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Looks good. I will admit to a yelp of excitement at that last second too!


Potentially another good year for Marvel via Deadpool, X-Men and Cap 3 (very excited about this too), while DC have offered the shite that was BvS and the unknown quantity of Suicide Squad, which, other than Margot Robbie in some outstanding outfits, looks gash.

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I really enjoyed the last 2 but every trailer for this just leaves me thinking "that looks pish"

I agree, don't feel as hyped for it now as I did after I finished Days of Future Past. Trailers have felt flat for me. I'll wait for the reviews to come in.

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Seen a clip today where Spider-man and the Winter Soldier are having a scrap and Spidey stops a punch from Bucky. Looked dece but caught me be surprise tbh.

He can lift, at least, 10 ton objects in the comics...

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I know he's strong, just thought Bucky's arm might have been stronger.

Going by the comics i dont think its even close if they faced off, Spiderman would stroll it.

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There's no denying that it's great. It is second behind Winter Soldier in Marvel movies, in my opinion, but it does really well to blend Winter Soldier's action and storytelling with the Avengers' balls-out great spectacles and moments. Cap and Iron Man's main fight is perhaps the best thing the MCU has produced. It's brutal (both emotionally and physically) and it's also a bit sad seeing both of them beating the shit out of each other. It shows how good a job Kevin Feige and co at Marvel have done in enabling us to actually feel bad that these two fictional characters in daft costumes locked in such a heated fight. Also, people have said that it still feels like a Captain America movie which I disagree with. If it's anyone's solo movie, it's definitely his, but I think it definitely does feel like an Avengers movie (which isn't a bad thing).

Spider-Man and Ant Man/Giant Man are both fantastic in their small roles. They really lit up the movie (even if it was a bit over the top with their jokes). Zemo, Martin Freeman's character and General Ross (who I presume will all appear later) are all desperately underdeveloped. They didn't really need to be who they were.

The ending was a strange one. I expected someone to die, but I didn't know how they'd do it without the killer coming across as a really bad guy. I just wanted to see someone die lol. I saw one end-credits scene (I don't know if there's another) which was a huge let down. It could've easily just been in the movie itself.

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So excited about civil war. Can't sleep so watching reaction videos to the Spiderman reveal in the 2nd trailer (I'm not watching the newest one).

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