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Made my peace with death this morning. My choice was a tuna can flight in near 50mph winds - which only took off due to the wind direction - or staying on N. Ronaldsay for the foreseeable future. I'm not staying g there, fuckthat.  

Landed in Kirkwall so if I get stranded here it's not anywhere near as bad. Hopefully the flights stay on back to Aberdeen or at least a choppy ferry ride. 

Do not go to North Ronaldsay. There is nothing g there and nothing to do. Locals are friendly enough though.

Get me hame, min.

Edit : gave my number to a boy to be picked up. Some random guy gave us his car at the airport and then over the course of the day 4 different people I've never met phoned. One turned up at the lodging with Lasagne, garlic bread and coke. Wild. Like I say, nice people but a very, very different way of life I couldn't ever adjust to.


My view from the front door. :lol:

Edited by Derry Alli
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On 28/01/2024 at 16:03, johnnydun said:

I thought you were fae Farfir? Where you from Slips? Why on earth would you support Farfir?

i've from  all over, nobody can pin me down


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On 26/01/2024 at 22:22, Flybhoy said:

Just got a chippy for my tea, living the glamorous life and that...
Anyhow, guy at the counter was bagging up a Deliveroo order of  three fish suppers, two sausage suppers a steak pie supper and a single pizza crunch, he promptly wrapped and bagged the lot up, handing it to the delivery guy giving him the receipt with the address etc....... without putting a single bit of salt and vinegar, any sauce or condiment at all on it....which clearly they would have requested, nobody gets all that from a chip shop with f**k all on it, lazy ignorant p***k, I'd have hit the roof if that had been sent to my house like that after spending the best part of fifty fucking quid !

My chippy insist on slinging a wee packet of tartar sauce in with a fish supper when i order one for delivery.
No Salt n Vinegar though, I'll do that to my own taste, and woe betide any vinegar taint gets near the other peoples orders.

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4 hours ago, Derry Alli said:

Made my peace with death this morning. My choice was a tuna can flight in near 50mph winds - which only took off due to the wind direction - or staying on N. Ronaldsay for the foreseeable future. I'm not staying g there, fuckthat.  

Landed in Kirkwall so if I get stranded here it's not anywhere near as bad. Hopefully the flights stay on back to Aberdeen or at least a choppy ferry ride. 

Do not go to North Ronaldsay. There is nothing g there and nothing to do. Locals are friendly enough though.

Get me hame, min.

Edit : gave my number to a boy to be picked up. Some random guy gave us his car at the airport and then over the course of the day 4 different people I've never met phoned. One turned up at the lodging with Lasagne, garlic bread and coke. Wild. Like I say, nice people but a very, very different way of life I couldn't ever adjust to.


My view from the front door. :lol:

So looking at North Ronaldsey led me to this gem of a webpage: https://www.orkney.com/news/north-ronaldsay

Which had me ponder good jokes using the term “sheep dyke” in celebration of the Dons new coaching search.

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7 minutes ago, velo army said:

Assuming you're still on your travels aye?

Aye. Liberia now. Bats were parked on the street when I passed later, so here you go:


No idea how this region was the centre of an Ebola outbreak.

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