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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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got a depressing feeling that I'll be attending/watching/caring about my last ever game in Scottish football at Hampden Park on the 19th of May 2012.

The Scottish football authorities should just grow a set and just have Rangers & Celtic in their professional league set up.

The whole of Scottish football can be liquidated as far as I'm concerned.

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Astoundingohmy.gif. Listened to shifty Paul's interviews.

"our job is to move the football club forward" (Is it really?)

Millers is the "most deliverable" bid (whatever that means)

The agreement with the creditors of rangers (in administration) is "JUST a process that has to be gone through".

And to cap it all "I echo what Ally said".

He is going to give the assets of Ibrox and Murray Park to Miller & his newco according to Clark.ohmy.gif I would guess that Craig Whyte will have something to say on that. And if Duff & Duffer don't take his calls wee Craig will be running to the door of the High Court to protect his position on his claim on those assets.

So whether the SFA/SPL have cravenly caved in, it will all be irrelevant if Whyte stands and fights his ground. Wee Craig will not be for walking away laugh.gif

I am astounded that an administrator repeatedly states he is all about 'saving the club' and cosying up to 'the loyal supporters' when that is NOT, repeat NOT what he is there to do.

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still a lot of twists and turns to come.

I can't see UEFA wearing this plan at all, let alone HMRC. Haudit and Daudit may be implying that the SPL / SFA will wave this through, and that "assurances" have been given, but how many lies have they told already? Seriously, if those jokers said it was raining outside I'd be checking out the window in the full expectation that a bright sun would be shining.

it's far too premature to be having long faces about SPL chairmen voting anything through. It really is jumping the gun. All I can see as having happened today is that Haudit and Daudit have taken a bit of heat from themselves by plumping for Miller, but they themselves must know that there's only a slim chance of any of this actually happening.

Without HMRC and SFA / UEFA agreement, none of this will be happening. Miller has acres of room to pull out of it, if he can't make one or both of these bodies bend to his will. He might with the SFA, but he has zero traction with HMRC or UEFA and I have no doubt that both will firlmly tell him to GTF when the time comes.

more patience is needed here, it's far from the doomsday scenario yet for Scottish football.

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But given the changing societal attitudes over the years to slavery, votes for women, homosexuality, racism and countless other previously acceptable views, will future generations really buy into an "institution" founded on and fuelled by hatred? If so, the country, never mind the game, is fucked.


Scotland's been fucked for ages. Small minded country run by and full of small minds. That's why the bigot brothers are so engrained in the Scottish society, have got away with their bigotry up until now and why they'll continue to get away with it for generations yet.

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They will say they will.

But they won't.

And everyone knows this.

Some would but I'd doubt a huge proportion would... and nothing like half or whatever the SPL Survey said. It's easy to say, harder to do. Particularly for fans whose clubs had a good season - even if you're prepared to abandon your club, it gets harder if they then start competing for a cup or challenging atop the league.

Still, much water to pass under many bridges yet, IMO.

Tell me this. Why do they have chief execs of clubs on the spl board?

It should be independent with no connection to any club.

For example Doncaster & Topping...?

Edited by HibeeJibee
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Scotland's been fucked for ages. Small minded country run by and full of small minds. That's why the bigot brothers are so engrained in the Scottish society, have got away with their bigotry up until now and why they'll continue to get away with it for generations yet.

I sadly agree with that. sad.gif

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Once the newco cuts in the oldco will be left with no income other than the £11m put up front by BM. Haudit and Daudit will still be there to deal with the CVA. Surely this means that a good proportion of thet money is going to be going into their pockets and the sum available for creditors is going to melt away faster than the polar icecap.

BM has said that he will work according to UEFA rules which means that transfers will have to pay for themselves (very little cash injection by owner) and no-one is going to give them credit for many years to come. Everything will have to be paid for COD. The Bears are laughing at the moment but what will be their response when they have to live with austerity?

Edit; I'm beginning to think that the best punishement the SPL/SFA can give them is to keep them in the SPL. They won't be able to survive with a youth team but won't be able to sign world-beaters so they will become a run-of-the-mill club just like a lot of the diddies. Might do wonders for their egos rather than having them lord it over the SFL clubs.

Edited by WeeHectorPar
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Some would but I'd doubt a huge proportion would... and nothing like half or whatever the SPL Survey said. It's easy to say, harder to do. Particularly for fans whose clubs had a good season - even if you're prepared to abandon your club, it gets harder if they then start competing for a cup or challenging atop the league.

Still, much water to pass under many bridges yet, IMO.

Hell of a risk for SPL Chairmen to take I'd say..........

I won't be back if its the case.....and that's a promise.

If I'm really that desperate for a football fix I can get hold of much better gear just over the border.

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Tommo takes on Duffman

My link

This whole charade is hard to swallow. The administrator, in this interview, is ducking the vital questions because it is not in his remit to answer. I find it hard to criticise him as he was tasked with delivering the best deal possible for creditors and he claims that D& P have done exactly that. Time will tell if that is the case but it appears to be just as he says.

Alex Thomson is asking the exact questions we would all like the answers to but he is asking the wrong person. These important questions need to be asked of Bill Miller, the SPL and the SFA and others.

How can an organisation that has breached rules be in a position to negotiate their punishment ? It beggars belief.

How can the SPL give assurances to the rule breakers when the process of investigation is still ongoing ?

Have the SPL conceded that they will take no action against Rangers even if they are found to have breached rules with double payments ?

Are the SFA and the SPL content that a new company is entitled to take up the reins of a company in administration and continue playing as if they are the same club ?

Are UEFA satisfied that no action is necessary in terms of the financial irregularities that have taken place at Ibrox over a long number of years ?

Do Ally McCoist, his players and staff believe that it is morally acceptable to continue to operate as an SPL club in the circumstances ?

Are the genuine Rangers support comfortable with the fact that they will become the lifelong pariahs of scottish football ?

Probing questions must be asked of the SFA, SPL, UEFA, Bill MIller, Ally McCoist, his staff and the Rangers supporters.

I have a lot of respect for Alex Thomson but I would respectfully suggest that he is questioning the wrong person.

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I'm moving to Edinburgh in the summer. If the SPL is a fair competition, either with the current 1872 version of Rangers or without any Rangers at all, then I'll buy a season ticket and travel through to most, if not all of the games.

If the Newco gets voted in, then there's no chance I'll buy one. It's the perfect opportunity for a clean break. I might go to the odd game when we visit Edinburgh, or if I'm at home for a weekend, but that will be it.

And that's not an idle threat.

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Hell of a risk for SPL Chairmen to take I'd say..........

I won't be back if its the case.....and that's a promise.

If I'm really that desperate for a football fix I can get hold of much better gear just over the border.

We don't know most SPL chairman's views, of course - but perhaps the risk of losing central income is the same or worse. Also maybe I'm cynical, but I don't see a meaningful number of non-OF fans starting travelling to Sunderland, Newcastle, Liverpool, Manchester etc. for their football fix.

When it comes to it, how many would give-up how much for how long and for what reasons* is a great unknown.

*Hibs crowds have plummetted - for economic and underperformance reasons

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This whole charade is hard to swallow. The administrator, in this interview, is ducking the vital questions because it is not in his remit to answer. I find it hard to criticise him as he was tasked with delivering the best deal possible for creditors and he claims that D& P have done exactly that. Time will tell if that is the case but it appears to be just as he says.

Alex Thomson is asking the exact questions we would all like the answers to but he is asking the wrong person. These important questions need to be asked of Bill Miller, the SPL and the SFA and others.

How can an organisation that has breached rules be in a position to negotiate their punishment ? It beggars belief.

How can the SPL give assurances to the rule breakers when the process of investigation is still ongoing ?

Have the SPL conceded that they will take no action against Rangers even if they are found to have breached rules with double payments ?

Are the SFA and the SPL content that a new company is entitled to take up the reins of a company in administration and continue playing as if they are the same club ?

Are UEFA satisfied that no action is necessary in terms of the financial irregularities that have taken place at Ibrox over a long number of years ?

Do Ally McCoist, his players and staff believe that it is morally acceptable to continue to operate as an SPL club in the circumstances ?

Are the genuine Rangers support comfortable with the fact that they will become the lifelong pariahs of scottish football ?

Probing questions must be asked of the SFA, SPL, UEFA, Bill MIller, Ally McCoist, his staff and the Rangers supporters.

I have a lot of respect for Alex Thomson but I would respectfully suggest that he is questioning the wrong person.

Is that a trick question? :lol:

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I'm moving to Edinburgh in the summer. If the SPL is a fair competition, either with the current 1872 version of Rangers or without any Rangers at all, then I'll buy a season ticket and travel through to most, if not all of the games.

If the Newco gets voted in, then there's no chance I'll buy one. It's the perfect opportunity for a clean break. I might go to the odd game when we visit Edinburgh, or if I'm at home for a weekend, but that will be it.

And that's not an idle threat.

Assuming the right thing happens, join us! My link

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This whole charade is hard to swallow. The administrator, in this interview, is ducking the vital questions because it is not in his remit to answer. I find it hard to criticise him as he was tasked with delivering the best deal possible for creditors and he claims that D& P have done exactly that. Time will tell if that is the case but it appears to be just as he says.

Alex Thomson is asking the exact questions we would all like the answers to but he is asking the wrong person. These important questions need to be asked of Bill Miller, the SPL and the SFA and others.

How can an organisation that has breached rules be in a position to negotiate their punishment ? It beggars belief.

How can the SPL give assurances to the rule breakers when the process of investigation is still ongoing ?

Have the SPL conceded that they will take no action against Rangers even if they are found to have breached rules with double payments ?

Are the SFA and the SPL content that a new company is entitled to take up the reins of a company in administration and continue playing as if they are the same club ?

Are UEFA satisfied that no action is necessary in terms of the financial irregularities that have taken place at Ibrox over a long number of years ?

Do Ally McCoist, his players and staff believe that it is morally acceptable to continue to operate as an SPL club in the circumstances ?

Are the genuine Rangers support comfortable with the fact that they will become the lifelong pariahs of scottish football ?

Probing questions must be asked of the SFA, SPL, UEFA, Bill MIller, Ally McCoist, his staff and the Rangers supporters.

I have a lot of respect for Alex Thomson but I would respectfully suggest that he is questioning the wrong person.

He has tried to ask UEFA at least & got the response that decisions were to be made at an SFA/SPL level.

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We don't know most SPL chairman's views, of course - but perhaps the risk of losing central income is the same or worse. Also maybe I'm cynical, but I don't see a meaningful number of non-OF fans starting travelling to Sunderland, Newcastle, Liverpool, Manchester etc. for their football fix.

When it comes to it, how many would give-up how much for how long and for what reasons* is a great unknown.

*Hibs crowds have plummetted - for economic and underperformance reasons

why would they need to ? most pubs have SKY/ESPN don't they ? Warm, dry and an endless supply of beer......beats paying £20+ to watch a sham league IMO

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Here's a doozy (be as well starting the Americanisation here folks.....)

What's to stop HMRC from taking it up the arse on this one and then change the rules to stop it happening ever again. Might look at it like something better than nothing and use it as a rule changer, not a precedent.

EDIT: typo

Edited by chrismcarab
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This is going to run and run. The Newco could be just a vehicle to enable the club to continue while the administration is taken to a conclusion. It could be argued that this is in the interest of the creditors, as the value of a competing club is far greater than the bricks and mortar and players of the assets. The £25 million court case with Collyer Bristow won't be held till October, and dealing with Ticketus and Craig Whyte could take for ever in the courts. Duffman point blank refused to say what would happen if a CVA is refused. Even if the SPL and SFA spread their sphincters open for Uncle Bill, Rangers could cease to exist in the Autumn.

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why would they need to ? most pubs have SKY/ESPN don't they ? Warm, dry and an endless supply of beer......beats paying £20+ to watch a sham league IMO

Apt as its run by a not fit + proper person :D

Anybody checked to see if Craigy boy doesn't own D+P btw? Now that would be a very very clever to get the cash out of Rangers, 1/4 million, a month at a time.

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Some would but I'd doubt a huge proportion would... and nothing like half or whatever the SPL Survey said. It's easy to say, harder to do. Particularly for fans whose clubs had a good season - even if you're prepared to abandon your club, it gets harder if they then start competing for a cup or challenging atop the league.

Still, much water to pass under many bridges yet, IMO.

For example Doncaster & Topping...?

The rest of the board not just those two half wits
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