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He's a massive c**t who is doing damage to the lives of millions of people so that he can make even more money.

What about that is ok? What about that is in touch?


Don’t ask me to defend Tory party policy when I didn’t vote for them.


He is still alright and has been said on here he puts his point across well and respectfully debates his points of view without belittling anyone or just coming across as a complete and utter c**t like a lot of the Tories do. Him going outside and having a debate face to face with protesters outside the Oxford uni is a perfect example of this. Compare that to the likes of George Osborne and Jeremy Hunt who have both ran away from the cameras when being asked inconvenient questions about their policies and you see that he’s actually an alright Individual.

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That is pretty funny tbf.
Because he speaks so eloquently and seems so polite people tend to listen, but if you breakdown and listen closely to what he says, you realise he is a very dangerous man
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He’s a fucking Tory. Get him to f**k. 
It would seem he benefitting from a lot of peoples bizarre need to separate peoples behaviour at work from their personal lives. Thankfully I dont do this, and can clearly see that Mogg is horrendous b*****d regardless of how eloquently he disguises it. The same goes for the occasional sympathy May gets. No fucking chance.
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It would seem he benefitting from a lot of peoples bizarre need to separate peoples behaviour at work from their personal lives. Thankfully I dont do this, and can clearly see that Mogg is horrendous b*****d regardless of how eloquently he disguises it. The same goes for the occasional sympathy May gets. No fucking chance.

JRM is a c**t and the same goes for Salmond.
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"Jacob Rees-Mogg is alright because he expresses himself eloquently" has to be up there with "Hitler loved animals" or "Mussolini made the trains run on time"  in the what-the-f**k-difference-does-that-make? stakes.

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10 hours ago, Shotgun said:

"Jacob Rees-Mogg is alright because he expresses himself eloquently" has to be up there with "Hitler loved animals" or "Mussolini made the trains run on time"  in the what-the-f**k-difference-does-that-make? stakes.

It made a difference if you needed to be somewhere on time.

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