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The Falkirk FC Thread

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Anyone else getting a bad feeling about the things overall just now? On the face of it the decision is the right one but, are we really saying that the money it costs contributed are going straight into the first team squad? We are saying the club is running at a loss so to me it sounds like we are merely plugging a gap.

As for the handling then they have failed spectacularly in every department of it.  Going to the press before briefing players/coaches is ridiculous. Gordon Waddell was merely doing his job, something the source of the story wasn't doing.  

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12 hours ago, Back Post Misses said:

Clearly changes were required and overall I have much more beef with how this has been communicated than the business decision. I just don’t think it is right to have the press tell people. At least have the good grace to inform staff, parents and kids first.



I totally agree with you on the press bit.

In theory I agree with you on the staff / parents / kids bit, though I'm not sure how practical it would be. Within seconds of giving out the news someone would put the story on social media and then the club would be getting slaughtered for not making any official comment. The two things would need to be done simultaneously.

I believe that the BOD of FVFA were told in advance of the story coming out, which would almost have to be the case as there will be things like notice periods and termination clauses in any contract.  I don't know how much advance notice they got and I have no idea why nobody appears to have prewarned the staff. The fact that some of those staff later posted their frustrations on a Falkirk fans forum demonstrates how badly awry the communications were.

Not a good day for the club, the Academy or the people who've invested so much of their time and energies into making the whole thing work.

I just hope the gamble pays off.

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4 hours ago, Bofabairn said:

Yer hole - nae players for certain positions and six or seven for others.

We cut our cloth slightly to previous season but just cause like many you dont feel that players are up to playing in the position placed, doesnt mean we dont have a player for the postion, the buck falls with the manager in that retrospect


Mitchell, Thomson

Kidd, Muirhead

McGhee, Grant, Watson, Gasporotto , Balatoni, Muirhead

Gallacher, McGhee

Craigen, Hippolyte, Harris

Kerr, Taiwo,Craigen, Sibbald, McKee

Craigen, Hippolyte, Sibbald, Harris

Loy, Austin, Miller, O'Hara



Rogers Mehmet, Thomson

Kidd, Muirhead

McCracken, Grant, Watson, Gasporotto, Muirhead

Leahy, Gallacher

Craigen, Hippolyte, Aird

Kerr, Taiwo, Rankin,Craigen, Sibbald, McKee

Craigen, Hippolyte, Sibbald

Baird, Austin, Miller, McHugh

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Initially I thought the decision to scrap the Youth Development system was a huge mistake and then after some consideration began to see the merits on focusing solely on the first team with the aim of getting us out of this holding pen league of failing / badly run clubs at the earliest opportunity.
However I had a lengthy conversation yesterday with someone with credible contacts within the club and the information given did not make for happy listening.
The contribution to FVA (not the development team) is £120K, I had thought it would have been significantly higher tbh, this figure could be reduced to £60K if the academy relocated to The Falkirk Stadium from Stirling.
In the overall scheme of things an annual cost of £60K to continue the Academy which by all reports have some extremely promising players coming through at the U 15 and just below age groups would be a sensible use of a modest amount of the club's money, the alternative which is to lose these talented youngsters who would be pushing for first team involvement within a very few years to our competitors is short term thinking of the worst kind.
Another factor is the loss of the hard won credibility the club has in the youth development area should we withdraw form FVA, it would be a very long and difficult process to restart an Academy from scratch in some hypothetical future where we are an established top tier team.
The U20 development team is poor and has been for a couple of seasons mainly due to the restructuring when our own system was merged with the mighty resources of the Shire and Stenhousemuir in FVA, if savings have to be made this would be the place to do it.
The communication from the club as per usual was pathetic incompetence, if you tell a journalist what you are planning to do (it was not a leak) don't be surprised when the guy does what he is paid for and writes a story!
The upside to all of this is the stated intention of putting in place a proper scouting network which, if done properly, would be a valuable resource that frankly we should already have in place.
There were some other incidents relating to our BOD and MSG that I won't detail here but made for rather depressing listening, we really are not in a happy place just now.
Next year will be the 50th anniversary of my first trip to Brockville and this is genuinely as bad a time as I can remember, still it can only get better...

How do you even know this?
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The Academy was fine when we could afford it but a combination of this Project Brave shite pulling the rug away from underneath it and eight fucking years in the second tier make it unsustainable. We have Premier League overheads on Championship income - if we don't get out of this league we really are fucked long time. 

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Are you completely sacking your entire youth set up? Or is it just a case that you'll still have youth squads but with a lot less money in it?

Upon relegation we severely cut money towards youth development, but still ran youth squads, and we got Stevie May out that approach. We've recently kick started youth development though, and it's taken over five years for the first solid batch to start progressing into the U20s.

Be aware that it could take a decade for your youth system to re-establish itself if you're starting from scratch.

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6 hours ago, MrDust said:

We cut our cloth slightly to previous season but just cause like many you dont feel that players are up to playing in the position placed, doesnt mean we dont have a player for the postion, the buck falls with the manager in that retrospect


Mitchell, Thomson

Kidd, Muirhead

McGhee, Grant, Watson, Gasporotto , Balatoni, Muirhead

Gallacher, McGhee

Craigen, Hippolyte, Harris

Kerr, Taiwo,Craigen, Sibbald, McKee

Craigen, Hippolyte, Sibbald, Harris

Loy, Austin, Miller, O'Hara



Rogers Mehmet, Thomson

Kidd, Muirhead

McCracken, Grant, Watson, Gasporotto, Muirhead

Leahy, Gallacher

Craigen, Hippolyte, Aird

Kerr, Taiwo, Rankin,Craigen, Sibbald, McKee

Craigen, Hippolyte, Sibbald

Baird, Austin, Miller, McHugh

Your argument fails totally at leftback.

Mcghee is a centre half.

TG aint a fitba player.


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