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I quite liked it. You expect Christmas specials to be lightweight, and it was, but was enjoyable enough, with some good lines for Capaldi. The Lucas character is likeable and the Lois Lane type was a definite wid.

The new assistant looks annoying as f**k based on the trailer though... fingers-crossed it's misleading.

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On 26/12/2016 at 22:18, welshbairn said:

Miserable fucker, it was OK. You either watched it sober or blootered, which as in life is always a mistake.

Stone cold sober.

It was awful. There was no threat from the aliens, the plot was revealed after about 5 minutes and it took about 30 seconds to actually stop them. The rest was full of the "hilarious" joke of the woman not being able to tell who the superhero guy was because he was wearing glasses and the vomit inducing "the mannys the real hero"

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Stone cold sober.
It was awful. There was no threat from the aliens, the plot was revealed after about 5 minutes and it took about 30 seconds to actually stop them. The rest was full of the "hilarious" joke of the woman not being able to tell who the superhero guy was because he was wearing glasses and the vomit inducing "the mannys the real hero"

The new guy taking over from Moffat can't start quick enough. There is zero dramatic tension now. Needs a serious revamp n to start killing off characters both good and evil. Not a fan of matt lucas either and the new companion looks horrendous. Think the capaldi Dr is going to end up as a huge missed opportunity given how good he actually is and if the writing doesn't improve it will end up on cbeebies. Thought xmas episode had really poor cgi too and even at basic pedant level the Dr didn't complete the contraption that would allow time travel in ny without destroying it....so it should have been destroyed. And if he knew how to do that why could he never see Amy n Rory again.
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Capaldi's era is being destroyed by unbelievably shit story-lines that are aimed at 12 year olds where all the baddies die, all the good people live and every week some sugar coated bullshit is rammed down your throat about the brilliance of some arsehole or other. I was so looking forward to Capaldi's Doctor but gave up on it before last Christmas's episode.

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Capaldis had awful episodes, the whole "midlife crisis" vibe is embarrassing.

A similar run to the Tennant episodes when he was alone would've been stupendous. Capaldi coming in should've seen a darker doctor, instead we've gone the other way.

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Capaldis had awful episodes, the whole "midlife crisis" vibe is embarrassing.

A similar run to the Tennant episodes when he was alone would've been stupendous. Capaldi coming in should've seen a darker doctor, instead we've gone the other way.

Hundred per cent agree this should have been a dark brooding angry Dr. Not sure there hasn't been a bit of pandering to the American market since they did a big publicity tour in us for the 50th anniversary but the show has really lost its identity.
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On 12/29/2016 at 22:56, meanmistermustard said:

I was so looking forward to Capaldi's Doctor but gave up on it before last Christmas's episode.

Exactly.  Capaldi could have been a brilliant Doctor...especially if they had taken the "Not predictably nice" angle (see his portrayal of Cardinel Richilieu) but The BeeB have squandered it and it is, frankly, embarrassing.

Dr Who has become almost unwatchable.


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Just got round to watching it.  It was the usual Christmas fluff, but marginally better than recent years.  

That's damning it with faint praise a bit.

I totally agree that Capaldi's Doctor is turning into a massive missed opportunity.  They've had plenty episodes where they could have done something different and darker but it's gone the other way.  Fair enough, it's essentially a kids show we're discussing, but give them some credit for being able to deal with something other than sugar coated guff.

ETA: someone mentioned the Tennant Doctor kicking about on his own for a bit.  That was probably the last time they veered towards something really dark.  The Time Lord Victorious could have been amazing for a half a series or so, but they binned it straight away.

Edited by KnightswoodBear
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someone mentioned the Tennant Doctor kicking about on his own for a bit.  That was probably the last time they veered towards something really dark.  

I loved it. Was it "water of mars" where he saves a woman who was meant to die, has a rant about how nobody can control him, and then she commits suicide?

A tremendous episode.

Sent from my F5121 using Pie and Bovril mobile app

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  • 3 weeks later...

Capaldi is off at the end of the year.

I hope he gets a good last series but the trailer doesn't fill me with confidence.

His tenure has been a bit of a disappointment. I was very pleased when he got the role, as a big fan of his especially in The Thick of It, but his episodes have generally been underwhelming.

Not necessarily his fault, more due to a bizarre determination to relegate The Doctor to being a supporting character in his own show, but even so.

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