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Out of the mouth of babes...


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  • 2 months later...

So we're watching the news tonight and the story comes on about the trial of four guys involved in the Hatton Garden Heist. The reporter starts telling us about the plot over Easter weekend and how they drilled through a concrete wall with machinery unloaded from a van. Up pipes the voice from the other couch to sagely point out in all seriousness "They had that planned you know".

Really? I though they just spent some time finding a parking space for their van and then on coincidentally finding one next to the Hatten Garden Safety Deposit Vault figured they might as well test the equipment they just happened to have with them. After that the loot just practically jumped into their pockets accidentally. Now you mention it though they may just have had it planned in advance. If anyone has contact details for the Crown Prosecutor could they suggest it to him maybe?

It was about ten minutes before I stopped laughing!

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Pal of mine (honest, it wisny me) took his wife for a drive down the coast one nice summer's day.

A bit south of Turnberry she pointed out across the water and said "Whit's that?"

"That? That's the Ailsa Craig", he said.

"Aye, but whit is it?"

"How d'you mean, whit is it? It's an island."

"Aye, but has it always been there?"

"Whit, do you think they reel it in at night? Of COURSE it's always been there!"

Silence, for a minute or two. Then:

"Whit dae they dae wi' it?"

"Well, they used to use the granite to make curling stones, but not any more. These days it's just a bird sanctuary."

"Well, now I KNOW you're pulling my leg!!"

"EH? How d'you mean?"

"Well, how would the birds know to go there?"

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So we're watching the news tonight and the story comes on about the trial of four guys involved in the Hatton Garden Heist. The reporter starts telling us about the plot over Easter weekend and how they drilled through a concrete wall with machinery unloaded from a van. Up pipes the voice from the other couch to sagely point out in all seriousness "They had that planned you know".

Really? I though they just spent some time finding a parking space for their van and then on coincidentally finding one next to the Hatten Garden Safety Deposit Vault figured they might as well test the equipment they just happened to have with them. After that the loot just practically jumped into their pockets accidentally. Now you mention it though they may just have had it planned in advance. If anyone has contact details for the Crown Prosecutor could they suggest it to him maybe?

It was about ten minutes before I stopped laughing!

^^^ Started a sentence with "so". Mods, perma-ban please.

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Pal of mine (honest, it wisny me) took his wife for a drive down the coast one nice summer's day.

A bit south of Turnberry she pointed out across the water and said "Whit's that?"

"That? That's the Ailsa Craig", he said.

"Aye, but whit is it?"

"How d'you mean, whit is it? It's an island."

"Aye, but has it always been there?"

"Whit, do you think they reel it in at night? Of COURSE it's always been there!"

Silence, for a minute or two. Then:

"Whit dae they dae wi' it?"

"Well, they used to use the granite to make curling stones, but not any more. These days it's just a bird sanctuary."

"Well, now I KNOW you're pulling my leg!!"

"EH? How d'you mean?"

"Well, how would the birds know to go there?"

Where's Sawney Bean when you need him?

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So we're watching the news tonight and the story comes on about the trial of four guys involved in the Hatton Garden Heist. The reporter starts telling us about the plot over Easter weekend and how they drilled through a concrete wall with machinery unloaded from a van. Up pipes the voice from the other couch to sagely point out in all seriousness "They had that planned you know".

Really? I though they just spent some time finding a parking space for their van and then on coincidentally finding one next to the Hatten Garden Safety Deposit Vault figured they might as well test the equipment they just happened to have with them. After that the loot just practically jumped into their pockets accidentally. Now you mention it though they may just have had it planned in advance. If anyone has contact details for the Crown Prosecutor could they suggest it to him maybe?

It was about ten minutes before I stopped laughing!

I could've been doing with one of those guys to help me get into the Co-op own brand weetabix this morning. I was on the verge of using using explosives to get the fucking wrapping off.

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Again, I hate to use the term 'babe' in relation to my mother. Seeing as it's nearly black Friday I thought I'd mention this tale that could have been straight out of a 70s 'comedy' but was in fact one of my old ma's many faux pas....

My mum went to the cinema (in the days of flip-up seats). She took her seat and placed her coat over the seat in front. When she sat down she noticed the chair in front had popped up so she stood up and pushed it back down again. Again, the seat popped back up, with the coat obscuring her vision. She was a bit baffled by now at this mysterious floating jacket so stood up and forcefully shoved the jacket back down.

"Madam, would you mind not doing that to me?" demanded the angry black man sitting in the chair in front of my mum, as he turned round to remonstrate with her. "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't see you" she shrieked.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Lassie at work runs the lottery syndicate. About 20 folk in it.

£2 per week. For our 100 notes, we've won about 15 notes each.

She sends out an email asking what we want to do with our winnings. Our options were take the money or spunk it all on some lucky dips.

I suggested putting all our names and the winnings in the hat. Winner could take 200 notes, 2nd place 50 notes etc. Just so that at least a few of us won.

Her response was...

"No chance. I'm not handing over my money for someone else to win it".


Edited by Cardinal Richelieu
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