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Took the card into Silicon Group on Dalry Rd in Edinburgh - one of their pc's was actually recognising that something was plugged in, but then the pc started to run hellish slow. As soon as he took the card out, the pc ran as normal.

The fact that it was being recognised is something, but I think I'd need to go down the professional data recovery route and I haven't the cash for that.

I did look through the phone structure palmy, but I'm always transferring stuff from the phone storage to card. If I was half as organised and backed up the card elsewhere as well, then I wouldn't have lost all this stuff.

Fucking raging.

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Ah that's a fucker Mozam. I remember my S4 did something similar but my card started working after I did a couple of turn it off turn it on agains. Hope you can get the data.

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Cant get any internet access on my phone. Saying google certificate has expired or something but internet works fine fae ipad. Will try copy/paste long message in a box and little locked icon at top o page is unlocked to give much info as possible. Only reason i can get on here cause i have app and further to add last nght my phone(S4) switched itself off n on twice

There is the Message below.......

The site's security certificate has expired!

You attempted to reach www.google.com, but the server presented an expired certificate. No information is available to indicate whether that certificate has been compromised since its expiration. This means Chromium cannot guarantee that you are communicating withwww.google.com and not an attacker. Your computer's clock is currently set to Saturday, 15 August 2015 13:02:57. Does that look right? If not, you should correct the error and refresh this page.

You should not proceed, especially if you have never seen this warning before for this site.

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Help me understand

Edited by shawfield shed boy
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Cant get any internet access on my phone. Saying google certificate has expired or something but internet works fine fae ipad. Will try copy/paste long message in a box and little locked icon at top o page is unlocked to give much info as possible. Only reason i can get on here cause i have app and further to add last nght my phone(S4) switched itself off n on twice

There is the Message below.......

The site's security certificate has expired!

You attempted to reach www.google.com, but the server presented an expired certificate. No information is available to indicate whether that certificate has been compromised since its expiration. This means Chromium cannot guarantee that you are communicating withwww.google.com and not an attacker. Your computer's clock is currently set to Saturday, 15 August 2015 13:02:57. Does that look right? If not, you should correct the error and refresh this page.

You should not proceed, especially if you have never seen this warning before for this site.

Proceed anyway Back to safety

Help me understand

The time is set to be in the future. Set it to the right time and it should be fine

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What browser are you using to access the internet on your phone is it just the stock Android browser or a 3rd party i.e. Chrome or Opera? Are there any updates for this app or for the phone in general?

It sounds like the system clock has screwed up, but this isn't something I'm familiar at fixing on an Android system.

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Anyone got any experience of replacing a screen on their phone?

I've fucked my G3 and although it's insured, it's still going to cost me about £100 to replace through them. Over £100 at the shops, or if I buy the screen myself, about £40.

Tech forums suggest that it's do able, but I'm not the most tech savvy. Not afraid to whip the tools out tho, and the screen comes with the specialist ones as well. The digitizer is OK, I think, but it's easier to replace both than just the screen, and not much more expensive for both parts.

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My old Samsung galaxy s2 is finally dying.

I'm no longer prepared to sign up to extortionate two year contacts so I'm wanting to buy a handset outright to use with my sim only contact.

Anything to stop me buying a Moto G? Seems like by far the best value for money out there.

Its a great phone for the money , wife had it , next best thing to a nexus device
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My old Samsung galaxy s2 is finally dying.

I'm no longer prepared to sign up to extortionate two year contacts so I'm wanting to buy a handset outright to use with my sim only contact.

Anything to stop me buying a Moto G? Seems like by far the best value for money out there.

I got one based on the same logic and think it's absolutely fine.

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i-tunes hasn't updated properly, tried a few time,s uninstalled, etc, nothing. Wanted to do system restore, only point is a week ago (hard drive is crammed, i-tunes has been goosed for much longer. I really need to fix it now as my i-pod really needs a change up.

Do I want to be putting all my photos, films and tunes on my external hard drive and doing some kind of complete system restore?

Laptop almost 4 years old but I only use it for pissing about online, watching series/movies and dowloading music and it still works for that.

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i-tunes hasn't updated properly, tried a few time,s uninstalled, etc, nothing. Wanted to do system restore, only point is a week ago (hard drive is crammed, i-tunes has been goosed for much longer. I really need to fix it now as my i-pod really needs a change up.

Do I want to be putting all my photos, films and tunes on my external hard drive and doing some kind of complete system restore?

Laptop almost 4 years old but I only use it for pissing about online, watching series/movies and dowloading music and it still works for that.

I wouldn't go to the effort of a re-install simply off the back of iTunes not working, although if it hasn't been done in 4 years and you know what you are doing it could be a good idea. Backing up any files that you value to an external source is always a good idea, regardless of the situation so I would definitely do that.

If you aren't keen on doing a full re-install then my starting point would probably be to uninstall any programmes you no longer use, including iTunes and then run a disk cleanup and defrag. This should help free up some space on your hard drive. I'd also go through and delete any pictures/music/videos you no longer want. Once you've done this I'd then try and download the latest version of iTunes. If this doesn't work take a note or screenshot the error message that you are getting and do a Google search. More often than not you'll find a fix that way.

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Can anyone recommend a decent sound equaliser for listening to music on an Android phone?

I used to use this but for the last few weeks it's been playing up, turning itself on and off at random leading to massive volume jumps. I've since switched back to the default Beats audio built into the HTC One but it's a bit pish in comparison.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Went to Boots yesterday to print off some photos from Galaxy S5 which is 3 months old. They have done away with Kodak terminals and now have touchscreens and leads to connect to phone. I have only taken12 photos but the machine somehow found over 300 images....stuff that I've looked at and other stuff I've no idea about.

So, should I be taking steps to delete all the crap leaving the photos I have taken and how would I go about it?

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A lot of web pages have started appearing in HTML/plain text only on Chrome on my laptop. Usually reloading sorts it out, but not always. I have javascript enabled and Chrome is up to date. No problem on IE. I've tried deleting cookies etc and switched it on and off. Any ideas?

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Went to Boots yesterday to print off some photos from Galaxy S5 which is 3 months old. They have done away with Kodak terminals and now have touchscreens and leads to connect to phone. I have only taken12 photos but the machine somehow found over 300 images....stuff that I've looked at and other stuff I've no idea about.

So, should I be taking steps to delete all the crap leaving the photos I have taken and how would I go about it?

Clear the browser cache on your phone and it should sort it out.
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