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22 minutes ago, Rugster said:

I do neither of these things either. I once read salted water boils quicker but never had a problem not salting. 

It boils hotter but probably not of any great significance.

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3 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

I don't salt the water when I cook pasta. It does absolutely nothing.

I also don't add oil to the water and don't have issued with pasta sticking.

You are right about the oil. Its a waste of oil. However your flavourless, unseasoned pasta is fit only for the bin. 

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4 hours ago, Central Belt Caley said:

I went on a date with a lassie last October, just seen she got married last month. 

What’s the odds I was her bit on the side? 

Did her fiance catch you in flagrante and steal your trainers ?

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9 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

You are right about the oil. Its a waste of oil. However your flavourless, unseasoned pasta is fit only for the bin. 

Thankfully I don't eat pasta just on its own!

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17 hours ago, scottsdad said:

My best mate went to 3 different unis, managed to get part way through second year before quitting. It just wasn't for him. In fact, the first uni he went to, he chose it because his girlfriend from school went there. A couple of weeks into the course and she chucked him. 

Anyway, after his third go he realised that he just didn't like it. Took on various jobs and is now doing really well in the civil service. He headed up the Domestic Violence policy unit for a while, and has worked on Brexit, Covid and various other things. 

Boris Johnson is your best mate?

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1 hour ago, GordonD said:

This is not something I particularly want to share but I have to put it out there anyway. Still finding it difficult to put it into words.

I've been having chemotherapy for tumours in my lungs but a month ago I was told it wasn't working and it was stopped. Then a couple of weeks ago the oncologist said that the cancer had spread - there's another tumour pressing on my spinal cord which gives me intermittent back pain which currently can be eased by Paracetamol. Fortunately it doesn't hurt when I'm lying down so it's not keeping me awake at night. He said that the chemo was unlikely to have any effect and might do more harm than good so he didn't recommend starting it up again. They are not planning any further treatment.

I'm avoiding using the T-word but that's what it amounts to. I don't know what the forecast is because I told him I didn't want to know. I'm still trying to get my head round it; currently I'm taking things one day at a time and varying between burying my head in the sand and when longer-term things come up, thinking f**k it, what's the point? Positive attitude is supposed to help but I'm finding it hard to maintain one sometimes.

Jesus f**k, Gordon.

Let us know if there's anything we can do. Lots of good c***s on here.

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1 hour ago, GordonD said:

This is not something I particularly want to share but I have to put it out there anyway. Still finding it difficult to put it into words.

I've been having chemotherapy for tumours in my lungs but a month ago I was told it wasn't working and it was stopped. Then a couple of weeks ago the oncologist said that the cancer had spread - there's another tumour pressing on my spinal cord which gives me intermittent back pain which currently can be eased by Paracetamol. Fortunately it doesn't hurt when I'm lying down so it's not keeping me awake at night. He said that the chemo was unlikely to have any effect and might do more harm than good so he didn't recommend starting it up again. They are not planning any further treatment.

I'm avoiding using the T-word but that's what it amounts to. I don't know what the forecast is because I told him I didn't want to know. I'm still trying to get my head round it; currently I'm taking things one day at a time and varying between burying my head in the sand and when longer-term things come up, thinking f**k it, what's the point? Positive attitude is supposed to help but I'm finding it hard to maintain one sometimes.

Really sorry to read this. Firstly you're right to share this as we have seen many times in the past how this forum rallies round, gives sound advice and ultimately positivity. Very few of us can relate to what's happening to you right now but know that you are one of the most valued and, yes loved posters on here.

I know this is not a popular thing to say on here but you will be in my prayers. As Dave says, if there is anything we can do please reach out. Keep your chin up pal.

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4 hours ago, GordonD said:

This is not something I particularly want to share but I have to put it out there anyway. Still finding it difficult to put it into words.

I've been having chemotherapy for tumours in my lungs but a month ago I was told it wasn't working and it was stopped. Then a couple of weeks ago the oncologist said that the cancer had spread - there's another tumour pressing on my spinal cord which gives me intermittent back pain which currently can be eased by Paracetamol. Fortunately it doesn't hurt when I'm lying down so it's not keeping me awake at night. He said that the chemo was unlikely to have any effect and might do more harm than good so he didn't recommend starting it up again. They are not planning any further treatment.

I'm avoiding using the T-word but that's what it amounts to. I don't know what the forecast is because I told him I didn't want to know. I'm still trying to get my head round it; currently I'm taking things one day at a time and varying between burying my head in the sand and when longer-term things come up, thinking f**k it, what's the point? Positive attitude is supposed to help but I'm finding it hard to maintain one sometimes.

Really sorry to read this. I'm currently going through chemotherapy and radiotherapy myself and know how hard the treatment can be and have been wiped out on several occasions. I genuinely hope there's a positive solution for you and that there's a treatment out there somewhere for you.

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4 hours ago, GordonD said:

This is not something I particularly want to share but I have to put it out there anyway. Still finding it difficult to put it into words.

I've been having chemotherapy for tumours in my lungs but a month ago I was told it wasn't working and it was stopped. Then a couple of weeks ago the oncologist said that the cancer had spread - there's another tumour pressing on my spinal cord which gives me intermittent back pain which currently can be eased by Paracetamol. Fortunately it doesn't hurt when I'm lying down so it's not keeping me awake at night. He said that the chemo was unlikely to have any effect and might do more harm than good so he didn't recommend starting it up again. They are not planning any further treatment.

I'm avoiding using the T-word but that's what it amounts to. I don't know what the forecast is because I told him I didn't want to know. I'm still trying to get my head round it; currently I'm taking things one day at a time and varying between burying my head in the sand and when longer-term things come up, thinking f**k it, what's the point? Positive attitude is supposed to help but I'm finding it hard to maintain one sometimes.

FFS @GordonD.

You might have at least put this in the Cancer thread instead of depressing the f**k out the rest of us.


I jest obviously, just wanted to give the most P&B response out there. 

We all have your back Gordon. Anytime you want to talk, my PMs are always open.


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4 hours ago, GordonD said:

This is not something I particularly want to share but I have to put it out there anyway. Still finding it difficult to put it into words.

I've been having chemotherapy for tumours in my lungs but a month ago I was told it wasn't working and it was stopped. Then a couple of weeks ago the oncologist said that the cancer had spread - there's another tumour pressing on my spinal cord which gives me intermittent back pain which currently can be eased by Paracetamol. Fortunately it doesn't hurt when I'm lying down so it's not keeping me awake at night. He said that the chemo was unlikely to have any effect and might do more harm than good so he didn't recommend starting it up again. They are not planning any further treatment.

I'm avoiding using the T-word but that's what it amounts to. I don't know what the forecast is because I told him I didn't want to know. I'm still trying to get my head round it; currently I'm taking things one day at a time and varying between burying my head in the sand and when longer-term things come up, thinking f**k it, what's the point? Positive attitude is supposed to help but I'm finding it hard to maintain one sometimes.

I am sorry to hear that mate.

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6 hours ago, GordonD said:

This is not something I particularly want to share but I have to put it out there anyway. Still finding it difficult to put it into words.

I've been having chemotherapy for tumours in my lungs but a month ago I was told it wasn't working and it was stopped. Then a couple of weeks ago the oncologist said that the cancer had spread - there's another tumour pressing on my spinal cord which gives me intermittent back pain which currently can be eased by Paracetamol. Fortunately it doesn't hurt when I'm lying down so it's not keeping me awake at night. He said that the chemo was unlikely to have any effect and might do more harm than good so he didn't recommend starting it up again. They are not planning any further treatment.

I'm avoiding using the T-word but that's what it amounts to. I don't know what the forecast is because I told him I didn't want to know. I'm still trying to get my head round it; currently I'm taking things one day at a time and varying between burying my head in the sand and when longer-term things come up, thinking f**k it, what's the point? Positive attitude is supposed to help but I'm finding it hard to maintain one sometimes.

Brother, we all get only one crack at this. Get after it. All the best pal x

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Can only concur with everyone else @GordonD, really sorry to hear this news and very best wishes. Plenty of willing listeners on here if you want to offload either by DM or just getting it off your chest in the best thread on the 'net (you know the one).

Goes without saying that all of the above applies to yourself as well @centralTon. Keep strong bud. 

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6 hours ago, GordonD said:

This is not something I particularly want to share but I have to put it out there anyway. Still finding it difficult to put it into words.

I've been having chemotherapy for tumours in my lungs but a month ago I was told it wasn't working and it was stopped. Then a couple of weeks ago the oncologist said that the cancer had spread - there's another tumour pressing on my spinal cord which gives me intermittent back pain which currently can be eased by Paracetamol. Fortunately it doesn't hurt when I'm lying down so it's not keeping me awake at night. He said that the chemo was unlikely to have any effect and might do more harm than good so he didn't recommend starting it up again. They are not planning any further treatment.

I'm avoiding using the T-word but that's what it amounts to. I don't know what the forecast is because I told him I didn't want to know. I'm still trying to get my head round it; currently I'm taking things one day at a time and varying between burying my head in the sand and when longer-term things come up, thinking f**k it, what's the point? Positive attitude is supposed to help but I'm finding it hard to maintain one sometimes.

All the best to you Gordon. I can't add to what others have said, really. You're one of the good guys, and my PMs are always open.

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7 hours ago, GordonD said:

This is not something I particularly want to share but I have to put it out there anyway. Still finding it difficult to put it into words.

I've been having chemotherapy for tumours in my lungs but a month ago I was told it wasn't working and it was stopped. Then a couple of weeks ago the oncologist said that the cancer had spread - there's another tumour pressing on my spinal cord which gives me intermittent back pain which currently can be eased by Paracetamol. Fortunately it doesn't hurt when I'm lying down so it's not keeping me awake at night. He said that the chemo was unlikely to have any effect and might do more harm than good so he didn't recommend starting it up again. They are not planning any further treatment.

I'm avoiding using the T-word but that's what it amounts to. I don't know what the forecast is because I told him I didn't want to know. I'm still trying to get my head round it; currently I'm taking things one day at a time and varying between burying my head in the sand and when longer-term things come up, thinking f**k it, what's the point? Positive attitude is supposed to help but I'm finding it hard to maintain one sometimes.

I am powerless to help but can only echo what others have said Gordon, day or night there will always be someone on here you can vent to. Stay as strong as you can & know we are all hoping for the best pal.

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