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I properly nearly shat myself earlier. Dodgy guts all day, a moment of forgetfulness, action stations for a apple tart, but midway through I could feel that I was going to draw mud from well and managed to waddle to the lavvy. The undercarriage was thankfully undamaged by the whole unfortunate event.

Maybe not a good idea to mention at the next home game where you got married recently.... then you will literally soil yourself :D

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Well, I got the job!

Haha, congratulations!!

(You shouldn't have taken my original post so personally I was only fucking with you. Besides, editing posts on the internet isn't critical in the average shift of a toilet attendant!)

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I went out to empty the bin today and left the front door open for the dog who usually comes out for a wander. I was making the tea and rushed back in. About 5 minutes later the wife asked me where the dog was to which I replied he's probably up the stairs. As she's up looking for him the door go's and it's one f the neighbours who noticed the dog had been standing at the door waiting to get in. Feel terrible.

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I went out to empty the bin today and left the front door open for the dog who usually comes out for a wander. I was making the tea and rushed back in. About 5 minutes later the wife asked me where the dog was to which I replied he's probably up the stairs. As she's up looking for him the door go's and it's one f the neighbours who noticed the dog had been standing at the door waiting to get in. Feel terrible.

^^^^Almost got away with it.

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