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Well it should be because as fans we want the best for the club. We have suffered in the past due to chancers being in charge. Football is not a normal business you have to have your customers (the fans) approve of you and your intentions.
I have also bought and sold many businesses both in the Uk and the US and I can tell you if something doesn’t smell right you had better start pulling up the floorboards.

You have bought and sold many UK and US businesses?
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So he moved to the US about 3 years ago max and has somehow amassed a fortune making commission on real estate from a standing start.
Why not name the major buildings he has sold, since when has real estate agencies been a big secret? He says it's been a struggle keeping the recent one quiet - I thought the whole idea was for them to advertise the sale to potential vendors out there.
And why did he not name the coffee company in the video , what's the secret there - I'm thinking it's a mobile van you know.
Unless you have a national chain of shops - KRC (Kenny Rogers Coffee)  - there's not that much money in coffee you know  and loads of competition.

Yip I’m now thinking was his involvement in these hotel sales limited to simply being the realtor (estate agent )in these property deals. It seems like the lack of detail on these alleged transactions just causes to ramp up the concern meter .
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Why the f**k was he there then? To give this guy some legitimacy by the looks.

It is typical of the MSG this. They can’t do anything well and without drama. The guy may well be legit but by Christ he has some convincing to do for me.

I said yesterday this fashion parade should never have taken place until the DD was completed and it was signed and sealed.

Absolute shambles.

Disagree with most of this tbh. Park did speak at the meetings (one at least) and although the meetings by no means answered all of our questions, they did answer a lot.

The headline in the sun article is sensationalist rubbish.
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FWIW I agree with BPM in that I wouldnt have started the pulicity tour until the deal was further down the road, but it does show how difficult it is to please everyone. Folk on here were wanting the potential buyers to schmooze the fans a few weeks ago, theres folk who dont want that, theres folk who want to ask the guy stuff, theres folk who feel they should be able to access every bit of anyones finances via Google....

One thing is for certain though.... After several days of this, none of us any any closer to establishing the motive/means/intentions of this man. So with that said, it could be time to accept that the MSG are business people who wish to sell some shares to another business person. If they are satisfied then they conclude the deal and we are left where we are left. If this guy turns out to be a scammer then it falls to us to hunt him too, ideally before serious damage is done.

Im honestly not sure at this point what we can acheive as fans. I cant really think of any "rights" we have here, given that any expectation/belief in the MSG to do right by us has long since evaporated

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What Falkirk clearly need is a social media influencer to buy the club, with their own Youtube channel to show how fabulously wealthy they are. Any businessman without a large following on twitter and facebook, and a biography instantly obtainable on Linkedin has to be a conman. I don't know why they even bother with due diligence anymore, we've checked him out in minutes on google. What on earth were Sunderland even doing giving him the time of day? 

They gave him the time of day initially once SD found he wasn’t offering anything other than borrowed money he had brokered then it seems he was politely shown the door.
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2 hours ago, Shodwall cat said:

Nothing that we didn't know already. At the meetings park said he wouldn't get involved and talk.football till the sale was confirmed. This is a complete nothing article.

The article starts by sounding dramatic and then goes on with 90% filler and irrelevant waffle.

As you say it's not anything that wasn't said and basically says nowt

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Disagree with most of this tbh. Park did speak at the meetings (one at least) and although the meetings by no means answered all of our questions, they did answer a lot.


The headline in the sun article is sensationalist rubbish.


We will soon find out who is right and who is wrong. Hope it is me

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10 minutes ago, Stainrod said:

They gave him the time of day initially once SD found he wasn’t offering anything other than borrowed money he had brokered then it seems he was politely shown the door.

Thats not the way he tells it, so can you cite your source?

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1 hour ago, Back Post Misses said:


Why the f**k was he there then? To give this guy some legitimacy by the looks.

It is typical of the MSG this. They can’t do anything well and without drama. The guy may well be legit but by Christ he has some convincing to do for me.

I said yesterday this fashion parade should never have taken place until the DD was completed and it was signed and sealed.

Absolute shambles.


I'm not saying you're not correct I'm just saying that article is no different to what we already knew.

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Jeepers, I almost feel a bit sorry for you lot.

It really does sound as if this guy could be a total saviour, a complete chancer, or all points in between.


Some are drawing parallels with Rangers, but in fairness to you, many seem a Hell of a lot less easily seduced than those idiots were.


I genuinely hope you don't get burned here.  It sounds like BtB aren't going to have the role that was envisaged, but they could still have an important role in advising people, if they've met him.  Is it fair to ask that of them though?  Vetting someone else, is not what they were set up to do.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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2 minutes ago, Monkey Tennis said:

Jeepers, I almost feel a bit sorry for you lot.

It really does sound as if this guy could be a total saviour, a complete chancer, or all points in between.


Some are drawing parallels with Rangers, but in fairness to you, many seem a Hell of a lot less easily seduced than those idiots were.


I genuinely hope you don't get burned here.  It sounds like BtB aren't going to have the role that was envisaged, but they could still have an important role in advising people, if they've met him.  Is it fair to ask that of them though?  Vetting someone else, is not what they were set up to do.

Nothing to feel sorry about. Worst case scenario hes a chancer fails due diligence and we're back at square one. If hes a total con man like some think it wont get very far. Hes still got to come up with the money for 62 percent of the shares. The whole thing is still early days. Problem is the msg/bod have jumped the gun parading this guy before the deal is complete or not.  I still feel that guys like alexander and Ritchie whilst not the greatest at running football teams know all about big business and after they have invested time and cash in falkirk I can't see them handing the club over to any chancer that happens to turn up with a pipe dream. 

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I just hope the MSG haven’t pissed off the other interested parties, see what comes of the DD, but going by that sun link MSG are asking questions, might be me but is that not the first thing they should have done.

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You have bought and sold many UK and US businesses?

Correct And as a result I have enough experience to advise you that Im right to fear the worst whilst continuing to hope for the best!
Why on earth he was introduced to the fans at our stadium before the DD was undertaken is incredible and bemusing although a cynic might say it was an attempt by the incumbents to pass the responsibility buck !
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Haven't commented yet as like most I know nothing about the guy so until DD is done we will be none the wiser.

The one thing I will say however is with the amount of cock ups they have made in the past seasons, if this does go wrong the msg better go into hiding. With the amount of time they have taken to get us to this stage and the big rolling out of Mark Campbell for it to go anything other than smooth would be the final kick in the baws for us fans.

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They gave him the time of day initially once SD found he wasn’t offering anything other than borrowed money he had brokered then it seems he was politely shown the door.
Where's the evidence of this? I've searched Google but can't find anything other than he pulled the offer when they discovered more debt during DD.
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Nothing to feel sorry about. Worst case scenario hes a chancer fails due diligence and we're back at square one. If hes a total con man like some think it wont get very far. Hes still got to come up with the money for 62 percent of the shares. The whole thing is still early days. Problem is the msg/bod have jumped the gun parading this guy before the deal is complete or not.  I still feel that guys like alexander and Ritchie whilst not the greatest at running football teams know all about big business and after they have invested time and cash in falkirk I can't see them handing the club over to any chancer that happens to turn up with a pipe dream. 
And if he gets the club and fucks us over, then we have a role to play in hounding him out. We already played our hand in tryong to oust the MSG. At this point, when its all about who they sell two, we are not holding any cards. The best we can do as fans now is keep BtB alive as a contigency to ensure we have cards to play in future.

Right now, its nice that Campbell is engaging the fans, but he owes us nothing. Once he is in charge, he takes over the club/customer relationship, then he owes us a product and progress in exchange for our money.
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33 minutes ago, Stainrod said:

They gave him the time of day initially once SD found he wasn’t offering anything other than borrowed money he had brokered then it seems he was politely shown the door.

Have absolutely no idea where you are pulling this information from tbh, have a quick listen to Stewart Donald's interview. He clearly states that the Campbell deal was never as close as reported in the media however that was purely down to how much Campbell was willing to invest in back to back promotions and nothing to do with 'borrowed money' or any DD issues.

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