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54 minutes ago, ebobsboy said:

Listened to McGlynn's pre match interview, anyone else think that's us done transfer wise ? Seems happy enough with the squad numbers. 

I was just a wee bit concerned about the interview. He wasn't just quite as upbeat as usual, obviously down to the defeat, but I also think the pitchgate thing is still rankling with him, despite him saying that we need to put it behind us. I hope that the comments re the players being buzzing and them having a great week's training are accurate?

I was a bit bothered with the signings chat too. IMO, although we have good numbers in most positions, I do think we need to bring in a right sided CB. I wouldn't want to lose Hendo from the middle, I'd rather we had a ready made replacement. From his comments though, it sounds unlikely.

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1 hour ago, HopeStreetWalker said:

Not being negative, being realistic.

Will explain it for you since you are having trouble understanding the issue.

There are X amount of shares issued. Falkirk Fans Consortium* currently hold 25% of them.

Should there be a further share issue and * don't buy them then that 25% figure will drop. Hope this is of help. Whatever partnership agreement is in place or how its worded won't make difference. 

Comedy gold dude, I'd agree with you but we'd both be wrong. 

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On 17/01/2024 at 23:11, KD1711 said:

Hearing Falkirk have approached Marc McNulty to sign. 

Looks like he is going to reject, will shock a lot of people who he signs for if he goes where I'm hearing.

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McGlynn always speaks quite coy re signings. I honestly don't care too much what gets said in these types of interviews. I'd bet money that he's still working and will be till the last bell whether it bears fruit or not

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1 hour ago, HopeStreetWalker said:

Not being negative, being realistic.

Will explain it for you since you are having trouble understanding the issue.

There are X amount of shares issued. Falkirk Fans Consortium* currently hold 25% of them.

Should there be a further share issue and * don't buy them then that 25% figure will drop. Hope this is of help. Whatever partnership agreement is in place or how its worded won't make difference. 

Being deliberately dense.

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Alloa game shaping up to be biggest games in five years. Two hugely disappointing games, facing a local rival that’s hit a decent run of form. Need to get back to winning ways. Just hope he knows that he’s not got the tactics right in previous two games and a bit of a wake up call.
All cup finals now, just hope the players have the mentality and balls to get our form back. Didnt read to much into McGlynns interview, but got a dig they he’s playing down if he’s bringing in maybe one more player.

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20 minutes ago, ShaggerG said:

I was just a wee bit concerned about the interview. He wasn't just quite as upbeat as usual, obviously down to the defeat, but I also think the pitchgate thing is still rankling with him, despite him saying that we need to put it behind us. I hope that the comments re the players being buzzing and them having a great week's training are accurate?

I was a bit bothered with the signings chat too. IMO, although we have good numbers in most positions, I do think we need to bring in a right sided CB. I wouldn't want to lose Hendo from the middle, I'd rather we had a ready made replacement. From his comments though, it sounds unlikely.

I hate to hear that players are buzzing and have had a great weeks training.

Inevitably followed up by a dire performance and a pumping!

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Always like mcglynns pre and post match interviews. Think the way he communicates in great detail and depth with the fans has definitely helped the relationship between players management and fans improve, a very important point some of our previous managers have failed miserably at. I really want him to succeed this year.

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My dad hasn't been to a Falkirk game since we beat Ross County 1-0 in 2005, and he's just agreed to come to Alloa away with me. Hopefully get the auld yin along to a few games at TFS soon too. COYB!

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I've been an FSS member since day 1 (or close enough to then) and I'm fully behind fan ownership and the current model.  I'd also like to see the major shareholders more active or sell up too.  

I agree that FSS needs to be independent though.  Personally I'd like to be consulted on more as the much vaunted strength of the society is that its the voice of 850 members.  I also think this could encourage more people to join.  Appreciate some things can't be shared so widely but something like how money raised post 25+1% should have been a discussion in my view.  

Some serious stuff, some could be more fun but more engagement/polls/direction from members would be welcome.  

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33 minutes ago, Proudtobeabairn said:

I agree that FSS needs to be independent though.  

This viewpoint gets posted a lot and it's something I genuinely don't understand. 

The FSS can't be independent of the BOD, given that their reps currently comprise just under half of it. The FSS are a major factor in determining what direction the club takes. Lets take an imaginary example:- 

An FSS board rep position is up for grabs. The members will vote democratically to decide who gets it. One candidate is a diehard Bairn who's the brother of a multi-billionaire Celtic fan who could turn us into the next Man City. He wants complete control and his election would abandon the concept of fan ownership. The other candidate is also a diehard Bairn, but he wants to stick with the existing model where the fans groups provide the funding and have a veto over any major decisions that would require an EGM to be passed. 

Regardless of which FSS member wins the election, people are going to be unhappy.

What should an independent FSS committee do that they can't do already? Turn against their elected candidate and make posts on P&B attacking him/her? 

The current model is completely democratic. I'm not sure how you improve on it.  Can I ask what specific independence you would like to see that isn't already in place? 

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5 hours ago, TxRover said:

Noticed this while while watching the Rovers podcast as up next, sorry if its been posted before:


Thanks for posting this.  Some I remember, some I don’t (it must have been just before they switched all the roads round in the town centre and pedestrianised the High Street).

Strangely the most strikingly memorable thing is the concrete bus stop as you come along upper Newmarket Street, with the odd rattly metal barrier at the front. 

The town really has always been a bit of a dump, hasn’t it?

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Taking (quite rightly) the 1 game at a time viewpoint to one side for a minute. We all know there are loads of ups and downs still to come this season (see Edinburgh away!). I had some spare time on my hands this morning and thought I'd look at what it takes points wise historically to win this league.

If you are not a statto, probably best ignore this and move on to the next post!

Over the past 10 years (ignoring the 2 covid years) it has taken an average of 80 points to win this league (this includes the Rangers 102 points which skews it up a bit).

Over the past 5 years (excluding covid) it has taken 77 points.

What's probably just as important is to see how many points the team that finished second ended up with (ie what you actually need to get automatically promoted). Over the past 10 years the average is 66 points, and over 5 years its 68 points.

The highest winning points totals in the past 10 years were Rangers (102) and QoS (92). The lowest being just 69 points (Morton I think?). In the past 5 years its been 81 points (highest) and 70 points (lowest). For 2nd place the highest in 10 years has been 75 points and lowest has been 61 points.

We have played 21 games so far and are on 53 points. Averaging an excellent 2.5 points per game (higher than the Pars 2.25 per game last season). Continuing at this points rate would mean a finish of 90 points. Hamilton are on 44 points after 20 games so also a very impressive 2.2 points per game. If they continue to score points at this rate for the rest of the season they will finish on 79 points. (which on an "average" year would also win the league).

At the moment, and this changes with every set of matches, I think it's looking like we might need about the 80 points mark to gain automatic promotion. So another 27 points or 9 wins from our last 15 games. 7 of those 15 games are at home. Obviously the games versus Hamilton will be more important, beat them and the totals go down. I think the points totals needed could be above average this year as ourselves and Hamilton are further ahead of the rest as things stand.

PS what got me thinking about this was the 6 points deduction Edinburgh received yesterday as it officially meant we couldn't be automatically relegated (sad stattos think about these things!)

Edited by bridge of allan bairn
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13 hours ago, Reggie Perrin said:

Being deliberately dense.

Yes you are dense whether it's deliberate or stupidity is open to debate. But will give you the benefit of the doubt and will explain it again for you.

If there are 100 shares and you have 25 of them you have a 25% shareholding.

Increase the shares to 200 and you still only have 25 of them you have a 12.5% shareholding.

If you can't get your mind round that, then there's no hope for you.

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27 minutes ago, Disco Duck said:


The town really has always been a bit of a dump, hasn’t it?

The '88 video captures a point in time when much of Scottish society was changing and as we see now, many towns and cities even now have seen much, much steeper decline than Falkirk.

However, bear in mind that prior to the 80's Falkirk could be considered an industrial powerhouse with lots of heavy industry - some of the remnants appear in the video - but globalisation and government put paid to much of it. Thinking of Falkirk now it's actually been quite robust for much of my lifetime and we should look proudly on the heritage we have sadly lost.

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