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The Falkirk FC Thread

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4 hours ago, Dade said:

I don’t see any reason to not have confidence in the Foundation but if you prefer to give all your money to Falkirk then fair play. You have contributed a lot over   the years and all credit to you for that.  

I've made my opinions on the foundation clear in the past.

Up until May I was actively involved with playing and help run one of the adult foundation teams (Sunday amateur).

I personally would not give them another penny.

Lost count of the amount of times we would turn up a season to train only to find out the Shire were playing and we would have no other option but to share half a pitch, not a Full pitch, half a pitch with another team - sometimes the woman's team, to carry out a full training session. Believe me when I say it,they don't give a toss.


Other examples of horrendous treatment by the foudnation:

Having to change in the following locations without adequate shower facilites (often in the middle of winter)

The warm up room adjacent to the home dressing room (lying empty)

The "classroom" on the main corridor on the ground floor. 

The concourse of the KM stand often on a soaking wet floor the day after 1800 folk have walked in and out.


We got used to it and gave up arguing because the foundation staff had no interest in supporting us at all other than one young lad with glasses who was a genuine Falkirk fan and tries his best depsite those above him. The absolute embarrassment once being pulled up by our league for not being able to offer basic changing facilities to visiting teams - despite being the only team playing in a purpose built stadium!

I appreciate this sounds very much like sour grapes but it's nothing that hasn't already been voiced to the foundation directly. Listening to the FD podcast on Monday made my blood boil and I just forwarded past the foundation chat.

Needless to say, our team disbanded as a result of this treatment and players moved on to other teams.




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4 hours ago, Dade said:

I don’t see any reason to not have confidence in the Foundation but if you prefer to give all your money to Falkirk then fair play. You have contributed a lot over   the years and all credit to you for that.  

I have no personal experience so have only read what is on here. But if I were involved with the Foundation I would be very concerned that four seperate people are reporting walking away or big disappointments based on their treatment rather than trying to brush it off. I'd also be very concerned to hear that is actively moving money away from the foundation rather than just saying you don't see why they don't have confidence. It's very clear there are poor circumstances that have convinced those people to come on here and voice what has caused them to lack confidence. The anonymous argument is nonsense as well going by your argumentative responses I'm not surprised some people would rather not openly criticise. I have no confidence any issues would be sorted at all. This attitude seems to be what has cost you now in sponsorship money.

In any case, the fact any money at all is being spent on some trips away rather than on the very MINIMAL basics for the women's team and any other teams involved is absolutely abhorrent from a charity using the name of a football club. I'm not surprised if sponsors decide they don't actually trust their money goes to the teams they are hoping to support. I would expect the teams would be supported first, before any other expenses on top such as trips. Very disappointed to hear that is not the case. 

I don't know about the costs but if we are supposed to be a community club we have to support our community. If we can't trust the foundation to be doing that then we should absolutely be bringing the women's team under the FFC banner. 

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Just now, Big chungus said:

If Coll is struggling with a groin injury I would be tempted to rest him tomorrow. I may be in the minority with that thinking. Just think the league is far  more important. 

Totally agree, this is an absolute free hit and the league is our priority. 
I understand that if you’re a player these are the games you will give anything to play in, However if the big man is struggling, let’s give the new guy a start.

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Its now been a couple years ago now since I stopped coaching with the Foundation. Firstly I've got to say the staff/other volunteers in my experience were all incredible and would go above an beyond to support. 

Within the age group I coached with there were quite a few conversations on financial support as parents/coaches felt like there was too much burden on them to bring in additional funds on top of the monthly fees. We were told that the monthly fees only covered our pitch hire time and a home strip - a bit of digging was done and found that wasn't strictly true. When we discussed it with the staff that co-ordinated the football side of things we found that they were also pretty exacerbated by it all and were told that the response they had received was that the Foundation was only a facilitator of community sport, and not there to provide or support beyond that. It was pretty disheartening. 

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2 minutes ago, Bairney The Dinosaur said:

We were told that the monthly fees only covered our pitch hire time and a home strip - a bit of digging was done and found that wasn't strictly true. When we discussed it with the staff that co-ordinated the football side of things we found that they were also pretty exacerbated by it all and were told that the response they had received was that the Foundation was only a facilitator of community sport, and not there to provide or support beyond that. It was pretty disheartening. 

We were in a similar position, paying £33  a month but that only covered pitch hire and 1 set of strips for a season.

Referees fees, league fees and furst aid provisions had to be self funded. Balls were provided for training but were the cheap ones you get for a fiver in sports direct. Training strips had to be covered by our own funds BUT had to be bought from the same place as every other foundation team so we had no wiggle room to bargain on price.





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