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37 minutes ago, brokeville said:

Next season would have been my 60th year supporting Falkirk. On Saturday I will probably make my last visit. I’ve watched the club through thick and thin. I’ve travelled the length and breadth of the country even going to Liechtenstein. I watched some utter dross over the years but I’ve always gone expecting the unexpected.

Not any more, somethings missing now. There’s no excitement, passion or atmosphere. I go fully expecting to lose and no longer care about the result. The people around me in the stand are disappearing never to return. I never thought that would be me.

The BOD have a massive job on their hands to turn this round. Unfortunately those that have stopped going are unlikely to return.

I hope from the bottom of my heart that we recover, I will always be a Bairn.

See you next season when we win 2 games in a row in August or something.

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5 hours ago, ShaggerG said:

I'd like the BOD to outline just exactly what the 'mess' they've been left with is. I'm not disbelieving them in anyway but we continually hear that they've been left with a lot to clear up and that they need to be given time to do it.

I obviously understand that some details may not be able to be made public for legal reasons or to protect individuals or whatever but I do think that a list of things that they've been working on would get fans onside and would maybe make some fans a bit more patient re our current predicament. Whenever I hear the narrative I get a mental picture of them all sitting round the Boardroom table with a huge list on a board and the sweat pouring from them as they try to sort it out!

We have already been told about the non payment of the fee required to sign foreign players so there's one thing we can tick off the list straight off.

Something that I think would help.

Good post and exactly why we organise the "pub events", next of which is on Saturday post-match in BtG and Monday at the Courtyard.

We do this without an agenda, just to give Falkirk fans the chance to give directors their views, and ask questions in a less toe-curling format than the Q/A.  That's not to say if you don't choose to engage like this, you forfeit your right to grinch on here or elsewhere, but it is an outlet.  I'm sure the board would answer these questions at these events.

And I'm sad when I see folk saying they won't come back.  I understand why, but Falkirk fans are trying to rescue the club right now.  There'll be bumps along the way, but now isn't the time to abandon ship, IMO, unless you're really done with it forever.

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He will have had a raft of documents like Encyclopaedia Britannica. Entirely FFC’s choice to do a medical at a time that didn’t suit, or just get him to sign an extension.

Think who was at the club last summer. Do you believe this is one of the things they will have done thoroughly? I don’t. They didn’t want to lose the one guy they knew for certain had a bit of quality about him.

If Morrison was fully fit, he would have been gone last summer.

Edited by Duncan Freemason
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3 minutes ago, Duncan Freemason said:

He will have had a raft of documents like Encyclopaedia Britannica. Entirely FFC’s choice to do a medical at a time that didn’t suit, or just get him to sign an extension.

Think who was at the club last summer. Do you believe this is one of the things they will have done thoroughly? I don’t. They didn’t want to lose the one guy they knew for certain had a bit of quality about him.

If Morrison was fully fit, he would have been gone last summer.

I think he would have went in January if a deal could have been agreed. Get the vibe that him and Rennie aren't exactly the best of pals.

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46 minutes ago, StuartA said:

Good post and exactly why we organise the "pub events", next of which is on Saturday post-match in BtG and Monday at the Courtyard.

We do this without an agenda, just to give Falkirk fans the chance to give directors their views, and ask questions in a less toe-curling format than the Q/A.  That's not to say if you don't choose to engage like this, you forfeit your right to grinch on here or elsewhere, but it is an outlet.  I'm sure the board would answer these questions at these events.

And I'm sad when I see folk saying they won't come back.  I understand why, but Falkirk fans are trying to rescue the club right now.  There'll be bumps along the way, but now isn't the time to abandon ship, IMO, unless you're really done with it forever.

I'm all for the pub events and was at BTW for the FSS AGM. I think the best way to tackle this though would be the BOD outlining the issues that they've been faced with, in writing if possible, before then opening the floor to questions.

If it was just a matter of asking questions, the audience wouldn't really know what to ask, unless it was just 'okay guys, what issues have you been faced with'? That would probably cover some of the bigger or more serious stuff but would likely miss a lot too.

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2 hours ago, champions said:

How do you know this?

From two ex professional football players on separate occasions who I played with who in the course of discussing their injuries explained it in the pub after a game

Understandably the players union want their members protected therefore the clubs take out insurance to cover the liability who in turn state medicals are taken out as part of the terms and conditions.

Sounded reasonable so there was no reason not to take it at face value

Hope this is of help

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Yes indeed. When moving from club to club. When there no club movement…..an extension with the club you are already with, then it can (and often is) done differently. In Morrison’s case, it’s an extension, not a transfer. There is no other club at risk of signing a pup.

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11 hours ago, ebobsboy said:

I think he would have went in January if a deal could have been agreed. Get the vibe that him and Rennie aren't exactly the best of pals.

Who is going to take someone who is never fit? 

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15 hours ago, ebobsboy said:

I think he would have went in January if a deal could have been agreed. Get the vibe that him and Rennie aren't exactly the best of pals.

I don’t think it’s anything to do with best of pals. Given the lack of effort and application I’m seeing from the players, Rennie appears to struggle to motivate any of them. Even the 7 he signed. We’ve also appointed an assistant with lots of experience of the Scottish game but who spends all his time previewing Rangers next match - it’s not great at all.

Appreciate it’s all about opinions and some posters thinks Rennie has done very, very well so far but apart from the fact he comes across as a very nice guy, I’ve not seen to much to excite me.

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2 minutes ago, Springfield said:

What’s Latapy up to at present ? Could do with someone who could at least bring some heart & soul back to the club. 

Manager of Barbados. Can’t really see him giving that up to come back here. 

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Guest FFC1965

Another reason I believe that Rennie will get the gig for next season......

The BOD & Chief Exec know as well as the fans that FFC will be saddled with a significant number of players next season i.e. there probably isn't a signed player in the squad (bar Watson maybe?) who would  have been offered a new contract had their terms been due to expire on 31.05.22.   We cant afford to pay enough of them off and we don't even have a player to sell whose fee might be used to fund the departure of the army of duds.    

If the conclusion is that these players are effectively beyond redemption and unlikely to respond materially to even a fantastic new coach then there's little point in pursuing an expensive and potentially difficult managerial option on the time honoured basis that "you cant make a silk purse out of a sows ear".   

I can see them reappointing Rennie for 22/23 tacitly accepting the likelihood of L1 in 23/24 and then clear the decks in May 23.     

Of course the counter argument is that poorer players need a better coach more than good ones but thats not how I see it going.  I could easily be wrong mind.

Rennie's appointment for 22/23 would presumably have one advantage of presumably being confirmed cheaply quickly and easily.   It has significant disadvantages of course and the above is just my view of how I think it will pan out - I believe he's failed significantly and the club should cut its losses and let him go at the expiry of his contract (actually no reason it couldn't be done or confirmed once we definitely cant be caught by Dumbarton - which could be as soon as this Saturday).     

ST sales for next season would no doubt suffer a bit if MR is reappointed but recent history suggests that FFC have a floor of around 1500 STs.    

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We should have gotten relegated under Totten (not his fault may I add) then McCall came in and won us the league the very next season.

Just putting that out there for those who say a new manager may need 3 or 4 seasons to get us in a stage where we're fighting for promotion.

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1 hour ago, FFC1965 said:

Another reason I believe that Rennie will get the gig for next season......

The BOD & Chief Exec know as well as the fans that FFC will be saddled with a significant number of players next season i.e. there probably isn't a signed player in the squad (bar Watson maybe?) who would  have been offered a new contract had their terms been due to expire on 31.05.22.   We cant afford to pay enough of them off and we don't even have a player to sell whose fee might be used to fund the departure of the army of duds.    

If the conclusion is that these players are effectively beyond redemption and unlikely to respond materially to even a fantastic new coach then there's little point in pursuing an expensive and potentially difficult managerial option on the time honoured basis that "you cant make a silk purse out of a sows ear".   

I can see them reappointing Rennie for 22/23 tacitly accepting the likelihood of L1 in 23/24 and then clear the decks in May 23.     

Of course the counter argument is that poorer players need a better coach more than good ones but thats not how I see it going.  I could easily be wrong mind.

Rennie's appointment for 22/23 would presumably have one advantage of presumably being confirmed cheaply quickly and easily.   It has significant disadvantages of course and the above is just my view of how I think it will pan out - I believe he's failed significantly and the club should cut its losses and let him go at the expiry of his contract (actually no reason it couldn't be done or confirmed once we definitely cant be caught by Dumbarton - which could be as soon as this Saturday).     

ST sales for next season would no doubt suffer a bit if MR is reappointed but recent history suggests that FFC have a floor of around 1500 STs.    

I can’t see it tbh. The BOD and CEO know they have made a massive mistake in appointing Rennie and Miller. The league is going to be even more difficult next season as we will still have Airdrie or Montrose, at least one of Ayr, QoS and Dunfermline who all have recent experience of winning this league, a more than likely improved Queens Park and a confident Kelty. If we appoint Rennie and Miller I genuinely think 6th is the best we can hope for.

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