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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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"Right.... I'm watching Edward scissor hands (man with the scissors for hands) with jonny depp In it. I was convinced this was the film when jonny depp and that woman from Harry potter pretend to shave people's beards then chop them up and serve them as burgers!! What is that film called coz I was expecting that hahaha so confused"

Good grief woman. I like the way she felt it necessary to explain that Edward Scissorhands is a man with scissors for hands.

It's called Tesco 2: Every Little Helps.

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Girl who i used to go to school with, has never had a job. spends all day moaning about everything possible, this despite contributing nothing to society


Do that wee lassie that punched n bullied that boy cos he has autism tell u one thing if it was my son or step daughter I would be in jall i would go round to her house n fucking deal with her and her mum cos you have autism and glasses dont make a difference she needs a taste of her own medicine man makes me think of my two they have autism and there is sick kids out there thst there families bring them up if yr different its ok to hit and bully no fucking way
Katie is driving me mad thats 3 storys ive read to her and she still wont go to sleep grrrr she been up since 6
Lawyers at 4 there is no way am letting kids dad anywhere near my kids ever again he wants to take me to court fine but him n that thing he with won't see my kids again

Also, she take her kids to McDonald's every other day, and calls them "bears"


Edited by Enrico Annoni
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One of those extremely annoying, self-congratulatory Facebookers:

Just made myself a plan for the next week in an attempt to actually get stuff done. I have about 10mins free between now and next Wednesday.

First reply:

And you used five of those minutes to update your facebook. Bravo


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It's two of my best mates Birthday's today. I don't post on peoples walls if it's their Birthday anyway, but this annoyed me even more than everyone pretending to actually care that you're a day older when otherwise I doubt they'd really care. One is younger than the other by about two hours, so he posted on the older ones wall "Happy Birthday mate, don't feel obliged to wait two hours to reply..." That's quite funny and not really annoying. So the older guy has commented on it but then still went and posted a Happy Birthday message on the younger ones wall. Needless.

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Took the measure of blocking any posts from young mothers on facebook. No more baby pictures. No more statuses of beaming proud. No more 40 something grandparents trying to edge in on the act with there "OMG SO CUTE WOT R THEY LIKE x x x". My facebook is no longer filled with fedious shite.

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I've not seen or heard about this one. I always tell people and what they are though, so I've perhaps been banned from the at sisterhood. Shame that.

I got a email about it last week, I read the first line and binned it. So I'll be next on the sisterhood ban list!

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We are playing a game. Someone proposed that we GIRLS do something special on to help with Breast Cancer Awareness. Its easy, and Id like you to join us to help it spread. Last year it was about writing the color of the bra that your were wearing in your status and it left men wondering for days why the girls had random colors as their status. This year it has to do with your relationship status. You will state where you are, by posting one of the codes below. Remember - don't reply to this message just type your 1 word response in your status box on your profile. Then cut and paste this whole message into a new message and send it along to your female friends....

Blueberry: Im single

Pineapple its complicated

Raspberry: Im a touch and go woman

Apple: Engaged

Cherry: In a relationship

Banana: Im married

Avocado: Im the "other one"

Strawberry: Cant find the right one

Lemon: Wish i was single

Grape: wants to get married.....

So Mozzamozza was right!

Edited by Cardinal Richelieu
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I hate those stupid wee games.

I'd really like to know who makes those things up, and why they genuinely seem to believe that posting stupid words in their status box will actually make a blind bitof difference. It's another in the long line of those 'look how much I care because I appear to be doing something about bad things' type things.

On the Facebook scale of evil, it's above "OMG, sooo pissed off liek!!!!!!" but below the share/like/ignore if.... posts.

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Blueberry: Im single

Pineapple its complicated

Raspberry: Im a touch and go woman

Apple: Engaged

Cherry: In a relationship

Banana: Im married

Avocado: Im the "other one"

Strawberry: Cant find the right one

Lemon: Wish i was single

Grape: wants to get married.....

Cucumber: recently became a nun.

Anyway, there's a nedette on mine who is usually good for a point and laugh. My favourite was: "LOL, Larrys goat drunk on wine and jumped out ma bedroom windy. Hes in crosshouse wi a broken pelvis. HAHAHAHAHA"

Larry is her boyfriend. The scary thing is it's actually true, about three days later she posted pictures of his cast, with a few more casual 'LOLZ' dropped in to lighten the mood. :huh:

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What the f**k is it with people missing other people's faces, particularly if they have a 'wee face'. It's so fucking sugary it's giving me diabetes.

ah payoor miss yehr wee fayce so a dae

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