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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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How does breaking the Ticketus improve the offer to all creditors which was the advise they were given by the courts, shooorly that just dilutes the value of the CVA further :huh: unless the war chest is being dumped into the kitty.

As an aside I see one of strathclyde's finest has been arrested for smashing up the Celtic park toilets and sectarian singing, hope he was not in uniform :D

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Chic Young "I have been told this exclusively" " you heard it here first" is keeping up his self penned image of the man in the know.

First with the breaking news, the journalists the big guys trust especially Sir David.

The reality is somewhat different.


"Paul McBride was a good friend of mine." the idiot said.

We await his latest accurate assessment of the goings on at Rangers with some excitement.


Edited by thelegendthatis
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Pozbaird is excellent on this thread. Comes out with some brilliant posts! If one poster was to sum up the mood of the diddy fans, it'd be him.

Aww shucks. I do my bit to keep the best thread in the world ticking over, but it's a big diddy team effort! Some of the stuff I've read on here from fellow diddies has been top drawer fun. I don't watch the telly any more. Kettle on, chunky Kit Kat, fire up the Mac'..... Enjoy.

What we need now (IMHO), is some serious developments. When the SFA appeals panel upheld the sanctions, it gave us something tangible to discuss. Now it's all in limbo again. The BBC documentary looks like being a guaranteed '20 pager' on here.

It'll really kick off when the SPL chairmen shite their breeks and vote for a rotting carcass in newco guise to remain a top flight club.

Looks like I'll miss all the real fun - on holiday from May 28 to June 7. What will I come back to? Certainly another 500 pages on here!

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Can I ask the impossible and see if we can get Hearts and Hibs fans all singing a quick chorus of "Let's all laugh at Rangers" before kick-off today at a sun-kissed Hampden.

Mission Imposiible I know, but it would be great to see how the media and Doncaster would react.

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Can I ask the impossible and see if we can get Hearts and Hibs fans all singing a quick chorus of "Let's all laugh at Rangers" before kick-off today at a sun-kissed Hampden.

Mission Imposiible I know, but it would be great to see how the media and Doncaster would react.

If the Orcs are stupid enough to start any carry on outside the ground, it will be a dead cert.

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How does breaking the Ticketus improve the offer to all creditors which was the advise they were given by the courts, shooorly that just dilutes the value of the CVA further :huh:unless the war chest is being dumped into the kitty.

As an aside I see one of strathclyde's finest has been arrested for smashing up the Celtic park toilets and sectarian singing, hope he was not in uniform :D

‘War chest’ is one of those mega annoying Daily Retard phrases that really does my head in. Like their use of ‘Swoop’, ‘Eye watering’ ‘Pens new deal’ ‘Fired a warning’ and ‘Boyhood/lifelong Rangers/Celtic fan’ and dozens of others.

Being an inquisitive sort (any fitba Journos reading can do their own google on the word inquisitive) I wondered where the word came from originally. So a quick google for ‘War chest’ brings up this on Investopedia…..

War Chest

Definition of 'War Chest'

Slang for the reserve of cash a corporation sets aside to attempt a takeover or to defend against a hostile takeover.

So the last couple of ‘War Chests’ down Govan way have been £1 (Craig Whyte) or £2 (Hughie Green). Truly proof of their status as one of the biggest clubs in the world……

I have heard that boyhood rainjurs fan Billy King fae Govan is selling his old stamp collection to raise a £10 war chest’ to swoop for the rainjurs!! This would be 5 Times Greens bid and an eye watering ten times Whytes purchase price!!! The deal is dependant on fans favourite Stevie ‘Red hand’ Davis penning a new deal however, but the Daily Retard has inside information that Fat Sally has already seen the colour of Billy Kings quantum. It’s orange.

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Some time ago, I mentioned my RM log in, but for a laugh added in a claim as a couple of (perhaps) genuine RM members to see what might happen: all were banned!

Now I'm thinking some of you might have been hit by friendly fire. huh.gif

Who can we trust? sad.gif


Special Operations Executive agents during the last war had a trick that would show if their radio messages were genuine. They would deliberately put a pre-agreed spelling mistake into every broadcast. If, however they were rounded up by the nazis and forced to broadcast fake info, they would use the correct spelling, thus alerting London that they had been captured.

So, the P&B spies in RM could simply put spelling mistakes into their RM posts and......................................................................oh, I see there's a fatal flaw in this plan, sorry.

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In fairness the boy probably can't see past British Knights or Troop!

I actually used to wear a silk Troop tracksuit together with white BK basketball boots. I thought that look was cool in 1989 but with the benefit of hindsight I probably looked like a complete fud.

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I actually used to wear a silk Troop tracksuit together with white BK basketball boots. I thought that look was cool in 1989 but with the benefit of hindsight I probably looked like a complete fud.

Probably ?????

Make that definitely

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Looks like I'll miss all the real fun - on holiday from May 28 to June 7. What will I come back to? Certainly another 500 pages on here!

Know how you feel. I am away on Wednesday for a couple of weeks. Have this dream of returning to a Rangers-free SPL in a Scotland where everyone is smiling and the sun is shining. Please let it be so. :)

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Looks like I'll miss all the real fun - on holiday from May 28 to June 7. What will I come back to? Certainly another 500 pages on here!

Me too, from May 28 to June 11. Do I whack the MacBook in and look for wi fi?

"Cause outside Scotland nobody gives a monkeys about Rangers so it won't be news

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Special Operations Executive agents during the last war had a trick that would show if their radio messages were genuine. They would deliberately put a pre-agreed spelling mistake into every broadcast. If, however they were rounded up by the nazis and forced to broadcast fake info, they would use the correct spelling, thus alerting London that they had been captured.

So, the P&B spies in RM could simply put spelling mistakes into their RM posts and......................................................................oh, I see there's a fatal flaw in this plan, sorry.

Simply reverse the strategy, spell correctly and punctuated. Then txt speek if ra peepul coton onn ;)

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