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8 minutes ago, 8MileBU said:

Back bacon. Smoked. From a butcher. Ideally Bennett’s of Dunblane. This applies to other meats too.

I'm quite partial to a bit of smoked Pangolin myself, but my usual supplier in Wuhan seems to have gone off-grid. Thanks for the recommendation 8)

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You absolute b*****ds!

Been trying to find decent bacon, black pudding, sausages (links or Lorne) here for 10 years now in order to at least make half a breakfast!

And don’t start me on haggis or tattie scones!

f**k off all of you, I was just about over it but you have to open old wounds and rub salt (and fat) into them.

It’s bad enough going into Aberdeen threads and hearing about rowies and now this torture..........

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The only way to eat a burger at a restaurant is to dissect the fucker with a knife.

95% of restaurant and pub burgers are shite. This fashion of 15cm high stacks is nonsense and results in the bun tearing as you try to squeeze it enough to fit in your mouth. Nonsense!
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10 minutes ago, Raidernation said:

You absolute b*****ds!

Been trying to find decent bacon, black pudding, sausages (links or Lorne) here for 10 years now in order to at least make half a breakfast!

And don’t start me on haggis or tattie scones!

f**k off all of you, I was just about over it but you have to open old wounds and rub salt (and fat) into them.

It’s bad enough going into Aberdeen threads and hearing about rowies and now this torture..........

I’ll send you bag of these m9.



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You absolute b*****ds!

Been trying to find decent bacon, black pudding, sausages (links or Lorne) here for 10 years now in order to at least make half a breakfast!

And don’t start me on haggis or tattie scones!

f**k off all of you, I was just about over it but you have to open old wounds and rub salt (and fat) into them.

It’s bad enough going into Aberdeen threads and hearing about rowies and now this torture..........

Isn’t haggis illegal in the States?
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24 minutes ago, Raidernation said:

You absolute b*****ds!

Been trying to find decent bacon, black pudding, sausages (links or Lorne) here for 10 years now in order to at least make half a breakfast!

And don’t start me on haggis or tattie scones!

f**k off all of you, I was just about over it but you have to open old wounds and rub salt (and fat) into them.

It’s bad enough going into Aberdeen threads and hearing about rowies and now this torture..........

Worry no longer! Also available on Amazon for a bargain price!



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30 minutes ago, Raidernation said:

You absolute b*****ds!

Been trying to find decent bacon, black pudding, sausages (links or Lorne) here for 10 years now in order to at least make half a breakfast!

And don’t start me on haggis or tattie scones!

f**k off all of you, I was just about over it but you have to open old wounds and rub salt (and fat) into them.

It’s bad enough going into Aberdeen threads and hearing about rowies and now this torture..........

Make your own tattie scones @Honest Saints Fan makes delicious ones I’m sure she’ll pass on her recipe

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1 hour ago, Bairnardo said:

This will meet with almost universal, and fully deserved ridicule. Well done on showing the thread what "completely wrong" actually looks like


Unsmoked bacon is better than smoked bacon.

I like smoked bacon and gladly eat it when given it, but unsmoked is just nicer.

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1 minute ago, pandarilla said:

How can it be nicer?

They might as well call them 'flavoured bacon' and 'less-flavour'.

I prefer the taste of unsmoked.

1 minute ago, Bairnardo said:
7 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:
Unsmoked bacon is better than smoked bacon.
I like smoked bacon and gladly eat it when given it, but unsmoked is just nicer.

Well don't take this the wrong way, but you dont like tea or coffee.....

Indeed I do not.

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