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A 13 month sentence for doin a live stream video of himself? Seems a tad harsh and the fact it was overturned after 2 months reflects that.

He originally got put to a prison with 7% Muslims in Hull and then got moved to one in Rugby that has 40% Muslim population and he was put in a cell that every single prisoner would walk past and some of them duly threw shite through his window. I’m not sympathising with him or trying to seek attention for myself but that was a bad idea.

Throbber, did you read this link?
From what I gather, it hasn’t been overturned. Mr Yaxley-Lennon could well return to jail. They have just said the judge acted too hastily.
You have impressive knowledge about the prisons though, I’ll give you that.
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Just now, throbber said:

A 13 month sentence for doin a live stream video of himself? Seems a tad harsh and the fact it was overturned after 2 months reflects that.

He originally got put to a prison with 7% Muslims in Hull and then got moved to one in Rugby that has 40% Muslim population and he was put in a cell that every single prisoner would walk past and some of them duly threw shite through his window. I’m not sympathising with him or trying to seek attention for myself but that was a bad idea.


The sentence wasn't thrown out for being harsh, it was thrown out because the Court of Appeal ruled that the judge hadn't correctly followed procedure.  It's perfectly possible that when the case comes to court again - it's been referred back for assessment by a new judge - that the sentence could be longer.

This blog covers the details around the case pretty well - https://thesecretbarrister.com/2018/08/01/the-tommy-robinson-judgment-what-does-it-all-mean/

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It was from the independent that I read about the Muslim population but I haven’t read the link you sent yet, I will do it when I’m on my tea break.

I hadn’t seen it anywhere about the contrast in Muslim population from the jail he was initially being sent to and the one he was actually sent to - I didn’t even know they had changed their minds on which jail to send him to. I’d still argue that it’s just tough luck for him but can see why the change would be considered stupid. It just creates more work and potential incidents for the guards, if nothing else.
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6 hours ago, throbber said:


A 13 month sentence for doin a live stream video of himself? Seems a tad harsh and the fact it was overturned after 2 months reflects that.



He was on a suspended sentenced for the exact same thing a few months before, contempt of court for ignoring reporting restrictions that could have collapsed the trial and let the accused off scot free. He didn't give a f**k about whether they got off or not, it was about getting martyr status amongst the far right and loads of dosh from American mugs. He knew exactly what he was doing and that the suspended sentence would automatically kick in. In an note from prison:


 I can’t list all the people I need to thank as there are so many but I know Alex Jones at InfoWars would be leaidng the shout for my freedom. I love him, he cracks me up.

Alex Jones is the c**t who has made parents of the 20 children killed at Sandycrook Primary School go into hiding because of threats from his followers after he accused them of being Government paid actors who staged the whole massacre to help the argument for gun control.  

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4 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

He was on a suspended sentenced for the exact same thing a few months before, contempt of court for ignoring reporting restrictions that could have collapsed the trial and let the accused off scot free. He didn't give a f**k about whether they got off or not, it was about getting martyr status amongst the far right and loads of dosh from American mugs. He knew exactly what he was doing and that the suspended sentence would automatically kick in. In an note from prison:

Alex Jones is the c**t who has made parents of the 20 children killed at Sandycrook Primary School go into hiding because of threats from his followers after he accused them of being Government paid actors who staged the whole massacre to help the argument for gun control.  

Alex Jones was pulled into court for things he'd said on his InfoWars show.  His own lawyer argued that "no sane person would take anything Mr Jones says on his show seriously". He's argued himself that his show is "performance art". Tommy sees this guy as a hero.  Funny that, almost as if Tommy Robinson is employing the same tactics of playing up to the brain dead amongst us.

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9 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

I think the point is that you made the post because you wanted attention rather than because you sympathise with Robinson. 

Of course that could be wrong, maybe you area racist sympathiser, and by extension a racist.  Like Morrissey and people who admire Morrissey.


Old man Danger in 'gibbering shite yet again' shocker.

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22 minutes ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

Old man Danger in 'gibbering shite yet again' shocker.


I have been following a new party called For Britain which is led by Anne Marie Waters. It is the first time in my life that I will vote for a political party. Finally I have hope. I find the Tory-Labour-Tory-Labour constant switching to be pointless. For Britain has received no media support and have even been dismissed with the usual childish 'racist' accusation. I don't think the word 'racist' has any meaning any more, other than to say "you don't agree with me, so you're a racist." People can be utterly, utterly stupid. 
Anne Marie Waters seeks open discussion about all aspects of modern Britain, whereas other parties will not allow diverse opinion. She is like a humane version of Thatcher ... if such a concept could be. She is absolute leadership, she doesn't read from a script, she believes in British heritage, freedom of speech, and she wants everyone in the UK to live under the same law. I find this compelling, now, because it's very obvious that Labour or the Tories do not believe in free speech... I mean, look at the shocking treatment of Tommy Robinson... 
I know the media don't want Anne Marie Waters and they try to smear her, but they are wrong and they should give her a chance, and they should stop accusing people who want open debate as being 'racist'. As I said previously, the left has become right-wing and the right-wing has become left - a complete switch, and this is a very unhappy modern Britain.



Waters studied journalism at Nottingham Trent University, graduating in 2003 before going to work in the National Health Service. She left Labour in 2013 after failing to win selection as a parliamentary candidate, but she was a controversial figure while still a member.

In November 2013, she resigned from the pressure group One Law for All, which opposes sharia law, because, according to the group, of “political disagreements on some key issues, including One Law for All’s refusal to collaborate with the members of racist and far-right groups”.

Waters then launched her own group, Sharia Watch UK, organising a “Draw Muhammad” exhibition featuring cartoons of the prophet which was cancelled due to safety fears. By now, she had joined Ukip, standing for the party in Lewisham East in the 2015 general election, when she called for a ban on Muslim immigration.

“For a start, the immigration will have to stop, the immigration from Islamic countries has to stop entirely, that is just the way it is,” she told an undercover Daily Mirror reporter.

“A lot of people need to be deported. Many mosques need to be closed down. It really has to get tough.”

Waters joined forces with Tommy Robinson, a former leader of the extreme-right English Defence League (EDL), to form a British version of the German anti-Muslim group Pegida.

Ukip deselected her as a candidate in this year’s general election on account of her extreme views, but an attempt to block her as a candidate for the leadership failed and she is favourite to be declared leader on Friday.



Edited by welshbairn
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This may well be an unpopular opinion, and it’s that I actually don’t mind Neil Lennon since he became Hibs manager. He kinda’ seems aw’right, rather than the angry, snarling, bitter sounding wee gobshite he used to be at Celtic.

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A 13 month sentence for doin a live stream video of himself? Seems a tad harsh and the fact it was overturned after 2 months reflects that.

Except he wasn’t put in prison “For doing a live stream video of himself” as you damn well know.

Stop talking shit.
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Just now, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

Fair play to Steven for voicing his opinion, we supposedly live in a free country after all.

So if he was talking in support of paedophiles you would say the same thing?


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3 hours ago, The Moonster said:

Alex Jones was pulled into court for things he'd said on his InfoWars show.  His own lawyer argued that "no sane person would take anything Mr Jones says on his show seriously". He's argued himself that his show is "performance art". Tommy sees this guy as a hero.  Funny that, almost as if Tommy Robinson is employing the same tactics of playing up to the brain dead amongst us.


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