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The Falkirk FC Thread

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Just now, minijc said:

I've decided to take my betting on the Scottish game more serious so trying to work out the best starting line up for each side to help get me an a slight edge, I was considering doing a season preview on each league and putting out a blog but work has gotten in the way and I'm running out of time.

ah right! Don't hold me responsible for any Falkirk based losses although I will reluctantly accept a share of Falkirk based winnings.

I can't see there being too much of a change to that team tbh unless we bring in anyone else (Sibbald) or get injuries, the first 11 seems to pick itself. Houston has went 442 in the majority of games although we look better up front this year. I reckon we'll play on the counter too with the pace we have on the wings.

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3 minutes ago, falkirkzombie said:



Also can see him wanting to work with a director of football calling all the shota above him



2-3 times? his wages may just tempt him to though.

Edited to add a question mark as I'm obviously guessing at the numbers!

Edited by ShaggerG
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1 minute ago, Shadwell Dog said:

Houston doesnt really suit the way hearts work to be honest.  They seem to prefer a young up and coming coach under Levein. 

He's only 59! Plus it would allow him to sign players that are already there!

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Cant seem to quote the right bit of your post, but we probably dont have better players. He can go missing in games but he scored against you this season in a game he played excellent in and put the ball on Nathan Austins forehead for a winner so you probably should have noticed him.

On the issue of assists I genuinely wouldn't be able to tell you who assisted what goals last season for Falkirk, I'd be shocked if you tell me who assisted our goals against you either.

He was by and large pretty anonymous most of the time, there's other Falkirk players I'd rather have moved on. Just a couple of weeks ago you had Falkirk fans seemingly a bit upset over another fan saying that Sibbald wasn't in the top 50 Falkirk players, or midfielders. And now he's been told he's shite by Luton and can't get into your starting 11.

Football fans are the best.
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16 minutes ago, BendtnerBairn said:

Sibbs to Hearts n that. Sounds quite gid tbh.

Clearly Sibb's style of sophisticated across the carpet football isn't remotely compatible with Luton's hoof ball punt and rush to 6'5" giants, so wouldn't think the Jambos would be his type either. Plus the Tarts are about to implode, so best avoided IMO.  

And as for those crazy Fifers who perceive Sibbs as 'pretty anonymous', well... each to their own and all that, but given his contributions last season alone, that's just weird.   


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19 minutes ago, Grant228 said:


On the issue of assists I genuinely wouldn't be able to tell you who assisted what goals last season for Falkirk, I'd be shocked if you tell me who assisted our goals against you either.

He was by and large pretty anonymous most of the time, there's other Falkirk players I'd rather have moved on. Just a couple of weeks ago you had Falkirk fans seemingly a bit upset over another fan saying that Sibbald wasn't in the top 50 Falkirk players, or midfielders. And now he's been told he's shite by Luton and can't get into your starting 11.

Football fans are the best.


Sibbald and Mckee strolled the last home game against the pars. Wedderburn and Heron certainly got schooled that day.

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