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2 hours ago, 8MileBU said:

Tell that to the nightshift, p***k!

If I'm on nightshift, I still say 'morning' to people even if it's 7pm to them.  I need that illusion, although it's not always easy to keep going when you're having lasagne for breakfast.

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5 hours ago, Stellaboz said:

Best breakfast for me was G Casino's all day breakfast in Aberdeen. There were a few good places for it but that beat them all and didn't matter whether it was 1pm or 3am, always delicious and huge.

Always enjoyed The Old Course Hotel’s breakfast. Having open bottles of various malts you could fire into at will whilst selecting your bacon/croissants etc was a real treat.

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I remember reading that when he retired, John Hughes (the Celtic player, not the Ross County manager) opened a cafe and sold something called the Yogi Breakfast - double egg, double bacon, double sausage, double black pudding, double fried bread, double helping of beans. If you couldn't manage all that, you could ask for a single portion of everything. This was known as the Boo-Boo breakfast!

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I've been having issues with a crow jumping on the roof of the house first thing in the morning, which could be incredibly irritating.  However, it turns out that you can turn a really annoying situation into an enjoyable one just by imagining it to be a tophat-wearing tapdancing crow.  I now embrace the morning visits from my corvid overlords.

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1 hour ago, Hedgecutter said:

I've been having issues with a crow jumping on the roof of the house first thing in the morning, which could be incredibly irritating.  However, it turns out that you can turn a really annoying situation into an enjoyable one just by imagining it to be a tophat-wearing tapdancing crow.  I now embrace the morning visits from my corvid overlords.

I've restarted my feeding programme (a bit late, I know) to recruit a crow and magpie army. I leave the stuff out close enough to see it from the window, but they're clever enough to watch through it and only come down when they can see I'm far enough away not to annoy them.

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1 hour ago, NewBornBairn said:

That Bier Halle looks great - does anyone know if they have wheelchair access (I see it's described as underground)

There are seats on the street you can use, or there certainly used to be, haven't been into Glasgow in over a year. 

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Always enjoyed The Old Course Hotel’s breakfast. Having open bottles of various malts you could fire into at will whilst selecting your bacon/croissants etc was a real treat.

Gleneagles breakfast cannot be beaten. As much champagne, Bloody Mary’s and Drambuie cocktails as is possible to consume at 8am. It’s a great start to any day.
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Learn something new every day. Homework with the eldest and have just found out there is a small country in Oceania called Nauru [emoji1177] that doesn’t have a capital city. Quick wee google and it says that it’s the smallest democratic country without one.

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Learn something new every day. Homework with the eldest and have just found out there is a small country in Oceania called Nauru [emoji1177] that doesn’t have a capital city. Quick wee google and it says that it’s the smallest democratic country without one.

It’s also known as the island that ate itself. Phosphate was found in abundance, and they pretty much tore the island apart to mine and export this, making it one of the richest countries in the world (per population), but due to making some horrendous investments overseas, they lost pretty much everything, and are essentially bankrupt as a nation.

They also have one of the highest obesity rates in the world, which I guess also ties in with the aforementioned nickname.
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1 hour ago, Adam said:

It’s also known as the island that ate itself. Phosphate was found in abundance, and they pretty much tore the island apart to mine and export this, making it one of the richest countries in the world (per population), but due to making some horrendous investments overseas, they lost pretty much everything, and are essentially bankrupt as a nation.

They also have one of the highest obesity rates in the world, which I guess also ties in with the aforementioned nickname.


So, a tense 1-0 defeat for us in Qatar next year, then.

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