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I knew this would be good when I read the line

“Circus performers Hobbit Humphrey, 38, and Jake England-Johns”

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1 minute ago, ICTChris said:


I knew this would be good when I read the line

“Circus performers Hobbit Humphrey, 38, and Jake England-Johns”

The world needs a massive, comet induced, reset.

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17 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

Knocked down, not out. I was able to continue for another round or so before I had to rap it.

No c**t knocks Bairnardo out.

Who knocked you down? A prime scrapper? Granny Danger? A sprightly child? As someone who has never been dropped I’d be keen to know who to avoid.

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15 minutes ago, Shandon Par said:

Who knocked you down? A prime scrapper? Granny Danger? A sprightly child? As someone who has never been dropped I’d be keen to know who to avoid.

Apart from on your head when you were a baby.

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Ben Stokes getting the Sun telt after they ran a horrendous story about his family before he was born, then doubled down to claim its in the public interest....

Last month Ben Stokes was the best sportsman in the world.....

What is with Little England and its insatiable appetite for devouring itself?

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