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You can get a single to Aberdeen for about £5.

How exactly? You used to be able to get advance fares for a tenner, which came down to £6.80 or something if you have a railcard, but i think its a bit dearer now. You have to book weeks in advance as well.

In any case I'd imagine when most folk moan about rail travel they are referring to everyday usage, not buying railcards, scouring the net for cheap deals etc.

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I find rail travel very reasonable.

Depends. If you book in advance, stick to certain trains etc then yeah, it is. I'm about £16 return to Dundee a week on Saturday which is most reasonable. However, if you decide on a whim to take the train then no, it ain't. £45 quid each to go down to Kdy and back tommorow.

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Library fines, particularly on Fridays when I know I can't be bothered coming in on the weekend.

The system should be one email per day to remind you, not one two days before and one a week after saying you're fucked.

Probably going to be around £3 in the end, and I'll probably take them out the next day (and continue not to read them).

Maybe this should go in the dick thread, but if someone requests a book off me and this is to the disadvantage of me I make sure to request it back despite knowing I won't need it dry.gif

Couldn't be bothered finding the other thread...

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I don't want to turn this into a moan, as that would be senseless given my last comment, but I find it's either one or the other. It's either very reasonable (say a return to somewhere daaan' saaaf', particularly if you have a railcard), or horrific (say a return to Aberdeen, Inverness or the likes) or even an off-peak train to Dumbarton is expensive as far as I'm concerned.

Anyway, I shall say no more about it as I don't want to turn this into a moan, and go against the very point we agreed on a few posts above. :P

I could moan and moan and moan about this.

The problem which I have is not the price but the whole pricing structure. It's not based on mileage and I can be scammed £20 or so if I bought, say a an Aberdeen - Dumbarton ticket rather than Aberdeen - Glasgow and a Glasgow - Dumbarton ticket. The guys at the ticket counter aren't allowed to tell you this normally but they can get you a better deal but only if you ask them about it. The whole thing stinks. dry.gif

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Today my Mum is 65 and in October my Dad turns 70, if this was happening in the not too distant future that would be them just retiring. My dad was a lorry driver and would have to hope that his health held out for him to keep his licence and be able to work on. It's a scary thought and a future most of us on here will have to look forward to.

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Guest The Phoenix

Today my Mum is 65 and in October my Dad turns 70, if this was happening in the not too distant future that would be them just retiring. My dad was a lorry driver and would have to hope that his health held out for him to keep his licence and be able to work on. It's a scary thought and a future most of us on here will have to look forward to.

What do you mean "look forward to"? :unsure::(:lol:

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Guest The Phoenix

The drink, drugs, fast women and early vomit choking death that I had planned in my early teens never really panned out for me.

Aye but three out of four's no a bad return.

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You can get a single to Aberdeen for about £5.

Aye, jump on at Kirkcaldy and avoid the conductor until you get off the train and buy a Stonehaven - Aberdeen ticket from the guys at the ticket barriers. wink.gif

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Aye, jump on at Kirkcaldy and avoid the conductor until you get off the train and buy a Stonehaven - Aberdeen ticket from the guys at the ticket barriers. wink.gif

got to change at dundee if your jumping a scotrail train nowadays

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I finally got the "Why did the chicken cross the road?" "To get to the other side." joke today.

"The other side" refers to the afterlife. My mind was blown when I realised.

... RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT... :lol: that's quite funny.

No word of a lie, I never "got it" before then.

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I finally got the "Why did the chicken cross the road?" "To get to the other side." joke today.

"The other side" refers to the afterlife. My mind was blown when I realised.

No. It refers to "The Other Side" of the road. Nice try though.

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