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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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You'd think she'd get some support from her twin but no stick the knife in why dont you?

Are you an idiot for a living, or is it just a hobby?

A bit of both really and I may point out I've personally plough well over a grand in official gers merchandise for my die hard gers family members.None of my family members have ever even stepped into the Celtic gift shop for me the B*stards.

Also I have worked in Ibrox as well cleaning up before and after matches and all those Rangers fans couldn't be nicer to me and shook my hand for being a Celtic supporter and working there.

Old firm games I was at the corner flag on the running track at Govan and Broomie stands,best place in the stadium to watch :P.

It is my right to have some fun at them and glad this 3 in a row nae dough is gone ..... well for now as they may do it again with Lennon's tactical awareness next year.

I do hope ra gers survive this tough time but till then it's open season :guntoting

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On the eve of the SFA appeal hearing, is anyone bold enough to offer a prediction as to what will happen.

I've read various theories on this....

- some (including the RTC folks) seem to believe that the tribunal over-stepped the mark in imposing the signing embargo, and the Rangers appeal in this respect will be upheld. Having poured over the tribunal protocol etc., I can see where they are coming from on this one, and I have a niggling feeling that this might well be the decision. Quite how significant it will be on the grand scheme of thing remains to be seen. My thoughts are that the main impact will lie in Rangers supporters in particular considering this a victory in their campaign against the SFA, as opposed to something that more accurately resembles a technicality. This is a worry, as the moronic hordes don't need encouraging;

- another suggestion has been that the 12 month embargo will be suspended. I can't see any logic in this at all. If it is a sanction that fell within the scope of the tribunal, why what possible grounds would they have for suspending it? So.... it will either remain in place, or be dropped altogether. I fear the latter will be the case;

- as for the fine, I've honestly no idea. If the embargo isn't applicable after all, then the SFA have to look at holding Rangers to account after what was a pretty damning report of their misdeeds. Would there be any point in increasing the financial penatly for a club in administration, though. Who knows. My prediction, this will remain in place.

So, my ill-informed guess is that the embargo will be dropped and the fine remain in place. It's possible that an alternative sanction to the embargo will be imposed, but I'm not sure what that might be - possible expulsion from the Scottish Cup next season?

If they have to drop the embargo (and i am fervantly hoping that they don't) why wouldn't they offset it by increasing the fine to about 20 million, seeing as how Green has a 'war chest' available?

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After weeks of entertainment, first post. As the day of reckoning begins, a wee word to the panel from Atticus Finch: "in the name of God, do your duty."

Okay, he was defending an innocent man, but his plea was that justice be done, and most of us on this forum are pretty clear on what this entails tomorrow.

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I would have thought with the explanatory info that came out being so damning, the SFA have pretty much already set out their stall as far as I can see. To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised at all if they hit them with more - the SFA don't really have anything to lose out of all this.

Hampden - when the orcs gather?

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If Motherwell win the Champions League this year does that mean we get two places in it next year or will the Champions go into the Europa.:rolleyes:

You're assuming you won't win the league?!

If (and it's a fairly big if) Motherwell won the Champions League and another team won the SPL, then both teams would qualify. The situation with Chelsea/Spurs in England is because there is a UEFA rule which states that no country can have more than 4 entrants.

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They really don't like Dingwall either

Mark Dingwall and the Snub Rangers beat St Johnstone in Perth the other night.

Perhaps more importantly, the “preferred bidder” or “new owner” or “consortium head” Charles Green was there to see the team he will be CEO of very soon. Mark Dingwall, the “owner of the biggest Rangers forum on the planet” was not. This isn’t a surprise. Mark doesn’t actually go to games at Ibrox or elsewhere, you see.

“I’ve seen him outside Ibrox!”, I hear you cry. Yes, so have I. Still I repeat, Mark doesn’t actually go to games at Ibrox or elsewhere. The key word in your collective cry was ‘outside’. That’s where he goes. Outside. Wandering round collecting the monies from the sellers of Follow Follow, the rarely seen fanzine.

50% of which goes to his declared earnings, 50% of which goes in his back pocket.

Even with that knowledge, I was really surprised that Mark didn’t travel the 62.3 miles, give or take, from his home to the ground in Perth. He missed a glorious chance to make himself known to Mr Green. Because Mr Green, one day in the job, arranged to meet fans’ representatives. Some big hitters were there and found Mr Green to be forthright and positive.

The man who thinks he is the biggest hitter of all wasn’t.

The strangest thing is that Mark, usually so very keen to eat crumbs from the top table, knew the new man was willing to meet the reps. He would, in all certainty, have been in the group meeting Mr Green.

Now, Mark may be falling from grace for his over enthusiastic backing of the Blue Knights to the exclusion of any other bidder, but surely he would have snapped the hand off anyone offering him a chance to sit with the new “head man”?

He did offer a reason when questioned about his non appearance. He didn’t get enough notice. Now, I think that excuse – because it is an excuse and not a reason – is pathetic. I wonder what Mr Green thinks?


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I'm even more confused now.

Why didn't they sue over Dundee?

I think Livi are targetting the appeal.

Livi and Dundee both had punishments handed to them. Both punishments stood after appeals to the SFA. If Rangers succeed in getting a lesser punishment tomorrow then it looks as if they are treated as a special case.

Remember Livi were demoted two divisions and the 25 point penalty given to Dundee was meant to relegate them. In comparison a year's signing ban on older players is minor.

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Turnover is all well and good as long as your expenditure does not exceed it as has been the case with Rangers, hence the problem they are in.

The players wage bill alone is rumoured to be close to £2,000,000 a month = £36,000,000 a year

Then your Running costs, Floodlights, maintanence, undersoil heating, TAX.

Remembering Rangers pre-souness when you were winning nothing, do you think you'll keep filling Ibrox every week at increased prices with nothing to play for?

2 million a month = 36 million a year?...run that bye us again calculon.

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If the panel have to backtrack on any of the previous punishments; I would imagine that they will have cooked up something pretty tasty to replace them. After all they did come out and state that the offences committed, ran a close second to match fixing.

No point in a monetary punishment, so fingers crossed for a wily curve ball aimed at the Ted's :D

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Mmmmm, unfortunately I think we are in the "too big to fail" mentality that has stalked the planet in the last couple of years. No matter the rights wrongs or otherwise in the matter, I suspect that....

  • Ban on player transfers will be suspended or shortened to single transfer window
  • Rangers will be liquidated, but newco will arise that will magically inherit the old rangers assets. ie ibrox, murray park, most of the contracts
  • EBT scams etc will be proved correct but punishment will go to the "old" rangers, couple of directors etc will be banned , slaps on wrists etc.
  • As Rangers liquidated, all debts will be walked away from and they will start from a clean slate next season
  • They will be banned from Europe for three years , but given all the above doesnt really matter
  • SPL will vote this "new club" straight back into the SPL, and I predict that Celtic will vote for it too (and United). Probably only Hibs and Hearts will vote against
  • Rangers fans will boycott the Edinburgh clubs next season for the temerity to stand up to them
  • 11-1 voting structure will be maintained. Celtic and Rangers locked in a vice with Sky, rest of the clubs shut out from making any meaningful changes
  • In three years times its business as usual with Celtic/Rangers spots 1 and 2 for the next 20 years. ie its back to business as usual

Really really hope I'm wrong in at least some of this, but the legal position and the sporting integrity issues will be out weighed by the financial pressures and the basic corruption of scottish football by the old firm. I think the enjoyment factor of the last couple of months is coming to an end... :(

Edited by Arab in Exile
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Unfortunately, I agree with your predictions Arab in Exile whith the possible exception of Celtic (and maybe Aberdeen) voting against the newco parachute (still not enough anyway).

Also, a lot of people are suggesting that the result of the Appeal today will see the Transfer Ban removed/suspended but the fine increased. Whilst I think the transfer Ban will go (possibly by reason of technicality), I'm sure it has been stated that the fines imposed were already at the maximums for those charges. Therefore, there is not even scope for them to be increased.

Sad times ahead for those hoping for some 'justice'.

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The SFA investigation and findings have been attacked on a lack or concrete evidence to prove beyond doubt that people like John Greig, John McLelland and Dave King were well aware of the catalogue of wrong-doings yet chose to do nothing.

If the findings did indeed overstate the case, then the I'd have to ask why these people have not come out very strongly in public to refute them? Surely if your reputation had been so roundly blackened when this was not the case, then you'd defend your reputation to the max.

As regards the appeal, in addition to the defence that the evidence is not absolutely watertight, I'm fearful their QC will manage to 'club' the Appeals Panel with the idea that the punishment is so unprecedented/not technically one that was open to the judicial panel :(

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