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A great feeling at Cappielow..

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This claim to fame is lamer than your 1922 stuff. Did the 95-96 side win anything? Answer: no.

Did Raith's *insert season here* side win anything of significance?

Of course not.

Gutted for you.

We actually won the 1st Division, the season before your Galactico's achievement of getting a few points and finishing as also-rans. Nae luck.

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You failed with possibly the biggest budget in the league, get over it.

Gaz, I keep hearing this from you and asked you on the Martin Hardie thread to give me specific figures to back up you claims. Could you please give me these figures?

I'm going on the assumption that you completely ignored it, but on the off chance that you conveniently just missed it, the question can be found http://www.pieandbovril.com/forum/index.php/topic/201007-martin-hardie-failed-mission-promotion-number-five/page-2#entry7265749'>here.

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Gaz, I keep hearing this from you and asked you on the Martin Hardie thread to give me specific figures to back up you claims. Could you please give me these figures?

I'm going on the assumption that you completely ignored it, but on the off chance that you conveniently just missed it, the question can be found here.

Toby he did use the word "possibly" which is roughly translated as "I don't have a fucking clue what I'm talking about and just made this shit up"

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9 to play for and when you look at the budget differences......

Toby he did use the word "possibly" which is roughly translated as "I don't have a fucking clue what I'm talking about and just made this shit up"

On this occasion yes, Rasta- but if you look at the quote above, which I've taken from the Martin Hardie thread, GazFFC appears to be pretty adamant about the differences in budgets between Morton and Falkirk. You, like myself are a shareholder at Cappielow and I'm assuming your knowledge of what Morton spend on wages is, like mine, based purely on guesswork. Quite why someone with no links to Morton is so knowledgeable on the subject is of interest to me and I'd like him to provide specific figures to back this up.

For the record, after yesterday's results, Morton are sitting on 67 points and Falkirk on 49. Therefore, Morton have 136.73% of Falkirk's current points total and in the best case scenario for him by the end of the season it will end up with Morton having 121.82% of Falkirk's final points total.

Now, if GazFFC could confirm that Morton's wage budget has been any more than 136.73% or 121.82% of Falkirk's wage budget, and provide reliable authority for his claims by way of specific figures from both clubs, I'll be happy to be proven wrong.

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Does this mean once more Cappielow wont be brought up to a standard befitting of a football ground in 2013?

To be fair, I'm still waiting for it to be brought up to a standard befitting of a ground in 1990 standards.

Hilarious, I received a text from a thistle supporting chum yesterday, he opined that his local in Possil had more grass than Wastefield. Shit soul-less ground with a gash pitch, and a shit team.

Epic fail.

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You can't work out %'s of 0.

All those sweety workers will be delighted that their wage rise has been spunked on another bucket of fail.


Tatty howker trying to troll and erm, failing.

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Gaz, I keep hearing this from you and asked you on the Martin Hardie thread to give me specific figures to back up you claims. Could you please give me these figures?

I'm going on the assumption that you completely ignored it, but on the off chance that you conveniently just missed it, the question can be found here.

My Toby, you really do follow me around.

I spent Friday night at the Barrowlands and was out all day yesterday at the game and a couple of POTY dances, and that is why i'd forgot all about the thread.

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We never really 'bottled it' though. We never once had a clear advantage. Morton fans have been giving Partick the credit they've deserved but yet you still like to make it look like you've done it against all odds when it's clearly not the case. It'd have been nice of anyone associated with partick to act with a little bit of humility but that doesn't appear to the case.


A lot of revisionism going on here.

While Morton fans may well be giving the Jags the credit they deserve now, rewind 2 or 3 months, and we were being told (by many morton fans, players and manager) that, amongst other things:

  • losing our manager would finish our challenge
  • we were shite away, and we would lose more away games as we couldn't win away
  • we couldn't go to Fife and win back to back games, let alone 3 in a row
  • in archies first game in charge, after leading 2-0, we would have been devestated at ending game with a draw and 10 men, and that this was evidence our bottle crashed in that game and would repeatedly happen in run-in.
  • mortons experienced laden team would triumph over our inexperienced kids
  • we would not have the bottle or strength in depth for the run in, and would fade
  • we would be hoping for Morton to slip up, as we couldn't go unbeaten the rest of the season after the 2-2 draw at cappielow (when 8 points with 3 games in hand behind)
  • our fixture backlog would mean we would slip up as there was too many games in short space of time
  • morton were better than us.

ALL of these have been comprehensively proved wrong, and it would be nice for morton fans to have a bit of humility and accept many of their fans, players and manager were saying these things 2 and 3 months ago, but that doesn't appear to be the case.

Well done anyway to Morton (and Dunfermline for the first half of the season making it look like it could be a three way battle), with the money Rae has put into the club to help build and pay for a decent team, with a few very good individuals, against a backdrop of low crowds not befitting the form and league placing of the team, and ensure that this seasons title race was an enthralling, exciting and at times, very nail biting, title race.

Ultimately though, we are better than you.

Best of luck for next season (i do have a soft spot or two for Morton i have to admit), and you should in a fair world, been looking forward to a playoff with your BFF from Paisley, but this is Scottish football sadly, and in the best and most competitive league in Scotland, it doesn't happen.

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While Morton fans may well be giving the Jags the credit they deserve now, rewind 2 or 3 months, and we were being told (by many morton fans, players and manager) that, amongst other things:

  • losing our manager would finish our challenge
  • we were shite away, and we would lose more away games as we couldn't win away
  • we couldn't go to Fife and win back to back games, let alone 3 in a row
  • in archies first game in charge, after leading 2-0, we would have been devestated at ending game with a draw and 10 men, and that this was evidence our bottle crashed in that game and would repeatedly happen in run-in.
  • mortons experienced laden team would triumph over our inexperienced kids
  • we would not have the bottle or strength in depth for the run in, and would fade
  • we would be hoping for Morton to slip up, as we couldn't go unbeaten the rest of the season after the 2-2 draw at cappielow (when 8 points with 3 games in hand behind)
  • our fixture backlog would mean we would slip up as there was too many games in short space of time
  • morton were better than us.

Made beating them at firhill and going on to win the league shortly after all the sweeter :)

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All seems a bit strange seeing as there's been nothing but respect between both sides and the media coverage the 1st division has received this season has been excellent compared to most other seasons.

If we made t-shirts everytime we nitpicked someones opinion then i'd need a lot more storage space in this flat.

edit: I genuinely had no idea that Thistle felt so hard done by enough to go to the effort of making t-shirts to wear on the happiest moment in years.

Edited by port-ton
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My Toby, you really do follow me around.

I spent Friday night at the Barrowlands and was out all day yesterday at the game and a couple of POTY dances, and that is why i'd forgot all about the thread.

A simple "I don't actually know." would have been better. Although that sentence pretty much sums up your entire post history.

And that list of things people were saying... the very top two actually cancels out the rest, because many of our own supporters noted that a new manager might change your away record and turn things in your favour.

But apparently you only seek out the negatives.

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