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8 minutes ago, Proudtobeabairn said:

If FSS truly want to represent fans then they don't need to rely on a poll.  The depth of feeling here doesn't need 'validated' it's black and white to the extent that its offensive to think the answer could be anything other than a flat no.   



Is it tho? Going on the reaction on various social media platforms, I think more of our fans are for this signing than against it. The unofficial FB poll has 2/3 in favour on its own. 

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14 minutes ago, Proudtobeabairn said:

If there's any truth in the rumour we've already bid for DGW then the new fan ownership model has already failed imo.  Taking a decision that would cause life long fans to never return would be unforgiveable.  

Taking a decision to employ DGW ahead of common decency really would be a new low.  If we can't win games without signing him then just shut the place down.  Anyone at board level even remotely considering this should be ashamed of themselves.  I'd rather have Taylor Morgan back to lead the attack and I'm not even joking.  

I honestly can't yet believe the new guys would be so stupid and am holding onto that hope but if it weren't true then why has no-one shut this down?  I don't buy that no-one in the FSS or Patrons group knows the truth other than the 6 on the board.    If I were a patron I'd be f*cking livid that my £10k could be spent on this and would be demanding answers from the elected reps.  

If FSS truly want to represent fans then they don't need to rely on a poll.  The depth of feeling here doesn't need 'validated' it's black and white to the extent that its offensive to think the answer could be anything other than a flat no.  Have both FSS and The Patrons elected board reps with such low moral compass that they would even consider signing him?  Astonishing if true.  



Join the FSS and for a tenner a month you can demand answers from their reps. 

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22 minutes ago, NUMBER 7 said:

I’ve just seen the email from FFS about a vote that must have arrived earlier today.

I won’t be answering the question posed, but I will be giving FFS my views in the part for comments.

Not impressed what so ever, if we are going to be receiving emails of this nature on every second matter.

What a load of tosh. I’d rather be asked my views on something than completely excluded, but in any case there’s no way it’s going to be on every second matter. This is a major issue. 

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There was a meeting planned just before Christmas but was cancelled because of the restrictions. 
I didn’t join, like most I suspect, to get lots of inside info as to what is going on. We elected Keith Gourlay and Kenny Jamieson to represent us. I am happy for them to get on with it and liase with us with the content they feel is appropriate at a time they deem correct. So far I am pleased with the progress. 
Old coaching team gone, new one in, clarity on player recruitment with Holt on his way and a statement that clearly states they are going to try to clear up the mess in terms of culture and professionalism that was left behind by countless previous regimes. 

Do you not deem the potential signing DG as being one of these occasions with it being such a divisive signing
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35 minutes ago, StuartA said:

Just to clear up a couple of points. 

First, the club did not/not ask us to conduct the poll. An increasing number of members asked us to remonstrate about the rumoured signing. Had we done so, it would have been based only on the views expressed, which were all in opposition. If we’d done nothing, then members would ask (and were asking) what's the point of a fans’ organisation like this if it can't even present views. 

Second, FSS no inside info on whether or not it was considered.  We wouldn't expect to as it's confidential information. 

It's annoyed a few folk, which is understandable and we respect the views of those who disagree.  But at the heart of it, all we've done is seek views from members so we can inform our directors. It's up the them what they do with the information, bearing in mind their duty to act independently. It's an uncomfortable thing to do and I can't see us doing anything similar for a long time. 

I think the FSS has the balance about right here and have handled it well, conducting a poll was the only sensible way to factually gauge the members opinion on a topic that many seem to be expecting the society to act upon. However I don’t think it’s feasible long term for the society to be doing this sort of thing regularly and hope it is a one of, the members need to democratically elect our two board representatives and trust them to sit on the BOD on our behalf without some mini referendum every two minutes. I also don’t feel the committee as a whole should be privy to any sensitive information until it’s made public (as I’m glad seems to be happening) nor should the patrons group as a whole. Let’s let the people we have chosen to represent us get on with the job and give them our trust going forward in driving our club to where it should be. It needs that for the new ownership model to work, there may be some bumps in the road but everybody really does need to try and pull together before the club ends up eating itself alive and we would only have ourselves to blame.

Edited by LatapyBairn.
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Just now, grumpyoldman said:

Do you not deem the potential signing DG as being one of these occasions with it being such a divisive signing

Let’s not forget we are discussing a rumour in the Sun newspaper and posts on P&B with some saying they know exactly what is going on. 

The reps know my view. If they differ, they differ I have not asked them. I trust them to do what they believe is the best for the club. If that is different to my view so be it. 

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Amazing how many of our supporters don’t have the brains to separate the FSS conducting a poll for this specific issue, with them asking the fans for an opinion on every single issue.

For me, and I think for a fair number of others, signing this guy will bring an end to my support for the club. Too right I want my views heard on it.

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6 minutes ago, Rugster said:

What a load of tosh. I’d rather be asked my views on something than completely excluded, but in any case there’s no way it’s going to be on every second matter. This is a major issue. 

Exactly. That members have been canvassed so soon on an issue is showing the benefit of having a group who is precisely there to gauge the mood of the fan base. 

As @StuartA says they've not done this lightly and is quite an exceptional step, probably reserved in future for relocating the club or changing the colours for instance.

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Let’s not forget we are discussing a rumour in the Sun newspaper and posts on P&B with some saying they know exactly what is going on. 
The reps know my view. If they differ, they differ I have not asked them. I trust them to do what they believe is the best for the club. If that is different to my view so be it. 

So you have expressed your view on a P&B rumour.
Why would you do that
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40 minutes ago, StuartA said:

Just to clear up a couple of points. 

First, the club did not/not ask us to conduct the poll. An increasing number of members asked us to remonstrate about the rumoured signing. Had we done so, it would have been based only on the views expressed, which were all in opposition. If we’d done nothing, then members would ask (and were asking) what's the point of a fans’ organisation like this if it can't even present views. 

Second, FSS no inside info on whether or not it was considered.  We wouldn't expect to as it's confidential information. 

It's annoyed a few folk, which is understandable and we respect the views of those who disagree.  But at the heart of it, all we've done is seek views from members so we can inform our directors. It's up the them what they do with the information, bearing in mind their duty to act independently. It's an uncomfortable thing to do and I can't see us doing anything similar for a long time. 

Thanks for clearing that up.  So basically we're still basing the goodwillie stuff on rumour and hearsay thankfully.

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41 minutes ago, AlanCamelonfan said:

Falkirk did

Miller and McCracken wouldn't know a decent footballer from Adam. Complete waste of money. Was never going to be anywhere good enough. He got punted put our academy for a reason and that was he wasn't very good. Why we decided to pay to bring him back is mind boggling.

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12 minutes ago, brokeville said:

Just as we thought things were going to get better we’re stooping to new lows. This has become an absolute shambles.

Regardless of anything that’s happened we need some clarity from the BOD to clear this up now.

Clear what up exactly?  What exactly have the new BOD done you class as a shambles? So far the decisions made I’ve actually been very impressed bearing in mind it’s only been just over a month since they were installed. 

Edited by LatapyBairn.
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Scunnered with all this DG shit, I’ve emailed the board and put my vote to the FSS poll. Many have made their feelings known on here and to the club. Honestly don’t see the point in folk going on about something that might never happen. Going to give P&B the swerve for a wee while until the transfer window is shut.

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 "clarity on player recruitment"
Eh no BPM- If we had this from the club we could have saved the last 40 pages!! They only had to say we have not and will not be signing DG.

I think he means that Holt isn’t involved.
However I agree with you and have stated several times the board should put this one to bed as it’s NOT a standard no comment situation, and even if we don’t sign him now many will believe we were seriously interested which will do the clubs reputation no good…
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Until we either sign him or there is something made public that says it won't happen, can we not just stick this DG rumour into the trebuchet and shut the f**k up about it!  We've all made our opinions clear on here already, there's absolutely no reason to keep regurgitating the same crap over and over again! 


There's a game tomorrow and the talk of our team being a pretty make shift squad flung together with anyone that doesn't have the 'rona, nobody fancy speculating and discussing that instead? 

I genuinely fear that the only fit keeper is Holts laddie and I'm worried that we may have to flung some youngsters in at the deep end which could dent their confidence and progress if it doesn't go well, any thoughts?

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