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5 hours ago, LatapyBairn. said:

That’s an absolutely horrendous state of affairs if true and an abuse of the fans/members trust in the set up, it isn’t being run as a democratic members organisation. Unless things change people paying they’re money every month should be made aware of this and perhaps transfer membership and direct debits over to the FSS which is obviously fully democratic. We don’t need more people involved who treat the fans money and our club as they’re own personal play thing, if you want to play the big man and make demands on the club without consulting the fans/members who raised the cash then don’t take they’re money trying to play the big shot.  Walk the walk yourself, let’s see the colour of your own personal cash to fund it. 

Whole raft of folk ready to leave B4L for the reasons you've stated above. Self inflicted due to one man's ego. Absolutely no consultation with the membership no wonder they're leaving. 

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4 minutes ago, Syd Puddefoot said:

Whole raft of folk ready to leave B4L for the reasons you've stated above. Self inflicted due to one man's ego. Absolutely no consultation with the membership no wonder they're leaving. 

I’d rather my £10 was going Into FSS at the moment than B4l after last night.

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Surely there must be an easy mechanism where B4L direct debits can simply be transferred over to the supporters society, running the two in tandem never made sense to me and at least with the supporters society we get shares in the club for our money, two seats on the BOD and a democratic one member one vote system on how not only the FSS is run but an influence within the club itself as well via the elected reps.

Edited by LatapyBairn.
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I’m an FSS member and I did suggest in an earlier post that the money from FSS, BFL could be an option towards renewing the pitch when the time comes. The decision on this should be put to the members for consideration first though and the type of pitch they go for should be down to the board/club.

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BFL was set up to provide funds for the manager to boost his squad in January as previous regimes always said there was never any money to do that.

I thought it a good idea because of that issue. Then mysteriously the club found a wad of cash to fund Hartley’s January spree after he cleared out Houstie’s team. 

I stopped contributing then, not because it was a bad scheme or I didn’t like those running it but because the supporters had been duped by the then Board to cough up cash when all along they could find it themselves. 

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37 minutes ago, LatapyBairn. said:

Surely there must be an easy mechanism where B4L direct debits can simply be transferred over to the supporters society, running the two in tandem never made sense to me and at least with the supporters society we get shares in the club for our money, two seats on the BOD and a democratic one member one vote system on how not only the FSS is run but an influence within the club itself as well via the elected reps.

The whereabouts regarding the BfL money will be decided by its members at the next AGM which will be quite soon.

One person does not have the power.

All BfL subscriptions are by s/o which means the member can cancel as and whenever.

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6 hours ago, Proudtobeabairn said:

I heard it was down to money.  We'd offered over £1k a week and Dunfermline have offered more.  His first choice was a new contract with Rovers so maybe staying in Fife played a part too.  

Can't say I'm disappointed.  Signings have been solid if unspectacular so far.  Hopefully the next few will be more mouth watering.

What !!! Utter madness if that’s true over a 1k a week ? No wonder the Rovers couldn’t agree an extension , He’s ain’t a 1k + defender no way 

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8 hours ago, Springfield said:

Heard about financial issues weeks back, you’ve just confirmed what I thought was rumour, was very much true. Another shambles after losing Central Demolition after nearly twenty years. Guessing there’s probably another horror story behind that to filter out…..

Perhaps not. Clearly Clarke ePOS is a stand alone tragedy from last summer all on its ownsome.

I heard the Central Demolition had wanted to step back from two or three years ago, but equally, if a new shirt sponsor wasn’t found, they wouldn’t leave the club in the lurch…….if so, many thanks are due to CD for standing by the club for so long.

The absolute mess would have been Commercial staff trying to play CD off against ePOS. If that’s how it played out, then that is unforgivable. Certainly none of the current Board had anything to do with bringing Hugh Clarke to the club…..once again, they are left to pick up the pieces.

Edited by Duncan Freemason
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1 hour ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

The whereabouts regarding the BfL money will be decided by its members at the next AGM which will be quite soon.

One person does not have the power.

All BfL subscriptions are by s/o which means the member can cancel as and whenever.

The last B4L AGM agreed that the organisation would join its membership with FSS.  The problem is that David Lapsley reneged on that decision unilaterally and refused to let FSS have the membership list (thereby stopping B4L members having a say in the election of Fan Directors) and went to the club asking for shares to be given to B4L rather than what had been agreed which was the shares go to FSS. 

B4L is a great idea but it cannot be one person's playground to control what it does. If the club had given shares to B4L where is the democratic control of what would be done with them? No organisation is ever perfect but at least FSS has an active committee of 8 people and have annual elections and public events as well as online forums where people can discuss issues. Anyone can stand for election if they are a member. 

Ideally the two organisations will merge - the FSS committee have asked several times for this to happen but there has been no response from DL.

To join FSS - visit here:  https://falkirksupporters.org/subscribe/

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