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4 minutes ago, Springfield said:


FSS members would have been disappointed to see the news that Doug Moodie had stood down from the Falkirk board of directors earlier this week.

Doug was elected to the board by FSS members March this year, having served previously as a volunteer helping rebuild the club behind the scenes.

Since his appointment as director, Doug did a great deal of good work upgrading the finance systems and operations, delivering many other club projects as shared across the board/club volunteers, as well as recently taking on responsibility for data compliance.

Doug regularly attended FSS committee meetings alongside Nigel, answering questions frankly and keeping us informed. He also participated enthusiastically in the numerous fans’ events organised by FSS as well as the club’s information evenings earlier in the season.  Doug had also taken on Presidency of The Stirlingshire FA with a view to re-invigorating the tournament across a wider level of participation including youth, womens’ and other groups.

There is bound to be speculation about the resignation of a board member. Out of respect to Doug and to the board, we don’t want to add to that speculation as everyone is working so hard to bring success back to the club, not least all our members who contribute in many different ways. We do however owe our members as much transparency as possible.

Doug has told us to pass on his thanks to FSS members for their support, encouragement and friendship, and would like us to record his warmest thanks for all the various messages of support and thanks he has received the past few days since the announcement was made. He will continue to be a staunch supporter of the club and of FSS’s aims, and looks forward to potentially playing a more active role in FSS moving forward. His experiences and insights into how our club can be successful again will be taken on board by FSS.  Doug looks forward to seeing many of you in the stands this season at games home and away, and is always open for a natter on all matters football related as we get behind John, Paul and the team this season.

We hope to have a meeting with the Board soon where we can discuss any lessons we can all learn from the first 6 months of fan involvement. It’s clear that we need to think carefully about how our model can succeed. We are however determined to ensure fans’ retain an effective voice at the heart of the club, achieved via democratic elections. We will seek a replacement fans’ director for Doug as soon as possible.

Quite disappointed in this statement, actually seems to fuel the rumours of discord rather than clarifying the situation.

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1 hour ago, AL-FFC said:

Not gone comical Ali I'm just looking at a different perspective, like I say if someone resigns from your work is there an alterior motif ? 

There might be a perfectly simple reason he stepped down but everyone seems tp wan t to go with the conspiracy theory on it

WTF is an alterior motif?

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57 minutes ago, Reggie Perrin said:

Quite disappointed in this statement, actually seems to fuel the rumours of discord rather than clarifying the situation.

Especially that last paragraph. I hope I'm just being paranoid but reads to me like the issue is with FSS as a concept rather than a grievance between directors.

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1 hour ago, Springfield said:


FSS members would have been disappointed to see the news that Doug Moodie had stood down from the Falkirk board of directors earlier this week.

Doug was elected to the board by FSS members March this year, having served previously as a volunteer helping rebuild the club behind the scenes.

Since his appointment as director, Doug did a great deal of good work upgrading the finance systems and operations, delivering many other club projects as shared across the board/club volunteers, as well as recently taking on responsibility for data compliance.

Doug regularly attended FSS committee meetings alongside Nigel, answering questions frankly and keeping us informed. He also participated enthusiastically in the numerous fans’ events organised by FSS as well as the club’s information evenings earlier in the season.  Doug had also taken on Presidency of The Stirlingshire FA with a view to re-invigorating the tournament across a wider level of participation including youth, womens’ and other groups.

There is bound to be speculation about the resignation of a board member. Out of respect to Doug and to the board, we don’t want to add to that speculation as everyone is working so hard to bring success back to the club, not least all our members who contribute in many different ways. We do however owe our members as much transparency as possible.

Doug has told us to pass on his thanks to FSS members for their support, encouragement and friendship, and would like us to record his warmest thanks for all the various messages of support and thanks he has received the past few days since the announcement was made. He will continue to be a staunch supporter of the club and of FSS’s aims, and looks forward to potentially playing a more active role in FSS moving forward. His experiences and insights into how our club can be successful again will be taken on board by FSS.  Doug looks forward to seeing many of you in the stands this season at games home and away, and is always open for a natter on all matters football related as we get behind John, Paul and the team this season.

We hope to have a meeting with the Board soon where we can discuss any lessons we can all learn from the first 6 months of fan involvement. It’s clear that we need to think carefully about how our model can succeed. We are however determined to ensure fans’ retain an effective voice at the heart of the club, achieved via democratic elections. We will seek a replacement fans’ director for Doug as soon as possible.

That just will not do, sadly. Hard to all “pull in the same direction” when something seems wrong. 

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To me the “out of respect for the board” line is all wrong. The FSS shouldn’t be here to show respect to the board, the purpose is surely to represent and advocate for the interests of the club, in particular the supporters. If that necessitates being critical of the board, so be it.

Its another reason Imo why we need a genuinely balanced board- i.e. one not composed entirely of patrons.

There will be points when the perspectives of the patrons and the FSS are not aligned and current model creates a conflict of interest when that happens.

Edited by PedroMoutinho
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1 hour ago, Reggie Perrin said:

Quite disappointed in this statement, actually seems to fuel the rumours of discord rather than clarifying the situation.

Major coverup that. How can telling us what happened add to the speculation for god's sake?What's the point in having a fans organisation of they wont tell you anything. What next? The clubs going bust but with respect to the board we didn't tell anyone. Feck me.

Edited by Jackie Myles
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Sounds like there was a difference of views between the BOD and what Doug Moodie, as elected FSS representative, thought.

The reference to ALL parties learning lessons and how the model can succeed suggests there has been some friction in the board room. 

As suggested in other posts it's a noble idea to govern by consensus ... until there isn't.

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1 hour ago, Con Stapleton said:

WTF is an alterior motif?

It’s an enamel brooch usually depicting a church or cotton mill. Much used by suffragettes prior to them being allowed to play golf at Muirfield.

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16 minutes ago, Jackie Myles said:

Major coverup that. How can telling us what happened add to the speculation for god's sake?What's the point in having a fans organisation of they wont tell you anything. What next? The clubs going bust but with respect to the board we didn't tell anyone. Feck me.

As per the BoD update 12 May 2022, which is in the public domain, it states that we require £300k additional income to ensure financial stability.  I'd like to know what progress is being made to reduce this deficit and has the projected figure changed for the better or worse.

Hopefully the BoD along with the FSS board are discussing this on a regular basis rather than burying their heads in the sand, and that there is a plan in place if the shit hits the fan. Imo this should be the number 1 agenda item.

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11 minutes ago, Blame Me said:

Sounds like there was a difference of views between the BOD and what Doug Moodie, as elected FSS representative, thought.

The reference to ALL parties learning lessons and how the model can succeed suggests there has been some friction in the board room. 

As suggested in other posts it's a noble idea to govern by consensus ... until there isn't.

Surely in a BOD situation unanimous consensus can’t always happen but every director should agree to go with the majority vote on any particular decision. People in these positions should surely realise that. 

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8 minutes ago, champions said:

As per the BoD update 12 May 2022, which is in the public domain, it states that we require £300k additional income to ensure financial stability.  I'd like to know what progress is being made to reduce this deficit and has the projected figure changed for the better or worse.

Hopefully the BoD along with the FSS board are discussing this on a regular basis rather than burying their heads in the sand, and that there is a plan in place if the shit hits the fan. Imo this should be the number 1 agenda item.

I’d guess we are making good progress on this just going by the number of new sponsorship deals announced since that statement (bare in mind our previous main sponsor hadn’t been paying the club anything at all!) and also progressing in the league cup which wouldn’t have been budgeted for. Of course the BOD can’t be expected to give a minute by minute account, I presume and expect the AGM would be the normal time and place for this information to be relayed to shareholders. 

Edited by LatapyBairn.
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10 minutes ago, LatapyBairn. said:

Surely in a BOD situation unanimous consensus can’t always happen but every director should agree to go with the majority vote on any particular decision. People in these positions should surely realise that. 

That’s assuming the disagreement was on a policy direction. There are more reasons for resigning than just that.

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2 hours ago, Caractacus Potts said:

Totally agree. 

Read the Facebook page and someone was having a go at Doug for liking a post saying it’s concerning and not what they want to see in a director. If Doug has felt hard done by then he’s every right to like whatever he wants and under no obligation to state what happened. If he did he’d no doubt be slaughtered by the same people.

It takes a lot for people to come out and have a go against an establishment, such as the club. I remember it here when a fan was abused by a director and made it known. If people are acting inappropriately then more power to those for letting it known or at least indicating not all is well. 

I’m afraid we’re going to disagree again. And the reason I disagree is because of your final sentence. You are 100% correct in what you’ve said in it.

Neither of us know if there is an issue, but I think it’s very likely given the comments from some of his friends and his response to them. The question is how you deal with that.

For me, you do one of two things. You come out openly and tell the world what the problem is. Or you keep your mouth shut and work quietly behind the scenes with the FSS committee to get it fixed so your successor doesn’t encounter the same issue.

What I don’t agree with is endorsing people who’re dropping hints and innuendo. I just don’t see any benefits to anyone in taking that approach. It’s neither open nor transparent, which is something we’d been promised the new setup will be.

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29 minutes ago, Zbairn said:

That’s assuming the disagreement was on a policy direction. There are more reasons for resigning than just that.

I’m not assuming anything regarding the Douglas Moodie resignation gossip, I’m not even presuming there has been some kind of “disagreement” yet and nor should anybody else be to be honest, in fact I actually think him stepping down is most likely storm in a tea cup type stuff that shouldn’t really detract from the bigger picture. I was merely responding to another post regarding running the club by consensus and how it should work which in my opinion is totally correct, we are heading toward majority fan ownership and no single shareholder or director should presume they’re opinion out weighs that of the collective. 

Edited by LatapyBairn.
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See to be honest, I’m a member of FSS to try and help the club and I have absolutely no interest on ever getting on the board or who goes on the board. I’m not a rich person, I’ll never be a patron as the kind of money needed to do that I would never be able just to give the club but I take my hat off to those that can.

The bottom line for me is the team and how they perform on a Saturday, the politics of the board is of no interest to me. I’m happy that we have fans on the board who have our best interests at heart. If someone wants to chuck it then so be it.

I sometimes think us Falkirk fans have had such a shit time of things in the past 4 years that we just look for the negative in everything.

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