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Looks like you have a lot to learn about how snow turns into ice before you can even progress to the hookers.

If you know more about how snow turns to ice than getting your hole then that says more about you than it does me :lol:

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I had an interesting situation this evening. Approcahing the Broxden at Perth, I was aware that the outside lane(Glasgow bound) was blocked with snow at the very point it met the roundabout, as I had waited to shift lanes the night before.

With this knowledge and heading straight on I sat in the inside lane like most others (Edinburgh bound) and patiently waited while others flew up the outside. As I got to the roundabout itself I let the guy slightly ahead of me pull into my lane, even though he was going right instead of straight on (which my lane was designated). The chap parallel to me on the outside kept coming too though.

Affronted by this, I entered the deadly game of junction chicken and edged forward in a nerve-jangling tango with the chap outside. He kept coming, edging slowly into my side and then, deciding that I wasn't going to bow to his bully tactics, let rip with his horn for a full 10 seconds.

I, naturally, reacted in a sensible manner. "GOAN f**k YERSEL YA MAZDA DRIVING c**t", as my passenger cowered in the shotgun seat.

Was I in the wrong, considering I was in the correct lane and had already yielded to a guy who was ahead of me in the outside?

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Quick question. What are the bin men doing at the moment? That's the second week our bin hasn't been looked at. Not that I could get the fucker to the pavement in the first place.

Are they out helping or sitting on their arses getting paid for doing f**k all?

The bins smell of lavender in Stirling, of course.

I mentioned the bin area at my block of flats a few pages back. It's nothing short of a disgrace the now, but nothing they can do about it as the car park is like a bombsite. My Mum has to park basically on the road about a 10 minute walk from the house as it's virtually impossible to move in our car park. There's 1 car in the whole car park (it can hold about 20), and it's sitting on the middle of it.

Another thing about the snow is delivery vans to shops can't get in. I went round to Spar earlier for a paper and a loaf and the respective shelves were empty. So just now I'm sitting eating a packet of turkey ham as I've nothing to put it on.

Edited by C.Muir
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Quick question. What are the bin men doing at the moment? That's the second week our bin hasn't been looked at. Not that I could get the fucker to the pavement in the first place.

Are they out helping or sitting on their arses getting paid for doing f**k all?

The bins smell of lavender in Stirling, of course.

I phoned Falkirk Council today asking them if i was to put my rubbish in my garden waste bin would they lift it as i had nothing in it apart from general waste,The answer was no.

I was just to put my rubbish beside the bin in black bags but they won't lift it anyway :huh:

Edited by keithgy
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Another thing about the snow is delivery vans to shops can't get in. I went round to Spar earlier for a paper and a loaf and the respective shelves were empty.

Oh. I can one better than that. The roof of the Co-op in Kilsyth collapsed today because of the snow. It won't re-open until next week at the earliest. The only half decent shop in the town, expensive as f**k though. Still those without cars and pensioners rely on it.

Is that me whinging?

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Going to try and brave it to work tomorrow. Don't know the frequency of buses but know there is a route that'll take me to work. Fully expect to have to walk back home tomorrow night. Not looking forward to it.

I more want my DVD recorder and DVD boxsets, that are in my local post office sorting office, but i'm not allowed to go and collect them from there due to "procedure"

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It's the constant very low temperature that is causing the problem. That four inches of snow fell on top of the snow that was already there.

This thread just proves how different people see the same things in completely different ways. My experience of Stirling's roads is that they are not exactly clear, but they are very driveable - I think the council has done has done a pretty good job. I hate councils generally, so that's a huge compliment coming from me.

Again, I saw this in a completely different way. I have driven the entire length of the M9 twice in the past two days and it has been pretty clear, at least in the inside lane (and for significant stretches in the outside lane), except for the couple of miles nearest the Newbridge roundabout.

As for the situation on Monday morning, there was significantly more snow than was predicted in any forecast I saw. The handling of that situation (by whichever agency is responsible) was still wholly inadequate.


If someone could guarantee me that we're going to have this kind of winter every year, say, then I'd go out and buy a set of winter tyres tomorrow.

What would more likely happen is that I'd go out and buy them and we wouldn't see anything like this for ten years.

Exactly. Someone somewhere has done a calculation and worked out that a few days of disruption cost less than placing in emergency measures. I still maintain that the authorities have done as good a job as can be expected, and that asking for a resignation is hysterical bollocks.

Depends where he was. On Monday at 8am I was driving from Hamilton to East Kilbride, and it was raining.

All the grit that had been spread overnight was washed away by the rain, before the snow arrived around half past nine.

Apparently this never happened either. Apparently.

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Apparently this never happened either. Apparently.

We both know that's exactly what happened.

Where we disagree though, is that it was unacceptable that nothing was done to assist the drivers stuck on various trunk roads overnight.

Why weren't a few police 4x4s sent up the carriageway to check on individual cars and hand out blankets, bottled water and chocolate bars to those who needed them?

Edited by Jie Bie
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Just a wee thought i had last night. I was watching the news about the students marching through edinburgh, protesting about the tuition fees etc. In the same bulletin, the guy from the council was talking about drafting in the army to help those still stuck in schemes and also to clear the roads.

Whilst i have sympathy with the students, surely the cops ( and the cost of escorting the protesters) would have been better used to help those still in trouble.

Am i the only one who thought that???

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We both know that's exactly what happened.

Where we disagree though, is that it was unacceptable that nothing was done to assist the drivers stuck on various trunk roads overnight.

Why weren't a few police 4x4s sent up the carriageway to check on individual cars and hand out blankets, bottled water and chocolate bars to those who needed them?

Could the idiots who went out driving in such conditions not have thought about taking these basic steps rather than rely on someone elso to do it for them? I certainly would have.

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