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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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15 hours ago, pandarilla said:

Every now and then the internet surprises you.

I was convinced this was pish. Apologies Veronica. Apologies fb.

It sort of is pish, and it happened 3 years ago.

So no apologies required.

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Usually I keep my friends list pretty slim just because of all the bullshit people post, one did make it through today though to advise me of the following:

- That I shouldn't be miserable and refuse to answer the door to kids dressed up for Halloween.

- That I shouldn't ask kids who are not dressed up where their costume is because they might have sensory issues that make dressing up uncomfortable.

- I should not enquire as to how old kids are because they could be getting up to worse than trick or treating. There's also the chance that, although they're older, they might be mentally much younger.

- I should have a selection of different treats for kids with allergies.



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39 minutes ago, Rizzo said:

Usually I keep my friends list pretty slim just because of all the bullshit people post, one did make it through today though to advise me of the following:

- That I shouldn't be miserable and refuse to answer the door to kids dressed up

- That I shouldn't ask kids who are not dressed up where their costume is

- I should have a selection of different treats for kids with allergies.




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4 hours ago, Rizzo said:

Usually I keep my friends list pretty slim just because of all the bullshit people post, one did make it through today though to advise me of the following:

- That I shouldn't be miserable and refuse to answer the door to kids dressed up for Halloween.

- That I shouldn't ask kids who are not dressed up where their costume is because they might have sensory issues that make dressing up uncomfortable.

- I should not enquire as to how old kids are because they could be getting up to worse than trick or treating. There's also the chance that, although they're older, they might be mentally much younger.

- I should have a selection of different treats for kids with allergies.




Something similar snuck through on mine yesterday. I too, was told I should offer carrot sticks and other 'healthy snacks' to trick or treaters because 'they might have allergies.'

First of all - Anyone who offers 'healthy snacks' on Halloween should have their house burned to the ground. It's the moral equivalent of giving school supplies for Christmas.
Second of all - Haven't we been told for years that we can't give out unwrapped treats because decades ago there was an urban legend that someone might have doctored the snack?
Third of all - Isn't it enough that I'm obligated to give your brats free stuff but now I have to police what they eat too? How about you be a parent and do that yourfuckingself?

Now to be fair; we don't tend to get trick or treaters here in the first place - a big advantage of living in a remote location but even so.


Edited by Shotgun
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She is back with a new poem

I feel so sad after reading in the obituary column of a newspaper,
that a lady has passed away.
In my search for another lady, I had the pleasure to share only a short brief time with this beautiful soul.
I have written this in memory of her and send my deepest condolences to her family.
She made such an impact on me that day and it was an honour to have met her.
RIP dear lady.

I went in search of someone else
And thought that she was you
I popped in for a visit
To see what I could do.
To remind you of the times we shared
On the bus so long ago
You didn’t seem to remember
It came as such a blow.
To be told, you were not who I thought
Left me with a heavy heart
You were so lovely, a beautiful soul
It tore me apart.
Still I wonder where she is
The little old lady who
Was always there for a blether
Elizabeth a friend so true.
But now I feel so very sad
For the little old lady there
Who’s passed away, no more in pain
Into God’s heavenly care.
Rest peaceful dear sweet lady
I met you only brief
And even though it was so short
I share your family’s grief
And if my friend is with you
Up in that heavenly place
I pray you both have found true peace
With Gods great goodness and grace.
Lorna Johnston
October 19th, 2017.

So someone she met on the bus, tried to talk to and realised she'd got mixed up and was actually talking to a stranger. And then never spoke to her again. And now she has written a poem about her when she died? Seriously this has to be a wum, that's amazing
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On 31/10/2017 at 18:17, Melanius Mullarkey said:

If you're allergic to sweeties, you don't deserve Halloween.

One mine has lots allergies, so I provided the neighbours with the things she can have!

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On ‎30‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 00:18, ajwffc said:


Veronica makes a good point. They should move Remembrance Day to the middle of July, that way t he old boys can get a nice tan when they're out collecting and purveyors of hideous tat can branch out into poppy bikinis. Everybody wins. Except the Germans, who will be beaten to the sunbeds with giant poppy-shaped towels. We beat you once Jerry, we'll do it again.

Edited by Miguel Sanchez
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