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The Falkirk FC Thread

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I can't see the council allowing us to build a hotel on our land when they will probably build 1 on the gateway land.
Isn't 1 supposed to be built between Alexander Avenue and our stadium next to the fire station?
Doubt the council will be building any hotels, they're closing offices down left, right and centre to try to reduce costs. There's a massive shortfall in non rent based income so can't see where they'd get the money
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Yeah the council arent going to be buildong a hotel surely? Isnt the job of the council just to attract and retain business emterprise in the area? They should be all over this guy too. Both to prevent him fucking over FFC for the benefits they have to the area, but also witg a view to working with him if it goes through.

They would be morons* not to be tryong to get involved in this phase

* I understand.

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I'd like to know more about his plans for the existing parts of the stadium. He's obviously buying SA's shares but will we continue to pay circa £75K pa rent for the SS? As already mentioned, getting the council out of the Main Stand won't be easy - has the complexity of this been made clear?  The 4th stand is irrelevant really, certainly the type he described anyway, as getting access to the hospitality aspects of the Main Stand will always be the better option. Maybe he just means buying this part of the stadium from the council - they continue to have their offices?

I'd be happier if he was clearer about his aims - saying he wants to get us up to 6th spot "where we should be" is all very nice but it's flannel and means nothing to a non-football businessman.  It should be about pounds, shillings and pence - how much is he investing, how much does he expect in return and on what timescale? 


Would he be open to a fans buy-out in a few years when he's got his money and a reasonable profit out?


I really wish I could go back tonight and ask those questions. Any chance someone here could?

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43 minutes ago, Relegator Ritchie said:

What’s that concern based on? Is it something that you’ve heard that’s not been communicated to the wider fan base yet, or just because we don’t know the guy?

Nothing I've heard or ITK stuff. It's a combination of things.

For one, I'm naturally suspicious of anyone willing to throw money at our football club who doesn't have an affinity towards it. That probably stems from being old enough to remember the Deans and Fulston years. We've had a number of boards over the years who the fans didn't like or didn't think were competent, but the only ones who were dodgy were the two outsiders. All our local boards have been well-meaning, but not always up to the job.

Then there's the "if it seems too good to be true" factor.

And finally there's some of the things posted online. Most of the new posters who've put stuff up haven't had a warm reception on here, but it could paint a picture. I think I saw a post which showed evidence that our potential new owner was a director of five dissolved companies. Add a couple of new ones being created just before he was awarded preferred bidder status and it sets alarm bells ringing. As does the fact that he appears to be claiming his money was made in America  - so it presumably can't be verified via Companies House. Then there's the allegations about his character when he was in charge of previous ventures.

I would have hoped that any potential new owner could show a stable business background with lots of proven success and testimonials from happy customers. That doesn't appear to be the case here.

Granted, there's nothing definitive enough to be conclusive, but I think it's reasonable to have doubts.

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He told a strange story about his Mexican girlfriend. He'd taken her to Sunderland and she'd remarked "Not many brown-eyed people here" which is why he'd decided they were going to live in Edinburgh. Now on the one hand, her point is very valid - Sunderland isn't a diverse area at all, in fact it's racist as f**k but on the other hand, why mention that to fans in Falkirk? Unless someone's been looking at the issues surrounding Falkirk and which concern the fans, helping him put together his "pitch" today.


Look at his bullet points -


1) Transparency & open-ness (I snorted at that one)

2) Rebuild the Academy

3) 4th Stand

4) Small squad

5) Grass pitch

6) Veiled story about racism 


However, again this doesn't really mean anything. Someone being genuine would research fan's concerns just as much as a con man.


Also, why have these meetings at all? We can't stop him buying the club, we can't influence that in the slightest so why bother meeting us?

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10 minutes ago, Bainsfordbairn said:

Nothing I've heard or ITK stuff. It's a combination of things.

For one, I'm naturally suspicious of anyone willing to throw money at our football club who doesn't have an affinity towards it. That probably stems from being old enough to remember the Deans and Fulston years. We've had a number of boards over the years who the fans didn't like or didn't think were competent, but the only ones who were dodgy were the two outsiders. All our local boards have been well-meaning, but not always up to the job.

Then there's the "if it seems too good to be true" factor.

And finally there's some of the things posted online. Most of the new posters who've put stuff up haven't had a warm reception on here, but it could paint a picture. I think I saw a post which showed evidence that our potential new owner was a director of five dissolved companies. Add a couple of new ones being created just before he was awarded preferred bidder status and it sets alarm bells ringing. As does the fact that he appears to be claiming his money was made in America  - so it presumably can't be verified via Companies House. Then there's the allegations about his character when he was in charge of previous ventures.

I would have hoped that any potential new owner could show a stable business background with lots of proven success and testimonials from happy customers. That doesn't appear to be the case here.

Granted, there's nothing definitive enough to be conclusive, but I think it's reasonable to have doubts.

Good summary I think. Follow the money. I question where, or from who, it's coming from and that's something we won't get answered. 

We're along for the ride, come what may, but I'd much rather be sitting here with the BtB guys having taken the reins. 

On the plus side it won't cost us much to buy the Championship next season, assuming United go up. It is possible to turn us into a lower Premiership side in 2 seasons. But that still brings in peanuts. I've probably watched too many Simpsons episodes, but this is high risk. Keep the buckets in the garage lads, we might need them again soon. 

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Was at the meeting this morning and seemed genuine enough.

In regards to the stadium he when he was asked about the council owning the main stand his plan was to speak to the council in regards to gaining ownership of it so "no the council wouldnt be building the hotels "it would be him/the club

John Park was asked about the size of the squad and his words were basically we arentr winning the league with a squad of 17 players with 3 of them injured at present.

Asked about the academy the plan is to re establish the academy however he admitted there is a lot of bridge building to be done between parents and the club due to the way it was handled when the club closed it.

He also mentioned about being in talks with Stirling Uni for their facilities for the academy and admitted there was some bridge building to be done as well (no shock there is there anyone the MSG didnt p*ss off)

Asked about a return to grass and that is the plan but he wants a fourth stand in place before a return to grass park

Another thing he mentioned along the lines of why Falkirk, he said he had looked at a number of clubs and we were the only club with no debt

He knows the window closes on the 2nd Sept and wants to have the takeover done in advance, by the sounds of it John Park has been scouting players and did say he would be speaking to Ray but they may differ on where they feel needs strengthened he wants to have players in sooner but said it may be the deals are done in the last few days of the window.

The Sunderland one he said it was the reverse Sunderland would be the feeder for Falkirk (If i heard right) he went though DD, EFL diligence all passed fit and proper but by what i am read SD at Sunderland wanted more money than the cub was worth or by again by what he said they had uncovered more debts.

John Park was the one that produced the powerpoint to the board and highlighted in the Premiershp no team has stayed in the top 6 constantly there is Celtic, Rangers, Hibs, Hearts and Aberdeen the 6th club has been a yo yo one and he wants it to be us we have the fanbase for it and the structure the reason with a 4th stand as well if i recall right Hibs and Hearts could fill that no problem which is more income coming into the club.

He also mentioned anything in regards to the team they have nothing to do with at present but he will be advising RM .

Edited by AL-FFC
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36 minutes ago, Bainsfordbairn said:

Nothing I've heard or ITK stuff. It's a combination of things.

For one, I'm naturally suspicious of anyone willing to throw money at our football club who doesn't have an affinity towards it. That probably stems from being old enough to remember the Deans and Fulston years. We've had a number of boards over the years who the fans didn't like or didn't think were competent, but the only ones who were dodgy were the two outsiders. All our local boards have been well-meaning, but not always up to the job.

Then there's the "if it seems too good to be true" factor.

And finally there's some of the things posted online. Most of the new posters who've put stuff up haven't had a warm reception on here, but it could paint a picture. I think I saw a post which showed evidence that our potential new owner was a director of five dissolved companies. Add a couple of new ones being created just before he was awarded preferred bidder status and it sets alarm bells ringing. As does the fact that he appears to be claiming his money was made in America  - so it presumably can't be verified via Companies House. Then there's the allegations about his character when he was in charge of previous ventures.

I would have hoped that any potential new owner could show a stable business background with lots of proven success and testimonials from happy customers. That doesn't appear to be the case here.

Granted, there's nothing definitive enough to be conclusive, but I think it's reasonable to have doubts.

If he made his money from private property dealing/developing it's likely there wouldn't be much of a public record, here or in America, at least easily searchable on google. It would be reassuring if there was someone trusted on our side with a legal or accounting background who could get a confidential look at his books, just to be able to say that he has the means to carry out what he is promising. Unlikely, I know. I'm definitely not going to assume the worst from decade old posts on Bexley is Bonkers. If there was serious dirt on him, it would likely have come out in his dealings with Sunderland. The new posters alluding to it on here have come up with zilch but innuendo.

Edited by welshbairn
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14 minutes ago, Sgt Bilko said:

Don't remember these being posted of late. 


Lists the sports, coffee and property development company's

He mentioned this morning he was a taxpaying resident of the UK and the US and when he returns to UK he will no longer have to pay tax on the US his businesses will have to be taxed somewhere, might be something to do with that his money will be coming to the UK and HMRC will want to know what and how much.

he also said this morning he wants to heal the division between the club and fans and had met with Kenny and David before this mornings meeting

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2 minutes ago, Bairn Necessities said:

Also, quite enjoying the pretence that Park and McKinnon haven't already been chatting. Nice .

Well we have the font of knowledge of all things football in LM there at present what does John Park know anyway ...lol

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29 minutes ago, NewBornBairn said:

He told a strange story about his Mexican girlfriend. He'd taken her to Sunderland and she'd remarked "Not many brown-eyed people here" which is why he'd decided they were going to live in Edinburgh. Now on the one hand, her point is very valid - Sunderland isn't a diverse area at all, in fact it's racist as f**k but on the other hand, why mention that to fans in Falkirk? Unless someone's been looking at the issues surrounding Falkirk and which concern the fans, helping him put together his "pitch" today.

On the other hand it might just have been an innocent aside emphasising that he wasn't that bothered the Sunderland deal didn't go through. 

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He mentioned this morning he was a taxpaying resident of the UK and the US and when he returns to UK he will no longer have to pay tax on the US his businesses will have to be taxed somewhere, might be something to do with that his money will be coming to the UK and HMRC will want to know what and how much.

he also said this morning he wants to heal the division between the club and fans and had met with Kenny and David before this mornings meeting

The tax angle is the most obvious reason for relocating from the US I suppose.
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Someone asked about him on twitter. Seems he's impressed with the Kieran and the commercial dept and they'll be staying. Whether that's in a board capacity or not was unclear, but I'd guess that department warrants a board position.

He might be last piece of continuity between the Old Board and New Board, however i'd prefer he wasn't on the New Board.
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2 hours ago, NewBornBairn said:

Was it significant that Kieran was at this morning's meeting?

I doubt it. KK is the only board member to work fulltime at the club.

Someone would have to babysit MC just to answer any queries from the club's perspective and KK is the most senior employee.

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