reduced prices. We've also had a couple of occasions where we've managed a decent sized crowd this season. Unfortunately,

1. the players have little footballing ability

2. they show no fight or determination

3. our tactics are brutal to watch, and

4. we've no chance of creating a win.

Edited by p&b is a disgrace
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^^^ this. 17 is daylight robbery for what is on offer, but it costs what it costs.

I agree.

You (You, in the general sense, not you as in Calderon ), could point to another era when we were playing pish and it only cost 6-d 3 farthings, this is just down to inflation.

The prices charged by clubs varies from £15 - £19 in this division, so we are in the average.

There is no "Cartel" in operation, otherwise we would probably be charging £20 or more.

It's pretty simple, if we were doing well, less people will complain, because we are playing backs to the wall stuff all of a sudden, "I'm no payin' to watch this pish"

Don't moan about the entrance fee because you're not happy about the results, it will make no difference to the outcome of our season.

A lot has been said about the budget being fucked, well the board got it wrong, I'd rather be in the position we are in than be a resident of Castle Greyskull.

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As we also saw last season, we struggle to break 2000 in the home end even when we're doing well. That's what we'd need to pull in if we took about £5 off the entry price.

We have a very finite fanbase, with a core of around 1400/1500 and another lot of around 500 who go semi-regularly/occasionally. Beyond that, there's probably another 1000 - 1500 'big game' fans. Realistically, that's what we have to play with.

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As we also saw last season, we struggle to break 2000 in the home end even when we're doing well. That's what we'd need to pull in if we took about £5 off the entry price.

We have a very finite fanbase, with a core of around 1400/1500 and another lot of around 500 who go semi-regularly/occasionally. Beyond that, there's probably another 1000 - 1500 'big game' fans. Realistically, that's what we have to play with.

The trouble with Rovers over the years is that nearly always when theres a big game at Stark's drawing a big crowd they f**k it up and the crowd goes away disappointed. Last year we did well in the derbies and in the cup but for years we never won a cup tie or a game with a big crowd at Starks. A lot of these punters were lost forever.

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Crowds Crowds Crowds....There is very little, if no difference between our core support 1200-1500 throughout my long time supporting the club. Look back the fixtures, we tend to peak around the 4-5000 home mark if we are doing exceptionally well in the top league. Also big games bring out the usual woodwork hingers, such is life at the RRFC, so why cant we budget properly? Income dependant on sponsorship ?

Its in times like these we need to support them no matter how poor, I used to take my sons pals with me, they are grown now and still going, we have to regenerate the support as we go, such has been the roller coaster ride players and managers come and go. We are the fabric of our club and we need to keep it going through relegation and promotion. No one wants to go down but hey if we do, we will recharge the batteries and appear next season again, thats what we do..

Stop bleating start supporting its in our blood..

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I do support the team, everyone who pays their money to watch them is 'supporting' them. Even if not vocally, certainly financially.

Going to the football is a big part of my life, and I'll damn sure moan like hell when it's not going well. Football's about enjoyment, and if it's not enjoyable for long periods of time, I begin to get annoyed and want that to change.

However, moaning about us being rotten on here is a much better way of dealing with it than going down to Starks and shouting abuse at the players. THAT won't help, but the frustrations have to come out somehow.

If nothing else, P&B saves a good few cats from being kicked several times a season.

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I do support the team, everyone who pays their money to watch them is 'supporting' them. Even if not vocally, certainly financially.

Going to the football is a big part of my life, and I'll damn sure moan like hell when it's not going well. Football's about enjoyment, and if it's not enjoyable for long periods of time, I begin to get annoyed and want that to change.

However, moaning about us being rotten on here is a much better way of dealing with it than going down to Starks and shouting abuse at the players. THAT won't help, but the frustrations have to come out somehow.

If nothing else, P&B saves a good few cats from being kicked several times a season.

Hey dont think i`m not unconcerned...and dont think i dont have a good greet myself....but as a certain Mr Rooney once said...once a blue always a blue...sic

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A lot has been said about the budget being fucked, well the board got it wrong, I'd rather be in the position we are in than be a resident of Castle Greyskull.

something we are close to

I do support the team, everyone who pays their money to watch them is 'supporting' them. Even if not vocally, certainly financially.

its just a pity that everyone going through the turnstiles on a saturday ain`t paying.

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All the same arguments on our forums folks. If it's any consolation we're all fucked.

Keep the heid.

Wise words.

I'm still chuckling about the suggestion that we should drop the prices and market the game against Partick as a 'big game'. I'm not sure even Yuri Gellers mind bending tricks and hypnotism skills could persuade the Kdy public that this a big game.

Edited by roverthemoon
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Guys . I'll try to put this in perspective from a Canadian " supporter " view. I live in Edmonton Alberta . We have a team in the NASL ( Not A Soccer League lol) . Anyway , the quality is no where near what you see at Stark's park . For one thing they play on a "american football field - lines and all , with a hard as rock "astro turf - the ball bounces like crazy . They ask 205 pounds for 14 games . Just saying - I would pay 17 pounds to watch Div 1 Scottish football , no way I am paying to see this amount to watch our crap !!!

Edited by CanuckSFAfan
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Wise words.

I'm still chuckling about the suggestion that we should drop the prices and market the game against Partick as a 'big game'. I'm not sure even Yuri Gellers mind bending tricks and hypnotism skills could persuade the Kdy public that this a big game.

Well what else should we do? People come on here, moan that we are having to pay £17 for the game, moan that the club needs to do something else to get more fans along, moan about what Hutton has to say. Then we people make suggestions it's just back to "that won't make any difference lets just keep it at £17 and have the same 1500 going".

The way to get more people to come is to play good football. That's obvious! If we played fantastic, entertaining football people wouldn't give a damn about the price it was costing them. As it is we don't and we wont do at all for the rest of this season. So...we can either sit back and have the same 1500 people going to Starks, moaning about how crap the game is, moaning about they paid £17 for the privilege of watching it and then coming on here to moan about the club not doing anything for the fans...or we can try something different. What about handing out free tickets to schools, get them to come along? They wouldn't be coming anyway so are we losing out on any money? They might even come and buy 50/50 tickets, food, a programme when they're there. They might even come back the following week!

My whole point is that in the current climate and in the financial mess we are in sitting back and doing the same thing week in, week out does not and has not been working. Any business person will tell you that you need to draw people in, give them something different, entice them to part with their cash. How can we say "it will make no difference" when it's never been tried?

This really annoys me. People moan about how the club should be doing more and how the whole basically it's all just a pile of crap. Then when people suggest things the argument of "the kirkcaldy people don't care" comes out.

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We already do that.

Yes, it's a scheme recently revived after being punted for about ten years. Should happen every week and should always have been the case. I'm not sure how the thing works now but then I was at primary there was a spell whereby maybe three or four times a season your school would be given a certain number of free tickets for a game, let's say ten. In the morning two youth players would run a wee coaching session at Balwearie, and in the afternoon you'd go to the game. There'd be kids from other schools there too, 20-30 in total. On a personal level I would probably have been going anyway as ever since I was 3 or 4 I've been fascinated by football, but that's thirty kids every week who could go onto become long-term fans, and who probably wouldn't go anyway. And at what cost to the club? Virtually nothing. A bit of willingness on the part of the youth players and Balwearie High.

Contrast that to what we've done for young kids for the last seven or eight years, the very occasional game withstanding.... "come to the game, that's £8 please". Who the f**k's surprised there isn't a new generation of fans? It's been brought back but it was nonsensical to get rid of it, and we won't see the results for a few years. The board have actually tried a few things this season and that is to their credit, but not doing anything for years on end has been hugely damaging.

Another point about kids going would be the price. £9 for a sixteen year old... it's embarrassing. The £17 for adults I can just about stomach, "everyone else does it", we need the money, etc. For many of us there's also the loyalty/guilt factor involved with it. What about for a kid wanting to go try the football, see what it's like? I realise there's a parent and child gate but that only really serves people who's Dad/family member supports the Rovers. What about someone who wants to go with their mates at fourteen, fifteen, sixteen? £9 each? Again, I recognise it's a nationwide issue and were we to cut the prices it might not make an immediate difference to numbers. But then that's the problem. The hand-to-mouth existence demands short-term generation of cash. The damage we've caused long-term cannot be solved.

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Yes, it's a scheme recently revived after being punted for about ten years. Should happen every week and should always have been the case. I'm not sure how the thing works now but then I was at primary there was a spell whereby maybe three or four times a season your school would be given a certain number of free tickets for a game, let's say ten. In the morning two youth players would run a wee coaching session at Balwearie, and in the afternoon you'd go to the game. There'd be kids from other schools there too, 20-30 in total. On a personal level I would probably have been going anyway as ever since I was 3 or 4 I've been fascinated by football, but that's thirty kids every week who could go onto become long-term fans, and who probably wouldn't go anyway. And at what cost to the club? Virtually nothing. A bit of willingness on the part of the youth players and Balwearie High.

Contrast that to what we've done for young kids for the last seven or eight years, the very occasional game withstanding.... "come to the game, that's £8 please". Who the f**k's surprised there isn't a new generation of fans? It's been brought back but it was nonsensical to get rid of it, and we won't see the results for a few years. The board have actually tried a few things this season and that is to their credit, but not doing anything for years on end has been hugely damaging.

Another point about kids going would be the price. £9 for a sixteen year old... it's embarrassing. The £17 for adults I can just about stomach, "everyone else does it", we need the money, etc. For many of us there's also the loyalty/guilt factor involved with it. What about for a kid wanting to go try the football, see what it's like? I realise there's a parent and child gate but that only really serves people who's Dad/family member supports the Rovers. What about someone who wants to go with their mates at fourteen, fifteen, sixteen? £9 each? Again, I recognise it's a nationwide issue and were we to cut the prices it might not make an immediate difference to numbers. But then that's the problem. The hand-to-mouth existence demands short-term generation of cash. The damage we've caused long-term cannot be solved.

What's wrong with 16 year olds paying £9? I was working, paying taxes etc at that age.

"Should be paying full price/not kids anymore/I wis doon the mines at 14 grumblegrumble"

edited for general numptiness

Edited by pantene proV
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