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All these heads gone over Joe McKee? Really?

Come on to f**k guys. Who cares what he did or didn’t do the SFA have done us a massive favour by getting that spineless shitebag our our team for the next few weeks at the very least.

This should be one of the highlights of our season imo.

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We've had hippo banned post match for diving . I can't remember another case of this ever happening in the lower leagues and lets not pretend that it doesnt happen week in week out. We've also had two players banned for abusing another player/players father which again happens week in week out.  As I have already said O'Hara probably crossed the line although theres been a lot worse said than that over the years but how does he get an 8 game ban and McKee a 4 game if the abuse was regarding the same thing? If it wasnt and was simply McKee slagging off Shiels dad then christ almighty a 4 game ban for something like that that is so common place in football is totally farcical and should now see players being banned left right and centre over the next few months.

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57 minutes ago, Russ said:

All these heads gone over Joe McKee? Really?

Come on to f**k guys. Who cares what he did or didn’t do the SFA have done us a massive favour by getting that spineless shitebag our our team for the next few weeks at the very least.

This should be one of the highlights of our season imo.

I'm glad somebody else has picked up on the fact that he's been utterly useless for most of the season so far. O'Hara hadn't scored a goal and McKee had taken to doing a reasonable impression of an automated vacuum cleaner.

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8 minutes ago, Shadwell Dog said:

We've had hippo banned post match for diving . I can't remember another case of this ever happening in the lower leagues and lets not pretend that it doesnt happen week in week out. We've also had two players banned for abusing another player/players father which again happens week in week out.  As I have already said O'Hara probably crossed the line although theres been a lot worse said than that over the years but how does he get an 8 game ban and McKee a 4 game if the abuse was regarding the same thing? If it wasnt and was simply McKee slagging off Shiels dad then christ almighty a 4 game ban for something like that that is so common place in football is totally farcical and should now see players being banned left right and centre over the next few months.

What exactly did McKee and O'Hara say?

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1 hour ago, All-Star-Par said:

Are you seriously suggesting the only reason this has happened is because the mighty international establishment of Dunfermline Athletic reported it? Despite the fact that the match official reported it and there was photographic evidence?

Now, I'm not defending Falkirk or their players at all here, but......

1 - I thought it was already established from coverage of the O'Hara enquiry that the match officials did not hear it and merely reported to the SFA what was reported to them by Dunfermline afterwards?

2 - How on earth do you get photographic evidence of what somebody said to somebody else? Did he throw subtitles at him? :lol:

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We've had hippo banned post match for diving . I can't remember another case of this ever happening in the lower leagues and lets not pretend that it doesnt happen week in week out. We've also had two players banned for abusing another player/players father which again happens week in week out.  As I have already said O'Hara probably crossed the line although theres been a lot worse said than that over the years but how does he get an 8 game ban and McKee a 4 game if the abuse was regarding the same thing? If it wasnt and was simply McKee slagging off Shiels dad then christ almighty a 4 game ban for something like that that is so common place in football is totally farcical and should now see players being banned left right and centre over the next few months.

I'm completely shocked to see you at the epicentre of the tears, snotters and conspiracy theories.

Actually listen to yourself.
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18 minutes ago, Shadwell Dog said:

We've had hippo banned post match for diving . I can't remember another case of this ever happening in the lower leagues and lets not pretend that it doesnt happen week in week out. We've also had two players banned for abusing another player/players father which again happens week in week out.  As I have already said O'Hara probably crossed the line although theres been a lot worse said than that over the years but how does he get an 8 game ban and McKee a 4 game if the abuse was regarding the same thing? If it wasnt and was simply McKee slagging off Shiels dad then christ almighty a 4 game ban for something like that that is so common place in football is totally farcical and should now see players being banned left right and centre over the next few months.

As far as I'm aware it's never been reported exactly what was said and you're saying within this post that you don't know what was said. How you can therefore conclude that it's something that happens "week in week out", I've absolutely no idea.

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17 minutes ago, Shadwell Dog said:

As I have already said O'Hara probably crossed the line although theres been a lot worse said than that over the years but how does he get an 8 game ban and McKee a 4 game if the abuse was regarding the same thing? 

Can you let us know what O'Hara and McKee said and then give us some examples of things that have been said which are worse?


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1 hour ago, Skyline Drifter said:

As far as I'm aware it's never been reported exactly what was said and you're saying within this post that you don't know what was said. How you can therefore conclude that it's something that happens "week in week out", I've absolutely no idea.

Ok are we now saying that there's levels of abuse that you can have about someones eye?  If the issue levelled at mckee was because he was abusing Shiels eye then why does he only get 4 games and O'hara 8?  If he was simply as some have said slagging off Kenny Shiels then why should he be banned at all.  week in week out you get abuse regarding that kind of pish in a lot of sports and hee haw happens.  I admit I dont know what exactly was said but I'm struggling to think of anything that would deserve a 4 match ban.

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9 minutes ago, Shadwell Dog said:

Ok are we now saying that there's levels of abuse that you can have about someones eye?  If the issue levelled at mckee was because he was abusing Shiels eye then why does he only get 4 games and O'hara 8?  If he was simply as some have said slagging off Kenny Shiels then why should he be banned at all.  week in week out you get abuse regarding that kind of pish in a lot of sports and hee haw happens.  I admit I dont know what exactly was said but I'm struggling to think of anything that would deserve a 4 match ban.

I'm not saying anything about it. That's the point. I don't know what was reported as being said so can't offer any view on the equity of the punishment or not. Neither can you. You can't on the one hand concede you haven't a clue what was said (and you've veered between saying it might be about his vision or it might be about his dad) and on the other also say it's disproportionate punishment and happens every week.

I have been on here before criticising the way the SFA have handled this whole thing. I don't understand why it took a month for them to be charged (and allowing the two teams to play each other again meantime), and I don't particularly understand why McKee's case took an additional few weeks to be judged either. There may be some very good reason for both points but we've not been told if so. I have not and will not however judge the punishments when we don't know what was actually said.

Edited by Skyline Drifter
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