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The Falkirk FC Thread

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Regarding the new chairman.
I dont know who he is, but he is in a position were I take it he wanted to be.
The facts are it's another smack in the teeth that they have given us... constantly they have done this over the last couple of years to try and mask the complete balls up they have made of this.
I'm all for giving a new man in the job a chance to show what he can do... but it's not a great start when he takes a swipe at us.
Wether it's his words or the MSG's... they are attributed to him.
They need PR lessons quickly.

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1 hour ago, Stainrod said:

To be fair to the new chairman whoever he its its difficult to blame him . Sadly the people who own the club now don’t want to be seen to have anything to do with running it !Bizarre but true. .Is there any other club in Scotland where the main shareholders have nothing to do with the responsibility.of running the club. It seems to me that their is a endless list of ‘fans’ lining up to try and run the club better than the last lot whilst the reality the outcome just seems to get worse than worse..

I think Dermot Desmond is to Celtic what Sandy Alexander is to us.

Owns the shares, offers soft loans from time to time and will pay out his back pocket for a player he likes - one paid for Robbie keane, the other Mark Millar.

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I think Dermot Desmond is to Celtic what Sandy Alexander is to us.
Owns the shares, offers soft loans from time to time and will pay out his back pocket for a player he likes - one paid for Robbie keane, the other Mark Millar.

He didn’t pay for Mark Millar two others did
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I think Dermot Desmond is to Celtic what Sandy Alexander is to us.
Owns the shares, offers soft loans from time to time and will pay out his back pocket for a player he likes - one paid for Robbie keane, the other Mark Millar.
A bit like us brining back Rory Loy except it was the fans money not theirs !
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6 hours ago, Bainsfordbairn said:

It didn't feel that way to me but then I'm less inclined to take offence than some, so maybe I'm not the best person to answer. It was basically a couple of sentences that lasted twenty seconds in a meeting that ran for two hours. There didn't seem to be any real anger in the room at the comments made. At least one shareholder also attacked the behaviour at Dumbarton when he had the floor. 

I thought the whole atmosphere was quite sedate tbh. I was expecting fireworks after the recent statement from Kevin Beattie but there was significantly less hostility towards the panel than there was at the EGM. Or at the Q&A thing hosted by Margaret Lang on the second floor maybe a year back. 

That may have been down to Gary Deans. It's the first time I've heard him speak and he came across pretty well. He certainly made a better impression than AT or SA at the EGM or LM tonight. The latter didn't strike me as either an orator or a leader and he looked very uncomfortable with the microphone. 

TBH the only real annoyance I detected was aimed at some of the questions from the floor. Brian Guthrie's ongoing desire to grab the spotlight drew groans every time he opened his mouth, which was frequently. Mike Dickins asking Cracks about how we mark at corners drew more groans. And surprisingly even Kenny Jamieson joined in, as he wanted to go into great detail about all the people who knew Mark Campbell from decades ago and had told BFL he was a chancer. KJ's long monologue on MCs backstory drew a few shouts of "FFS move on man" or words to that effect. 

David Olivers bulletpoints on the FH website seemed pretty accurate to me. 

For the ordinary fan I thought it was a decent night. There was confirmation that the disliked ML & AT are gone, and that the even more disliked LM is no longer acting Chairman. A lot of the things that fans wanted in the summer - at least in terms of departures - have now happened. 

Please preface you next post along these lines with "This is a party political broadcast from the MSG"

There are a number of inaccuracies in your post and you clearly don't understand where fans' frustrations lie.

Kenny Jamieson is nothing to do with BFL.

Quite why you've chosen to give individual fan names and belittle what they've said is beyond me. Unless you are trying to discourage these people from speaking up in future, which would be in keeping with the rest of your bootlicking post tbh.

Edited by Marshmallo
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1 hour ago, COYB_97 said:

What does peter Duncan do? Not heard anything from him

He was until a few years ago the MD of Allied International in Grangemooth. who were a big sponsor of FFC.

He's a big Bairns fan so that's good -  but he did write that god awful song cup final  song  "We Are The Team"  - oops Gary said not to be negative! 

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12 hours ago, Bainsfordbairn said:

It didn't feel that way to me but then I'm less inclined to take offence than some, so maybe I'm not the best person to answer. It was basically a couple of sentences that lasted twenty seconds in a meeting that ran for two hours. There didn't seem to be any real anger in the room at the comments made. At least one shareholder also attacked the behaviour at Dumbarton when he had the floor. 

I thought the whole atmosphere was quite sedate tbh. I was expecting fireworks after theFor the ordinary fan I thought it was a decent night. There was confirmation that the disliked ML & AT are gone, and that the even more disliked LM is no longer acting Chairman. A lot of the things that fans wanted in the summer - at least in terms of departures - have now happened. 

Usually like reading your contributions BB but this isn’t great. You’ve been around the club too long I think. So what if some idiot was groaning at KJ making some valid points and asking questions at the AGM? Says more about that person.

Anyway, my take on what appears to have been said;

Yet again, those running the club have taken the opportunity to kick the supporters. For what? A few hundred waiting outside the main entrance after getting relegated to the third tier? A dozen shouting some bad words at their failure of a manager at Dumbarton?

I appreciate that some individual (and that’s the important word here) supporters may have overstepped the mark in emails or on social media and would condemn that but the supporters have every right to make their voices heard in the way that they did on those two occasions. The behaviour was relatively mild given the situation we are in IMO.

The chairman opens the night asking for a better relationship with the supporters but then takes the first opportunity or bring these non-events up yet again. I think that says it all about where his head is at and he’s already a lame duck for me. A completely pointless, agenda driven individual, placed there by the MSG as their mouthpiece. Nothing will change.

We have nearly 4,000 rocking up every week having either purchased season tickets or by paying £18+ for the privilege. For that level of support to be sticking with the club after the last three years of turmoil is incredible. Any thanks for that? Nah, your behaviour is unacceptable and you’re too quiet at the stadium. 

There’s a few massive problems at the club but the supporters are not one of them.

Make no mistake, we are in full crisis mode as a club. No guaranteed prospect of a return the Championship this year although the early signs for the new managers is a bit more promising - they have it all to do and all to prove for me.

Same failure of a board who have led us to this situation in place and as shameless as ever. You couldn’t mark their necks with a blowtorch.

Maybe if they insult the supporters a few more times they’ll not have anybody in the stadium to answer to. Hope they enjoy their plaything then.

Edited by Hughsie
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7 hours ago, Bainsfordbairn said:

It didn't feel that way to me but then I'm less inclined to take offence than some, so maybe I'm not the best person to answer. It was basically a couple of sentences that lasted twenty seconds in a meeting that ran for two hours. There didn't seem to be any real anger in the room at the comments made. At least one shareholder also attacked the behaviour at Dumbarton when he had the floor. 

I thought the whole atmosphere was quite sedate tbh. I was expecting fireworks after the recent statement from Kevin Beattie but there was significantly less hostility towards the panel than there was at the EGM. Or at the Q&A thing hosted by Margaret Lang on the second floor maybe a year back. 

That may have been down to Gary Deans. It's the first time I've heard him speak and he came across pretty well. He certainly made a better impression than AT or SA at the EGM or LM tonight. The latter didn't strike me as either an orator or a leader and he looked very uncomfortable with the microphone. 

TBH the only real annoyance I detected was aimed at some of the questions from the floor. Brian Guthrie's ongoing desire to grab the spotlight drew groans every time he opened his mouth, which was frequently. Mike Dickins asking Cracks about how we mark at corners drew more groans. And surprisingly even Kenny Jamieson joined in, as he wanted to go into great detail about all the people who knew Mark Campbell from decades ago and had told BFL he was a chancer. KJ's long monologue on MCs backstory drew a few shouts of "FFS move on man" or words to that effect. 

David Olivers bulletpoints on the FH website seemed pretty accurate to me. 

For the ordinary fan I thought it was a decent night. There was confirmation that the disliked ML & AT are gone, and that the even more disliked LM is no longer acting Chairman. A lot of the things that fans wanted in the summer - at least in terms of departures - have now happened. 

i agree with a lot of your post, I too didn't think GD comments came across as bad as they read, i never thought twice about them at the time. i thought he answered questions pretty well and certainly comes across better than AT.

On KJ, their was just a many people urging him to continue with his findings on MC than not, i would guess they people who were moaning were the same people fawning over MC on twitter and possibly feel they got duped along with the BOD, he was making Lex squirm in his seat and there probably wasn't enough of that last night.

it's good news AT has gone and Lex has at least stepped back from the chair and i suppose we as fans will have to see what this new boards does, my main problem with this is we still have SA and MR pulling the strings from the shadows and therefore this won't be any different than before. There was a brief mention of reevaluating the role of the MSG, ideally i would like to see them give up some of their voting rights, if there is not going to be any sale we have to get to the point where ordinary shareholders vote may actually mean something because if we just have the same 5 or 6 guys picking the BOD we are doomed to fail IMO.

Edited by falkirkzombie
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Going back to comments made appreciate the comment were in type when most of us read them which as stated comes across as a dig at the fans AGAIN (its the way it was worded).  The remarks made about unacceptable behaviour at Dumbarton again as mentioned whether you agree with them or not it was the only thing done to make fans voices heard.  What you have to look at is if those scenes hadn't happened, we may still have Ray in charge as it certainly seemed as if there was no pressure on him or they weren't particularly bothered about the way the team was playing.

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9 hours ago, roman_bairn said:

It certainly reads as incredibly patronising behaviour from our new Chairman.
Question to those that were actually there is whether that’s the way it felt or just the way it’s coming across when written down?

I must say I don't believe it came across like that to me. There was a recurring theme of "mistakes have been made, lets draw a line under it and move on for the good of everyone" from board and management. There were comments made about personal abuse but can anyone say they haven't witnessed stuff going on? I have been critical over the board numerous times on here but I don't think they were meaning the comments as patronising. They are not immune from criticism though and ultimately the blame for numerous failings over the last couple of years lies with them. Hence why there are only 4 board members right enough. 

Money wise it was pretty stark figures seeing how much the cash reserves have been drained. Not a lot left and if it hadn't been for the vaulks money + a dividend from the concerts last year then we would be up shit creek, were not though at the moment, just. 



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3 minutes ago, southstand_bairn said:

There was a recurring theme of "mistakes have been made, lets draw a line under it and move on for the good of everyone" from board and management.


Let’s draw a line under it by continuing to mention it every time someone sticks a microphone under their nose?

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8 minutes ago, Hughsie said:

Let’s draw a line under it by continuing to mention it every time someone sticks a microphone under their nose?

totally agree but lets see what happens at this EGM in June. if it comes up again then they need called out on it. Also there are still 2 parties interested in the club, all under NDA so they can't talk too much about it but ultimately no bids on the table. I would be interested to see what would happen now if there was hard cash ponied up. 

The point that I did find incredibly patronising was the whole discussion about leaks in the boardroom. There was a sense of the board need to improve (no sh!t) however can people stop asking board members questions about info that might be sensitive. Hows about you carry out your role properly instead of gossiping? Surely it is in the job description to keep commercially sensitive info quiet? I know in the normal business world if you blabbed your mouth about info to a worker, let alone a member of the public then you wouldn't last particularly long. just because you have a club tie on doesn't make that area of the role disappear. If your not capable your not the right man/woman for the job! 

I thought McCracken's comments about the football side were reassuring in a sense that it was what fans had thought. There was a real disharmony in the team and these guys weren't interested and just wanted out of there every day. 

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"mistakes have been made, let's draw a line under it and move on" = We made a pure c**t of it as per but we are so untouchable and awesome in our own eyes we don't want you fucking peasants pointing them all out every 5 minutes. Please make this AGM comfortable.

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The main thing that has to be remembered here is the contempt factor. These people hate ordinary fans.

At least Sandy Alexander was fairly open last time about his seethe at the temerity of the individual fan to question him or his pals. Don't we know who he is?

I don't understand how anyone can volunteer their time at the club now. Fair enough if you have paid employment there - a jobs a job - but to be part of this shitshow voluntarily is bonkers. 

Even if you are a shareholder you mean nothing to them. They have the club by the balls. 

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15 minutes ago, southstand_bairn said:

I must say I don't believe it came across like that to me. There was a recurring theme of "mistakes have been made, lets draw a line under it and move on for the good of everyone" from board and management. There were comments made about personal abuse but can anyone say they haven't witnessed stuff going on? I have been critical over the board numerous times on here but I don't think they were meaning the comments as patronising. They are not immune from criticism though and ultimately the blame for numerous failings over the last couple of years lies with them. Hence why there are only 4 board members right enough. 

Money wise it was pretty stark figures seeing how much the cash reserves have been drained. Not a lot left and if it hadn't been for the vaulks money + a dividend from the concerts last year then we would be up shit creek, were not though at the moment, just. 



It looks like Vaulks will be the Last of the Mohicans in terms of money in for player sales or sell on clause cash for the foreseeable future. 

The question is if we stay down can we survive on renting out the stadium for concerts making up the shortfall? 

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"mistakes have been made, let's draw a line under it and move on" = We made a pure c**t of it as per but we are so untouchable and awesome in our own eyes we don't want you fucking peasants pointing them all out every 5 minutes. Please make this AGM comfortable.
This is the correct translation.

Its easy to want to draw a line under it when you are the one thats repeatedly made a c**t of it.

The problem is, wherever we draw a line, these c***s will drag the club and everyone associated below it again shortly thereafter.

They have some fucking audacity playing that card, but then we knew that already. We are heading into a period now where good enough for these clowns will be promotion back to the Championship and becoming mid table dross there. There is no mid term route back to the Premiership for this club. We are too far gone now.
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