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Who's Going To Uni?

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Never had to do any real group work as part of my degree thankfully so my laziness is all on me!

Also on the topic, I went to city of Glasgow college then Glasgow uni. I live in the south side of the city. Hardly any of my pals left Glasgow to study so I kick about with all the same mates I had in school. Has probably meant I've not had the full 'uni experience' as I've never made many friends there or done the social stuff but have enjoyed the degree. Counting down the days til I finish though!

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The one I don't understand is folk who move away but go home just about every single weekend. I know folk from Dunfermline at UWS and Dundee etc and they're home more often than they're at the City of their studies, which seems like a massive waste to me.

Aside from being a moany b*****d, I've just had my first day back. Passed the 3 exams/assessments that I had and the classes were actually OK today. Also, I managed to pick my classes predominantly on a Monday, so I have 9 hours (excluding placement day) of classes all week and 5 of them are on a Monday :)

Edited by smpar
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Only two folk I went to school with moved away. One of them came back half way their degree from Aberdeen as well.Where as from my old bird's school it wasn't just expected that you would get into Uni, that if you didn't go to Glasgow, you'd go to St. Andrews, Edinburgh, Oxbridge etc.

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On my phone so not wanting to try and multiquote, but the people who had problems with group work - wasn't there a peer review system? So the group gets a grade then each member rates the effort of everyone in the group, themselves included. Your grade is then worked out based on everyone's rating. Wild disagreements are investigated.

I'm teaching a module this year that consists almost entirely of teamwork. I'm letting the students assemble their own teams but it's likely I'll end up needing to assign people as well.

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On my phone so not wanting to try and multiquote, but the people who had problems with group work - wasn't there a peer review system? So the group gets a grade then each member rates the effort of everyone in the group, themselves included. Your grade is then worked out based on everyone's rating. Wild disagreements are investigated.

I'm teaching a module this year that consists almost entirely of teamwork. I'm letting the students assemble their own teams but it's likely I'll end up needing to assign people as well.

We done the peer review for one module last year. We had fucking 3 French students in our group of 5, worst group work ever, so stubborn and unwilling to listen to ideas.

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Honestly....One guy applies here with nowhere near our minimum entrance requirements. Out of curiosity I opened up his personal statement to see why he even bothered. The statement was basically a love letter to Glasgow Caley, saying why he always wanted to go there and thought their degree was the best.

I don't work at Glasgow Caley.

Funny thing in Scotland is people going to the 'local' university. Nowhere else has this. I get a lot of Glasgow applicants who'll never come as they get itchy as soon as they hit the motorway

Had found this funny and somewhat unusual until I moved to Australia. I am now working with people who did their undergrad, phd, first post doc and are now in tenured positions at their 'local' university.

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While doing some redecorating a few months ago I came across a feedback sheet of some sort for a group thing I did in third year - which comprised three of us, one of whom informed us the day before the presentation was due that he was ill and couldn't do it. Leaving the two of us to do it on our own. I took great delight in writing 0 next to the other guy's name for the percentage of work he contributed.

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I had a semester long project last year, there was 6 of us and only 3 of us really done anything. One guy had an excuse that "his jeans were wet so he couldn't come in" :lol: , another said since he done the presentation he didn't have to do anything else. The third guy was enthusiastic but hopeless so we let him off a bit

I took great pleasure in marking them down :thumsup2

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I still rage about a group assignment I had to do in my final year. As tasks go, it was a relatively simple one: Pick a research paper from a given list, and do in an in depth presentation on it. We had a month to do it.

Two of my friends, who were feckless b*stards, signed me up in their group, and we had a few hugely unproductive library sessions before I just decided it would be easier for to just allocate jobs and get on with it independently. The lazier of the two I told to just read the paper and be familiar with the details, because I knew he'd do sod all if I gave him anything more taxing. I told the other guy just to focus on one section, and I'd would take care of everything else. We didn't manage to have any more meetings before the deadline (they never turned up) but they assured me by text/email it was all in hand.

Come the day of the presentation, I found myself sitting by alone in the seminar room as all the other groups did their talks. I got two texts, one from the guy I told just to read the paper who said he couldn't make it, and one from the other guy who said he was running late.

Just as it was our turn, my mate finally arrived, drenched in sweat, and grabbed my laptop and copied his slides into the powerpoint. Being an optimist, I assumed that he must have been making last minute tweaks right up to the deadline and so there should be something decent in there.

We got up, and I spoke for 10 minutes before handing over to the other guy, who then flicked to his contribution. This consisted of a single slide, with two words on it, one of which was misspelled, and neither of which were relevant to the topic at hand.

TLDR: Students are c*nts.

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I've had a fair few shocking groups in my time at uni, but in first year economics I had the boldest arsehole I've ever encountered. Met up as a group in the first week and then this guy disappears for the next 9 weeks and avoids any emails/texts/Facebook messages for the entire time and contributes zero work. Then on the hand in date, he turns up to the tutorial and demands to put his name on the project as he's "part of the group". Boldness beyond belief, and I actually found it quite funny tbh, but also found it thoroughly enjoyable that we'd already reported that he'd done nothing and would be getting no grade for a project worth 40% of the course (and therefore was totally fucked).

He dropped out of the end of the year.

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Has anyone on here done Erasmus?

Went to Uppsala University in Sweden from August '99 to January '00. Great experience. Not sure if the scheme has changed at all since then, but when I went they gave me about £260 a month. It covered my accommodation cost and a little bit more. That, and a good old student loan saw me through without the need to take on a job.

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Need to find someone to do me a reference for the PGDE next year. Asked my advisor of studies and he recommended I find someone else. Fair enough seen as I've never met him. He'll do it if I don't find anyone else but should be able to get someone willing to help

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