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35 minutes ago, JulioBairn said:

If the ‘old board’ had made this decision this place would’ve been in meltdown. However now that most folk have a pal on the ‘new board’ then let’s all pretend ‘it’s the best we could’ve done.’

I’m all for getting behind this new board and will be joining the FSS but I’m hoping we start to see improvements soon. I know things take time but this decision is no different from the previous regime and Gary Holt is still stealing a wage. Time to get to work…

I think broad based improvements are going to take a fair bit of time to become apparent, but speaking as an individual dealing up close and personal with members of the previous Board, and now the new Board, it has been a complete paradigm shift in how they conduct themselves.

Do I have friends or mates on the Board? Not a single one. My first meeting with any of them was at the FSS meeting 9 days ago.

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Every other club that I’ve seen so far, where demand outstrips supply, are running a ballot for the weekend. 

Must just be us who can’t manage this challenging feat of allocating less than 400 tickets to a ST holder base of a whopping c2500 folk.

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I think more people would be ok if the rules made sense, 500 in 1 stand at east fife should equal 1500 in 3 stands at Falkirk or the illogical way 380 can be in a stand outside while 100 plus can be inside watching the game in the south stand bar. 

I think the SG made a generic decision to reduce numbers to 500.
They hardly have the time to look at every individual stadium or venue and put in exceptional cases to match - even if there is more logic that can be applied.
The principle is to reduce mixing across the board, but it’s hardly surprising that it’s a ‘one size fits all’ approach.
Really don’t get all these “they should have done this for us because…”
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15 minutes ago, roman_bairn said:

I think the SG made a generic decision to reduce numbers to 500.
They hardly have the time to look at every individual stadium or venue and put in exceptional cases to match - even if there is more logic that can be applied.
The principle is to reduce mixing across the board, but it’s hardly surprising that it’s a ‘one size fits all’ approach.
Really don’t get all these “they should have done this for us because…”

Why not? In a few minutes I could come up with 500 for grounds with 1 stand or say under 3000 capacity.  Extra size and stands increases capacity. Take into account things like transport ie 20000 travelling to glasgow for a game  and reduce larger grounds capacity by a greater extent. If I can do that myself in a couple of minutes then I'm sure the Scottish or any other government could do better than a "one size fits all" arrangement. 

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3 minutes ago, knee jerk reaction said:

Why not? In a few minutes I could come up with 500 for grounds with 1 stand or say under 3000 capacity.  Extra size and stands increases capacity. Take into account things like transport ie 20000 travelling to glasgow for a game  and reduce larger grounds capacity by a greater extent. If I can do that myself in a couple of minutes then I'm sure the Scottish or any other government could do better than a "one size fits all" arrangement. 

Yeah, the idea that we should have no expectations of restrictions such as these being done on a case by case, evidence led basis is absolutely mental. Folk have every right to be raging and im baffled at anyone willing to just sit back and say otherwise. 

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Guest Caractacus Potts
26 minutes ago, roman_bairn said:

I think the SG made a generic decision to reduce numbers to 500.
They hardly have the time to look at every individual stadium or venue and put in exceptional cases to match - even if there is more logic that can be applied.
The principle is to reduce mixing across the board, but it’s hardly surprising that it’s a ‘one size fits all’ approach.
Really don’t get all these “they should have done this for us because…”

The same common sense that the government should apply is what we all should implement in our daily lives as well as clubs and businesses alike.

Decisions don’t all make sense but we shouldn’t really need the government to instruct us on what to do to keep us safe and help prevent another lockdown. If we’re all paying attention then we should know that at this present time to avoid unnecessary travel and avoid busy places where we can. Trying to cram as many people in to a stadium tonight as clubs were encouraging is completely ignorant as to why these restrictions are being applied in the first place. Keeping the bar open for Boxing Day isn’t a great idea either. All these things do is help continue the spread and prolong the restrictions. 

Edited by Caractacus Potts
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7 minutes ago, Caractacus Potts said:

The same common sense that the government should apply is what we all should implement in our daily lives as well as clubs and businesses alike.

Decisions don’t all make sense but we shouldn’t really need the government to instruct us on what to do to keep us safe and help prevent another lockdown. If we’re all paying attention then we should know that at this present time to avoid unnecessary travel and avoid busy places where we can. Trying to cram as many people in to a stadium tonight as clubs were encouraging is completely ignorant as to why these restrictions are being applied in the first place. Keeping the bar open for Boxing Day isn’t a great idea either. All these things do is help continue the spread and prolong the restrictions. 

So bars, restaurants and other businesses should voluntarily close, regardless of government advice and with no financial support for them or their staff?

Edited by Hughsie
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Guest Caractacus Potts
22 minutes ago, Hughsie said:

So bars, restaurants and other businesses should voluntarily close, regardless of government advice and with no financial support for them or their staff?

Not advocating businesses to shut at their own detriment but at this moment we all need to do what we can to help prevent the spread so that means limiting numbers, not doing things that aren’t necessary etc. Again the simple fact is that if numbers continue to rise then restrictions will be imposed and businesses will be harder hit. 

Edited by Caractacus Potts
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We had a perfectly adequate ballot system at the start of the season

Why not bring this back?

If you got a ticket for one game, you had less chance the next as the people who missed out went to the top of the queue.

This queuing up bollocks, make it more likely to spread the virus.


The difference here is we can now get 150 people in on a jolly- Now the rest can go f**k yourself!! 

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3 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

You think that having an issue with something means people "aren't backing the board"? 

Is it, absolutely no criticism allowed on any aspect of the club, for you?

If you look back at any of my posts, you will see the majority are based on criticising the ”old” Board.  

This one has only been in the door for a few weeks and getting pelters already.

It’s a wonder anyone would want to put their hard earned into the club, volunteer to take on a role of responsibility and then get blasted for every small mistake that some fans think lies squarely at their door, even when there might be mitigating circumstances. 

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13 minutes ago, Zbairn said:

If you look back at any of my posts, you will see the majority are based on criticising the ”old” Board.  

This one has only been in the door for a few weeks and getting pelters already.

It’s a wonder anyone would want to put their hard earned into the club, volunteer to take on a role of responsibility and then get blasted for every small mistake that some fans think lies squarely at their door, even when there might be mitigating circumstances. 

Zbairn, you and I usually see eye to eye on most issues but not in this case.

Re: the points that I have highlighted in bold, could that not equally apply to the outgoing board? They put in their cash, volunteered to take on a role of responsibility and then got blasted for every small mistake? As you say, you were happy enough to criticise the old board, surely the same should apply to the new board if they make mistakes? Or else double standards are being applied?

Yes, they have only been in the door a few weeks but I am quite happy to give them pelters. Sheerin had already been emptied and almost the only action that I wanted them to take a.s.a.p. was to kick Holt out the door and yet he is still here. He should have been booted within the first week. I don't know if you know any of the new board personally but if you do, please tell them to get their arses in gear and get shot of Holt. The goodwill that that would generate for them would be enormous. Indeed, the unrest re: distribution of the 500 tickets wouldn't have been nearly so big if Holt was already gone, the feelgood factor would still be in effect.

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1 hour ago, Andreas Kelevra said:

We had a perfectly adequate ballot system at the start of the season

Why not bring this back?

If you got a ticket for one game, you had less chance the next as the people who missed out went to the top of the queue.

This queuing up bollocks, make it more likely to spread the virus.


The difference here is we can now get 150 people in on a jolly- Now the rest can go f**k yourself!! 

I remember the crowds being a lot lower than the capacity for those games, definitely would rather have 500 people who could definitely be there than have 200 tickets go to waste. 

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11 minutes ago, Would you believe it said:

I remember the crowds being a lot lower than the capacity for those games, definitely would rather have 500 people who could definitely be there than have 200 tickets go to waste. 

well I went, and stay nowhere near Falkirk.

The old system was a fair method to distribute tickets.

If people are going to be dicks and not show up, then ban them from getting tickets in the future.



Edited by Andreas Kelevra
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55 minutes ago, Zbairn said:

If you look back at any of my posts, you will see the majority are based on criticising the ”old” Board.  

This one has only been in the door for a few weeks and getting pelters already.

It’s a wonder anyone would want to put their hard earned into the club, volunteer to take on a role of responsibility and then get blasted for every small mistake that some fans think lies squarely at their door, even when there might be mitigating circumstances. 

Yeah, that's not happening though. That's not a fair description of this thread or elsewhere, by even the stretchiest stretch of the imagination. Your posts are making it clear that for you, this new board is not to be criticised or called out for any reason. You are the one who claimed this board will never get backing. If having a complaint about ticket allocations = not backing the board in your opinion, i'd suggest your skin might be a bit too thin for this game. 

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1 hour ago, Bairn in Exile said:

Zbairn, you and I usually see eye to eye on most issues but not in this case.

Re: the points that I have highlighted in bold, could that not equally apply to the outgoing board? They put in their cash, volunteered to take on a role of responsibility and then got blasted for every small mistake? As you say, you were happy enough to criticise the old board, surely the same should apply to the new board if they make mistakes? Or else double standards are being applied?

Yes, they have only been in the door a few weeks but I am quite happy to give them pelters. Sheerin had already been emptied and almost the only action that I wanted them to take a.s.a.p. was to kick Holt out the door and yet he is still here. He should have been booted within the first week. I don't know if you know any of the new board personally but if you do, please tell them to get their arses in gear and get shot of Holt. The goodwill that that would generate for them would be enormous. Indeed, the unrest re: distribution of the 500 tickets wouldn't have been nearly so big if Holt was already gone, the feelgood factor would still be in effect.

I agree Holt should be shown the door.  I have no idea why he is still there t.b.h.  There may be contractural issues to be overcome.  Thats my opinion only and I think that his days are numbered. Time will tell.

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1 hour ago, Bairnardo said:

Yeah, that's not happening though. That's not a fair description of this thread or elsewhere, by even the stretchiest stretch of the imagination. Your posts are making it clear that for you, this new board is not to be criticised or called out for any reason. You are the one who claimed this board will never get backing. If having a complaint about ticket allocations = not backing the board in your opinion, i'd suggest your skin might be a bit too thin for this game. 

I will criticise this Board and any other if it’s warranted.  Knowing the previous incumbents I think the club is in a bigger governance mess than many realise. Outsiders still pick up on how much of a laughing stock our club is. Deans et al have a lot to answer for. 

If you read back, my original post indicated that no Board will ever get the full backing of the fans. It was intended to highlight that some will have a moan at every little problem....hence the “hot Bovril” comment.  I’ve been a shareholder since Moffat’s time as Chairman. I’ve yet to see a Board that hasn’t got flak for something. I’ve yet to see a Board that has had the full backing of the fans. The original post just suggested that this Board will see the same.

I just don’t think this ticketing issue warrants the ire that’s been posted on here and other social media. Yep, our new CEO made a bit of an arse of it, but considering the timescale I’m not surprised that a mistake has been made.  Hopefully one that will not be made in the future.

I think there are bigger issues to be addressed (still some hangers on to be booted out of the club) and pretty hopeful that we will continue to see positive changes in the near future. Knowing some of the guys on the Board, I’m a lot more hopeful of our direction than I was a couple of months ago. That doesn’t mean they should get an easy ride, but some leeway in time should be given to allow them to steady the ship.


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Guest Caractacus Potts

Just read Jamie Swinney on Twitter saying the PS cup ballot was done on the first 1000 to buy season tickets then the next 1000. If we have 2300 and they have that information then surely continue with the last 300 and then back to the first 80 or just start over with the first 380? 

Would save folk queuing in the rain or is this a cynical way to get more footfall through the shop for Christmas? 

Just don’t understand why there wasn’t a better option at hand. 

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