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Stevenson Fordyce and Watson seems like quite an old back line. Bags of experience but getting 30+ games out them all might be a challenge and I would imagine they will all be on decent coin.

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4 minutes ago, 101 said:

Stevenson Fordyce and Watson seems like quite an old back line. Bags of experience but getting 30+ games out them all might be a challenge and I would imagine they will all be on decent coin.

Cant see Watson being kept on, to many injuries and you forgot  about Murray the Euan one lol

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1 minute ago, 101 said:

Stevenson Fordyce and Watson seems like quite an old back line. Bags of experience but getting 30+ games out them all might be a challenge and I would imagine they will all be on decent coin.

If Wiki is to be believed Fordyce has played over 30 games in each of the last 3 seasons. 

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Stevenson has consistently played over 30 league games most of his career and I’m not aware of any major injury issues during his career.

He was up and down that park in the Vaughan testimonial and he had no issues playing 90 mins against Motherwell recently.

His fitness won’t be a concern going into next season.

9 minutes ago, SirJimmyofNic said:

Hes 36 that has to be a concern, given the Watson/Ashcroft scenario  


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5 minutes ago, SerieA said:

Stevenson has consistently played over 30 league games most of his career and I’m not aware of any major injury issues during his career.

He was up and down that park in the Vaughan testimonial and he had no issues playing 90 mins against Motherwell recently.

His fitness won’t be a concern going into next season.



4 minutes ago, raith1974 said:

Speaking to a Hibs supporting friend he reckons Stevenson still one of their fittest players. Looks after himself very well.

That's a huge relief then

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1 minute ago, raith1974 said:

Speaking to a Hibs supporting friend he reckons Stevenson still one of their fittest players. Looks after himself very well.

Good to know, we've been burned with defenders previously. 

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6 minutes ago, SirJimmyofNic said:

Cant see Watson being kept on, to many injuries and you forgot  about Murray the Euan one lol

I couldn’t remember if he was yours or on loan! 

4 minutes ago, Raithie said:

If Wiki is to be believed Fordyce has played over 30 games in each of the last 3 seasons. 

Like I said out then all but if you’re punting Watson maybe less of an issue, I saw Stevenson get absolutely rinsed for pace by KRH in our reserve game against them season before last.

I think the older the back line typically the less pace there is and therefore the more bookings and red cards they would tend to pick up. Will be interesting if Murray has the right blend of experience and energy in the defence.

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7 minutes ago, 101 said:

I couldn’t remember if he was yours or on loan! 

Like I said out then all but if you’re punting Watson maybe less of an issue, I saw Stevenson get absolutely rinsed for pace by KRH in our reserve game against them season before last.

I think the older the back line typically the less pace there is and therefore the more bookings and red cards they would tend to pick up. Will be interesting if Murray has the right blend of experience and energy in the defence.

Time will tell, but considering our defensive deficiencies last season, this seem like a massive upgrade even given their ages lol

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Wouldn't be surprised to see Ashcroft come in if he's available again, I'd imagine that Watson is away.

We'll need to bring in a right back of improved quality and make a decision on Shaun Byrne who is out of contract at Dundee. I'd imagine we'll bring in another wide player (to replace Easton) and a centre forward (perhaps loan).

Other than that I don't think we'll do a huge amount of business, maybe I'm wrong but it'll be 3 or 4 in with Byrne/Turner/Brown/Ashcroft/Easton/Rudden/Watson ending loans/leaving/out of contract

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2 hours ago, Rover the Moon said:

Sorry to hear this Stevo. I was there with my son and daughter (both under 12 and season ticket holders) and we experienced similar issues, although we did make it to our allotted seats.

The guys blocking the entire stair were barging into my daughter and encroaching into her space. I confronted them about it and asked where their seats were but got a shrug, smirk and a “I dunno” response from them. In the second half, because they were pished and standing two deep in the row behind, one of them fell forward and bashed the head of my son, who was trying to stand and balance on a seat to see some of the match.

I couldn’t see any spare seats from where I was so we just stuck it out. I’ve thought in the aftermath that I should have just left as it was not enjoyable for any of us, but why should we have to miss out on supporting our team in a big game at the end of a fabulous season?

I know there’s no easy solution but I’m fed up, frankly, of the club bending over backwards to accommodate these idiots, when all it seems to be doing is alienating a fair chunk of the support who have been going for years and who are trying to encourage their own kids to be fans in the future. 

It’s certainly made me question going to away games next season.

That sounds even worse than my experience, really sorry to hear that. 
If I hadn’t spotted the empty seats I was also going to leave at half time- upset kids is not a price worth paying to watch football. 

I said to my daughter that it would have been better if we’d got there earlier and got to our seats before they did but she said it probably would have been worse- and your story confirms she was right.
Absolutely horrible that the selfish actions of a few can make us feel like that and potentially rob us of the joy of watching our team. 

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1 hour ago, HoBNob said:

I thought I read that he was away down south. 


I'd absolutely love him at Dunfermline, so that won't happen. 

Think every team in the league would love him tbh. I will be pretty happy if he is away to England and won't be playing against us. 

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Posted (edited)

The 'young teams' problem that is becoming worse IMO is far more complicated than anyone in authority would like to admit, which is why nobody has come up with a nice answer to solve the issues that arise. 

In terms of badly affecting normal fans, rovers probably have it worse at starks than a few purely down to how high of a percentage of support use one stand, a section at the home end of the railway would help, but that's something we have achieved with section NW(after quite a few years of experimenting)  and behaviour there is still an issue.  The soft answers that are available only chip away at a much bigger problem. 

The question about away games is even harder, section NW nearly always take one of the end sections at away grounds, likely down to discussions with the more sensible ones who have agreed to direct fans toward there, that helps avoiding blocking views etc again this is a small victory, and I don't want nor would it be remotely possible to argue we have the answers, but I don't have anymore that actually resolve the fundamental problem that too many people are latching onto football for an excuse to get drunk, take drugs throw flairs and fight people.

Edited by parsforlife
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4 minutes ago, parsforlife said:

The 'young teams' problem that is becoming worse IMO is far more complicated than anyone in authority would like to admit, which is why nobody has come up with a nice answer to solve the issues that arise. 

In terms of badly affecting normal fans, rovers probably have it worse at starks than a few purely down to how high of a percentage of support use one stand, a section at the home end of the railway would help, but that's something we have achieved with section NW(after quite a few years of experimenting)  and behaviour there is still an issue.  The soft answers that are available only chip away at a much bigger problem. 

The question about away games is even harder, section NW nearly always take one of the end sections at away grounds, likely down to discussions with the more sensible ones who have agreed to direct fans toward there, that helps avoiding blocking views etc again this is a small victory, and I don't want nor would it be remotely possible to argue we have the answers, but I don't have anymore that actually resolve the fundamental problem that too people are latching onto football for an excuse to get drunk, take drugs throw flairs and fight people.

The other way to combat it is unreserved seating at away games, that’s what partick did for the play off game and the young team stood together without hassling too many people , our young team aren’t as organised as section NW and doesn’t appear to have a leader as such and they just ignore seat numbers etc to stand together. It isn’t ideal but not sure what else can be done 

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8 minutes ago, Been going too long said:

The other way to combat it is unreserved seating at away games, that’s what partick did for the play off game and the young team stood together without hassling too many people , our young team aren’t as organised as section NW and doesn’t appear to have a leader as such and they just ignore seat numbers etc to stand together. It isn’t ideal but not sure what else can be done 

They aren't organised at all. That's one of the biggest problems we have. Beyond figuring out how to get the pyro in etc...

Parsforlife made alot of good points about how it took a few years to get it right with snw. We've all seen that there are still issues with that as well though. Get it right though and it's hard to argue against it being a positive for the match day experience like snw are at EEP. 

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21 minutes ago, Been going too long said:

The other way to combat it is unreserved seating at away games, that’s what partick did for the play off game and the young team stood together without hassling too many people , our young team aren’t as organised as section NW and doesn’t appear to have a leader as such and they just ignore seat numbers etc to stand together. It isn’t ideal but not sure what else can be done 

A large proportion of those that join in with our section aren't bothered by seat numbers either, just cos there's a notice about where they will go they still buy any seat old seat so they can get in and will barge their way toward the singing section.

TBH I treat every away game as if it was unallocated due to this, I do try select a seat where I can go towards it but on my approach to the ground(and/or it's announced on social media) I'm immediately trying to get a feel of where they are(the out of beat drum helps) and if my seat is too close to them  I don't even try, it's pointless.  But I am going either by myself or other adults, my worse case is I end up the section nearest them, which isn't a problem cos I can still watch the game even if I'm a bit close to behaviours that I don't like. Taking a kid tho? That becomes a major problem and that's not including complete sell outs, often even if your only taking a 300 hundred in an otherwise empty stand you have maybe 500 available seats, it's pretty hard to naturally split into sections then.

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1 hour ago, Raithie said:

If Wiki is to be believed Fordyce has played over 30 games in each of the last 3 seasons. 

Said it on the Airdrie thread but Fordyce has missed 9 league games in 5 seasons. To make 200 appearances for a club these days is remarkable, especially when 2 of his 5 seasons were shortened due to COVID. 

I think he’s a great signing for Raith. I do feel his best years will have been at Airdrie, and his lack of pace can be caught out occasionally, but if you want someone to dominate the box, win headers and be very reliable then he’s your man. It says a lot about him that he hasn’t had a proper centre back as a partner for the last three seasons yet has strolled it. He’s decent building from the back too, better than Watson or Murray at that. He won’t be around if you do make it to the Premiership but he might just be the man to help get you there. 

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5 hours ago, Brashy's Boots said:

If Stevenson is here, and I'm delighted if he is, is it a case of Dick in or Dick out?

Tucking Dick back left?

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