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On 07/12/2018 at 03:54, Raidernation said:

Walsh was amazing in this one, still not sure what Jodie Whittaker’s Doctor is supposed to be like, but, for some reason I keep watching and I like it.

Only noticed him from that crappy quiz show he does, didn't realise he could act. I thought he was chosen like they give Eastender actors Panto gigs to get the punters in, but he's excellent in the part.

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1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

Only noticed him from that crappy quiz show he does, didn't realise he could act. I thought he was chosen like they give Eastender actors Panto gigs to get the punters in, but he's excellent in the part.

He was in Corrie for about three years. (Instant red for anybody who says that doesn't prove he can act.)

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1 hour ago, GordonD said:

He was in Corrie for about three years. (Instant red for anybody who says that doesn't prove he can act.)



2 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Only noticed him from that crappy quiz show he does, didn't realise he could act. I thought he was chosen like they give Eastender actors Panto gigs to get the punters in, but he's excellent in the part.

And the UK version of Law & Order.

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It wasn't a terrible episode but very underwhelming for a series finale. As usual, all the decent stuff was the scenes between Graham and Ryan.

The Doctor again appeared clueless for most of the episode, needing to say there wasn't enough time multiple times before remembering that she had a TARDIS.

I still want to like Jodie Whittaker but the writing is atrocious. She has to be the least imposing and impressive Doctor ever. Chris Chibnall seems to have no understanding of what the character is supposed to be.

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On 09/12/2018 at 20:57, Jaggy Snake said:

It wasn't a terrible episode but very underwhelming for a series finale. As usual, all the decent stuff was the scenes between Graham and Ryan.

The Doctor again appeared clueless for most of the episode, needing to say there wasn't enough time multiple times before remembering that she had a TARDIS.

I still want to like Jodie Whittaker but the writing is atrocious. She has to be the least imposing and impressive Doctor ever. Chris Chibnall seems to have no understanding of what the character is supposed to be.

Thats a really good summing up. Theres glimpses and moments of Whittaker being a really good choice and I've certainly warmed to her over the series but it just doesnt really feel like Doctor Who.

Anyone know if Ryan is up for any awards? His portrayal of a guy with zero personality must be up there with the greats :rolleyes:

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Whittaker has the same issues Capaldi had at times, writers more interested in making the show about their own opinions rather than making it enjoyable.

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The David Tennant, Billie Piper, Cybermen, Dalek series has been on  UK Drama.
Makes you realise how shit it has all become.
RTD was brilliant. If it had been Moffat or Chibnall bringing it back, it would've been one series and cancelled imo.
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12 minutes ago, microdave said:
On 15/12/2018 at 21:05, Ziggy said:
The David Tennant, Billie Piper, Cybermen, Dalek series has been on  UK Drama.
Makes you realise how shit it has all become.

RTD was brilliant. If it had been Moffat or Chibnall bringing it back, it would've been one series and cancelled imo.

He was of his time, certainly. He had massive shortcomings as a story teller, but did have a knack for the characterisation. He sensibly scaled things down in the first season and threw out a lot of previous, convoluted canon to get it going, which was sensible, he got a good tone for it - pitching it young, but not kiddie level (I think Buffy was a huge influence on him). Him and Moffat always had a clear sense of who the Doctor was and Eccleston's character arc, from his unseen demolition of the Daleks and Timelords to the scene with the plunger in Parting of the Ways where the Dalek Emperor taunts him with the "Coward or Killer" line and he replies "Coward, everytime" is still my favourite bit of RTD's tenure. 

On the other hand I really couldn't stand his Dues Ex Machina endings, the constant ramping of stakes and the dated pop culture references. I do think he got a bit lucky with Eccleston leaving, as good and serious an actor as Eccleston is - it was Tennant that did more than anyone to establish the series, by giving the Doctor that leading man appeal that I think transcended what could've been a niche audience.  Worth also noting that Doctor Who didn't really take off as a global phenomenon until Moffat, Smith and season 5.

I don't get the hate for Moffat, and maybe it's just the amount of science fiction I've read and watched over the years but I never found any of his stuff particularly convoluted, and I appreciated the more interesting sci-fi plots. Dr Who's always better running as a framework around interesting one off situations than it ever was trying to tie down a series arc, and Moffat got all of the interesting stories, from Girl in the Fireplace to Listen. (albeit, RTD has one such classic in Midnight) So in all those respects Moffat was always my favourite show runner. I do rate Smith and Capaldi higher than Tennant and Eccleston. For me, Capaldi's Dcotor was the pinnacle of the character. 


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Apart from the New Year special their will be no Dr Who next year with the next season being in 2020

It's actually not that big a gap, if on schedule the next series would be starting late October/November but instead it's Febuary/March so it's actually only a few months!!!
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