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I'd like to add to this:
- given the ever greater natural resources required to sustain the demands of humanity, curing cancer and increasing the population even further would not necessarily be a good thing big picture.
- too much emphasis is placed on length of time living and not enough on quality of life

I wasn’t that cold hearted! I don’t mind what age i am when i snuff it but once i need round the clock care and i start pishing myself just shoot me . Dementia is truly horrible. I wouldn’t wish it on anyonw and is quite demanding in terms of resources .
Maybe only 7% of over 65s have it , but 65 isn’t really that old in today’s terms. I think above 85 rates start approaching 50%
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I've never really understood the desire/need to live to an advanced age.

If...and it's a huge 'if', you still have all your mental and physical faculties then good for you but for the vast majority of people, bodies and brains start to break down after 6 or 7 decades. Years back, you would almost certainly have been dead by then anyway but with modern medical advances, that's no longer the case. Our culture seems to have this obsession with preserving life at all costs; placing quantity before quality whereas I really can't see the appeal of spending my last decade or two, vegetating in a rest home waiting to die.

My fervent hope is that when the appropriate time comes, I'm in a position to firstly recognise that, and then be able to control my own off-the-coil-shuffling without well meaning doctors, family members or religious nutters forcing me to stay alive.    

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3 minutes ago, Shotgun said:

I've never really understood the desire/need to live to an advanced age.

If...and it's a huge 'if', you still have all your mental and physical faculties then good for you but for the vast majority of people, bodies and brains start to break down after 6 or 7 decades. Years back, you would almost certainly have been dead by then anyway but with modern medical advances, that's no longer the case. Our culture seems to have this obsession with preserving life at all costs; placing quantity before quality whereas I really can't see the appeal of spending my last decade or two, vegetating in a rest home waiting to die.

My fervent hope is that when the appropriate time comes, I'm in a position to firstly recognise that, and then be able to control my own off-the-coil-shuffling without well meaning doctors, family members or religious nutters forcing me to stay alive.    

I've always meant to get around to bunging a supply of top quality heroin, cocaine and LSD in the the freezer so when it all gets a bit much I can go out with a bang. Wouldn't have a clue where to get hold of it mind. There's a few in my extended family who live well into their nineties, I've an aunt who's 104, and when I visit they say they've had enough and just want to go, the ones who have kept their marbles that is. There are also happy, alert and fit people I've met in their 90s, so it's not a rule. It would be nice not to give someone else the responsibility of ending your life when it's just a painful wait till the end.

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I've never really understood the desire/need to live to an advanced age.
If...and it's a huge 'if', you still have all your mental and physical faculties then good for you but for the vast majority of people, bodies and brains start to break down after 6 or 7 decades. Years back, you would almost certainly have been dead by then anyway but with modern medical advances, that's no longer the case. Our culture seems to have this obsession with preserving life at all costs; placing quantity before quality whereas I really can't see the appeal of spending my last decade or two, vegetating in a rest home waiting to die.
My fervent hope is that when the appropriate time comes, I'm in a position to firstly recognise that, and then be able to control my own off-the-coil-shuffling without well meaning doctors, family members or religious nutters forcing me to stay alive.    

I haven’t read the full post and apologise for double posting but give me, say, until 60 or enjoying myself and lights out over 90 and the last 30 years I’ve been to old and frail to enjoy. Perhaps as I get older I’ll reassess
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4 hours ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:


I wasn’t that cold hearted! I don’t mind what age i am when i snuff it but once i need round the clock care and i start pishing myself just shoot me . Dementia is truly horrible. I wouldn’t wish it on anyonw and is quite demanding in terms of resources .
Maybe only 7% of over 65s have it , but 65 isn’t really that old in today’s terms. I think above 85 rates start approaching 50%


Nonsense. It's approximately 1 in 5 for those over 85 but under 90.

According to Dementia UK it's only in the 95 or over range who come close to a 50% prevalence.




I'd agree that it would be awful to have. I'd wanted to be on the plane to Switzerland post haste if I developed it.

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Alcohol is boring. Even in social situations it turns everyone into loud arseholes.

People who boast about how much they can handle, what’s that about? You can buy a legal drink in a pub and drink lots of it. Some achievement.

Im oan it. Shots shots shots. Waaay waaay.


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