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The wife posted up a new profile picture yesterday which has some likes and various comments from her friends etc.

My dad today posts on her wall (not the picture) saying "oh my what a good looking daughter in law I have got"

He doesn't really do Facebook as such. Has about 15 friends which are mostly family. He is about 67 I think. Him and my wife have only ever met/spoke about 4 times (once was the wedding) so it's a bit random to be 'banter'

Creepy auld basted imo

The only way that could seem creepy to me would be if he was rubbing his groin at the same time.

Various relatives of the wife (including the MIL) have told her that I'm handsome before, which isn't even remotely true. It's just a compliment that folk like to make, and I'm under no illusion that any of them would like to ride me.

I should mention that my wife once made a side comment to me that my dad once made a comment about her boobs. I think that's creep behaviour

Well, that's a different matter. Unless he was telling her to put them away, in which case, fair play to the old yin. He's a better man that everyone on here :P

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You don't deserve to have a wife or a dad if you're going to continue being such a little bitch. And her boobs are shite as well. The old man's losing it.

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Im regularly told by people of all ages and sexes that I'm handsome, often 2nd hand through the gf. She's not freaked out, I'm not freaked out.

I do wonder how some people manage to leave the house or make friends in such a 'creepy' world.

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I really don't see DavidMcG's issue with this. An aul fella pays his daughter in law a compliment. Haud the fucking front page.

My Da says properly weird creepy shit all the time, but then we're completely fucking dysfunctional and often punch f**k out of each other after a bevvy, so we're maybe not the best standard to judge by.

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I really don't see DavidMcG's issue with this. An aul fella pays his daughter in law a compliment. Haud the fucking front page.

My Da says properly weird creepy shit all the time, but then we're completely fucking dysfunctional and often punch f**k out of each other after a bevvy, so we're maybe not the best standard to judge by.


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1) I escaped* a giant seagull shite by just a few cms

2) I got given a couple of £5 notes from an ATM. Doubt that's ever happened (to me) before.

*tiniest bit of white splash on jacket sleeve.

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Works kitchen is too small so I iften have to hang about the door while lesser people make their brews.

2 women in there today talking about no carbs, using almond milk and having usual shitey women chats about health and wellbeing. One of them pipes up "that's why Alzheimer's and dementia weren't an issue 100 years ago, it's all the chemicals etc in the modern diet"

I politely apologised for interrupting but said it had been scientifically proven that these conditions were even more prevalent in the last century, but that no-one really remembered it.

I expected a wee chuckle and maybe a flirt (I'm a solid 8/10 minimum) but the fuckers believed me....

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2) I got given a couple of £5 notes from an ATM. Doubt that's ever happened (to me) before.

Royal Bank of Scotland. They'll even dish you out a single fiver if you're really skint. I think they others don't because of the absolute state that most fivers are in. Barely holding together and thin as tissue paper in my experience.

Anyone seen the new plastic fivers that have started floating around? We've had a couple in at work, and they're pretty cracking. One of the lassies I work with was complaining about being given one, so I swapped her for an old paper fiver; her main complaint was that "you can't tear these new yins" :blink:

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Anyone seen the new plastic fivers that have started floating around? We've had a couple in at work, and they're pretty cracking.

I seem to have had a few. I'll be bold and say that I've had at least five new fivers to date. 8)

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