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4 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

I've met many that are against shitting in the workplace.

I am yet to find something as satisfying as doing an absolute nightmare of a shite at work and other colleagues walking into the toilets and audibly being scunnered by the smell.

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There are no such thing as inherent human rights and it's arguable that the concept was invented to entrench the power of the powerful.
Elections should be abolished as all they do is legitimise the stranglehold that the wealthy and better-educated and connected sections of society have over the instruments of public life, and therefore control of the wealth.
That's why independence is ultimately pointless scotland or any nation doesnt have control over the rich and powerful.
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10 hours ago, Shotgun said:

Yes. Here in the U.S., there is huge public support for having the police wear bodycams to record their interactions with the public. To the surprise of nobody, many police departments are opposed to the idea and where their usage is mandated, officers frequently "forget" to switch them on. It almost makes one suspect that the "few bad apples" trope is a crock of shit.

The US police are as racist as f**k and that is no secret

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Most people are racist, not in a right wing "I'm going to kill you because of your skin colour" way but yeah most people hate most other people and someones race and origin is part of that.

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8 hours ago, MixuFixit said:

You say this but have you ever had any dealings with fast stream civil servants? They're all about 23 and rotate between departments every few months. They can be breathtakingly ill briefed.


I have and that's the point of them to get a lot of experience quickly. In my opinion it rarely works. 

If they are poorly briefed ask to speak to someone more senior

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1 hour ago, Rugster said:

Perceived wisdom, you moron. 

Postmodern irony, I like it. 

Or a total minter, in which case I also like it. 


1 hour ago, Adam101 said:

I have and that's the point of them to get a lot of experience quickly. In my opinion it rarely works. 

If they are poorly briefed ask to speak to someone more senior

1 hour ago, Adam101 said:


It's someone less senior you need, unless you particularly need to hear wibble about stakeholder engagement and key deliverables. 

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10 hours ago, staggy1929 said:

I am yet to find something as satisfying as doing an absolute nightmare of a shite at work and other colleagues walking into the toilets and audibly being scunnered by the smell.

10 hours ago, D.A.F.C said:

Doing it on double time.

10 hours ago, staggy1929 said:


Touché cloth, presumably...

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