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The get fit, stay fit thread

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Hows everyones fitness?

Fucking diabolical.

I've paid the price for a couple of months of laziness with weight gain and severe lack of fitness. Had my first game of Fives on Friday past and was blowing out my arse. Dreadful. However i've signed up for a charity running thing in Forfar on May, which will give me something to train for running-wise, and started 3-times-a-week spin classes at the local gym this week. That combined with sensible eating, a couple of games of football and the hillwalking should get me fitter in no time.

First weigh-in last week was 15st 4lbs :o

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It never bothers me if I put on some weight over Christmas and new year, I think it's great to take a break from everything and enjoy myself for a few weeks before getting back into it come January

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I was once told that excercising before bed is best because much of the muscle building and fat burning goes on after you've actually done the excercise so if you excercise before bed, you'll still be getting the benefits of excercise while you are asleep.

Is that bollocks?

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I was once told that excercising before bed is best because much of the muscle building and fat burning goes on after you've actually done the excercise so if you excercise before bed, you'll still be getting the benefits of excercise while you are asleep.


Is that bollocks?

I know for muscle building they say after a workout you should do as little as possible to let the muscle repair itself and grow but they'll also tell you that protein is a big part of that so gettin as much of that into your body as well helps with the repair and grow process,

so really to answer your question it's not bollocks and 8 hours sleep is recommended to help

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Don't think it would be a bad idea at all, they also say diet is a big part of it and mine is crap, probably why I don't get the results I probably could get if I ate better and also I have to work around my shifts and picking up my daughter from school etc etc which usually means I get to the gym in the mornings or late afternoon

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Went to the gym this morning for the first time since Christmas Eve. Decided 2 weeks of arse sitting was quite long enough.

Was pleasantly surprised at how quiet it was. Usually January is full of New Year resolution fuds clogging up the place and hogging the machines that they don't know how to use .

Maybe I was just lucky? Tomorrow will tell.

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shit December thanks to a stinky virus that went into my chest.

Been right back into proper training for a week now, played squash three times and been swinging the kettlebells and doing the chin ups and weights.

I'm back on the tabata training as well which makes a huge difference to me when playing squash. I'm a fucking duracell bunny and I can really grind down my opponents by playing long drawn out rallies and being ready to go straight away while they are gasping for air like a half dead fish. If nobody has tried tabata then I suggest that you fucking well do. Its over in minutes but the benefits you get from it are vast. Far better than being out running in the shit weather for an hour and a half.

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Exercising before bed is probably the worst. It means you will struggle to sleep and thus be tired thus affecting your performance at work and in the gym.

The best time to exercise is first thing. Your body is already in fat burning mode so best to get out and hit it early. Sets you up the for the day as well.

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Exercising before bed is probably the worst. It means you will struggle to sleep and thus be tired thus affecting your performance at work and in the gym.

The best time to exercise is first thing. Your body is already in fat burning mode so best to get out and hit it early. Sets you up the for the day as well.

I can vouch for that.

Do you think it's better to go to the gym and work out in a fasting state or do you have breakfast before you go?

I tend to have two slices of wholemeal toast, a banana and a glass of milk and a glass of water to set me up for the gym.

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I can vouch for that.

Do you think it's better to go to the gym and work out in a fasting state or do you have breakfast before you go?

I tend to have two slices of wholemeal toast, a banana and a glass of milk and a glass of water to set me up for the gym.

Either are pretty good in my opinion. I am trying to put on weight so i eat quite a bit before i go. But if you were wanting to lose weight then fasted exercise is decent. I would drink a big glass of water before you go to get the system going.

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Surely fasted exercise is actually not very good. I understand there may be some sort of benefit in terms of it burns more fat/more efficient, but if you're hungry you'll surely not be able to work at the same intensity compared to if you've had something to eat (with a couple of hours prior to exercise)

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As well as my cycling, I go to the gym most days and got into the bad habit of more or less doing the same exercise routine every time.

Went today and got one of the instructors to give me a routine different from that I've been doing, basically to build upper body and core strength.

Now hurting in places I never knew existed!!

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Do you think it's better to go to the gym and work out in a fasting state or do you have breakfast before you go?

Do what feels best for you. I can't concentrate if I've not eaten but other people get sluggish and tired after eating.

People will come out with all sorts of broscience facts to back-up their chosen methods but they're usually always complete bullshite

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I played squash for the first time in a month and my arse is still sore.

That sounds a little bit suspect but it's just due to all the lunging.

That, and the boning in the changing rooms afterwards.
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