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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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No, we should be wound up by the Cockwomble, because of the '10 team SPL or we die' bullshit, followed by his performance here. Yes, he does represent the SPL clubs - but I know that when he came out on the steps of Hampden and spouted his '10 team SPL is the ONLY game in town' shit - some SPL chairmen spat their cornflakes across the living room, because they hadn't been consulted, hadn't discussed it to that degee, hadn't voted on it. The Cockwomble was speaking with no remit from the clubs to do so. Just my personal opinion, but I think he's an arrogant gobshite who talks in terms such as 'maximising the brand' and 'exposing the product to new market variables' - and as such, shouldn't be trusted as far as he could be thrown, and should have his smug arse booted down Aitkenhead Road in jig time.

Just my opinion like.

I don't believe he's just peddling the sh!te based on what the SPL chairmen have told him.

He raises his arse to Rupert Murdoch, but wants to make sure he gets the best deal for doing so.

A large part of his job is to ensure that the SPL as an entity maximises commercial income, so in fairness to him he's doing exactly what is needed to try and get as much money from sponsors and TV as he can. ie. By smoothing the road for Rangers to come back in. To hell with sporting integrity and fairness, not in his job description.

He's got no interest in what's best for Scottish Football, what's best for any individual clubs or to see justice done in the SPL. His only concern is justifying his huge salary to his employers (the SPL clubs). In this I think he's doing a rare job as the chairmen collectively think the sun shine's out of his arse.

He achieves this by the smarmy personality, peddling disingenuous half-truths and spin that would see him fit in comfortably with the sort of characters you normally find in office in Westminster rather than Hampden.

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That rule was done away with on the basis that it was illegal. There is no going back to it.

But how 'illegal' was it ? The transfer embargo I think was mentioned on here that rangers could sign folk but not play them???. If that is the case then no difference to 3 foreigner rule.

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Hasn't it all gone quiet, though? IMHO, I think the SFA and SPl are just letting financial nature take its course. In due time, the money at Ibrox will run out, Captain Green and the Mysterons will head back to the Lonely Planet, RFC will simple implode quietly and disappear up its own ar$ehole with barely a fizz, and the SFAPL can sit back and say "nothing to do with us." That way, the Orcs have no-one to vent their anger on and they'll be left stomping up and down Broomloan Road and Paisley Road West fighting with each other, like the Big-endians and Little-endians in Gulliver's Travels, over which retro team shirt will make most on Antiques Roadshow in 50 year time.

I totally agree with you - and I'm so impressed by the Jonathan Swift reference.

This thread must make P&B the most intellectual football forum ever. Why, only a few posts ago someone was waxing lyrical about symbiotic relationships and such like. It fair brings a tear to my eye to think of how smart you lot are. In the past 1000+ pages we've had arguments about almost everything; like whether having syphilis makes you a bad German philosopher! We've even had stuff written in French!

My God, you really are clever-dicks (an altogether different beast from a cockwomble, I should add).

I tip my hat to you all.

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Meanwhile over on RM:

You Gotta Be Kiddin' Me!

This, erm, article, is concluded with the following sentence....

The ‘crimes’ of Rangers are nothing new. We’re not the first to find ourselves in administration at the hands of a HMRC petition for tax debt, nor will we be the last. Our punishment however, is cruel, and couldn’t contrast greater to that of the last SPL side to go into administration with huge tax debt, and a playing squad decimated by redundancies. Rather than fine & punish Gretna further however, the SPL paid salaries for them.

Now, I've highlighted one section merely in order to summarise how out there this entire fairy tale is, but read in full, it constitutes one of the most finely crafted pieces of denialism since the slabberings of Harry Elmer Barnes.

They seem to be under the impression that the transfer ban is a penalty for going into administration, its not the case at all and just goes to show how thick they are.

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Doesn't German football have some rule regarding a maximum numbers of foreigners? Or minimum number of players eligible for Germany?

I think it's a maximum number of non-European players. A limit on European players wouldn't be legal there either.

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They seem to be under the impression that the transfer ban is a penalty for going into administration, its not the case at all and just goes to show how thick they are.

Yeah, that pretty much sums up the opinion of every Rangers fan I talk to.

If you try and explain that actually the punishment was more relating to the deliberate withholding of PAYE and VAT then they'll let you know:

"that wis Whyte no ra Beerzz"

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I like many on here feel that the Newco deal was done a long time ago and all that we are witnessing is a series of mock outrage & tactical posturing by not only our footballing authorities but also our Club Chairmen.

Its a real shame as for me we could have really stolen the march on all other leagues in Europe by a bit of forward thing regards to FFP & (more importantly) developing a more competitive league.........but the status quo must be maintained despite its lack of credability & integrity according to our leaders...therefore the game will be dead to me and many others.

The magnificent occassion created by both sets of fans on Saturday, just like Ross Co & DUFC in 2010 showed that Scottish football doesn't always have to be about the OF......sadly due to their rarity I fear the OF is all we'll end up with in the future.

Verge of tears? Yes, but the actions of Murray, Whyte, Rangers FC, SPL, SFA & our Club Chairmen is going to be the death of our game and there's f**k all us fans can do about it !

Help us out UEFA ?! Wouldn't hold my breath !

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I think it's a maximum number of non-European players. A limit on European players wouldn't be legal there either.

Just checked Wikipedia:

For the 2006–07 season, the limits on foreign (non-EU) players were lifted, based on a decision of the German Football Association (DFB) and Deutsche Fußball Liga made on 21 December 2005. At the same time, the UEFA local player ruling was introduced. This ruling stipulates, that a certain number of locally produced players must be enrolled at each club. For the 2006–07 season, this was at least four such players, for the 2007–08 season six players and for the 2008–09 season eight such players.

A locally produced player is a player who, during the age of 15–21 years, was licenced to play for the club for three different seasons or years


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According to the Sun this morning Rankers are going to offer David Healy a new one year contract on the same wages he got last season....TEN THOUSAND POUNDS A WEEK!!!!! You couldnt make that up. I reckon that figure would cover our entire squad for a week!!! I hope creditors and club chairmen are noting all these gems coming out of Ipox. Honestly, you couldnt make it up. A club potentially over £100,000,000 in debt offering a past it, nonentity, like Healy 10 grand a week, shows exactly why the book should be thrown at them!

If we've learned anything from this whole sorry saga it's that "making stuff up" is how the majority of sports journalists spend their day.

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I'd say yes the performances get worse as more mediocre foreigners keep coming to replace the key youngsters these English leagues keep stealing for peanuts by bribing them with more money than our clubs can pay.Also these foreign players are sometimes bribed to Scotland with better money than they would get in their league.

Our country does provide England unfortunately with quality home grown players through our youth systems,proves one thing we can produce excellent quality players it's just holding onto them that's the problem.:(

The SKY bubble the England Premiership is in might feel the wrath of Murdoch hopefully and then we may lose less of our star youths to the English at least.

BUT ! we may find out how good the Rangers youth academy is next year :D.

Remind me how much Celtic offered for James McCarthy.

Oh hang on, I remember now - but were they salted or dry roasted?

And finally....FTOF.

Edited by Montague Withnail
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According to the Sun this morning Rankers are going to offer David Healy a new one year contract on the same wages he got last season....TEN THOUSAND POUNDS A WEEK!!!!! You couldnt make that up. I reckon that figure would cover our entire squad for a week!!! I hope creditors and club chairmen are noting all these gems coming out of Ipox. Honestly, you couldnt make it up. A club potentially over £100,000,000 in debt offering a past it, nonentity, like Healy 10 grand a week, shows exactly why the book should be thrown at them!

Don't sound so surprised.

This is the same club who can't afford to pay small buinesses monies owned to them, but yet someone were going to offer Daniel Cousin a deal worth £5/6 grand a week the day they went into administration

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Yeah, that pretty much sums up the opinion of every Rangers fan I talk to.

If you try and explain that actually the punishment was more relating to the deliberate withholding of PAYE and VAT then they'll let you know:

"that wis Whyte no ra Beerzz"

This was a classic analogy from a Rangers fan this morning

Craig Whyte has been caught doing 90mph in a 60 zone - it seems logical that Rangers should be banned from registering any new vehicles for a 12 month period , we can buy them but not drive them. Celtic and Dundee United issue a joint statement calling for Ibrox to be shut down in the interests of driving integrity.

Edited by MarreZ
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Don't sound so surprised.

This is the same club who can't afford to pay small buinesses monies owned to them, but yet someone were going to offer Daniel Cousin a deal worth £5/6 grand a week the day they went into administration

Dont think anyone would be surprised considering they were paying Whittaker 20 GRAND A WEEK. Beggars belief!!!

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A locally produced player is a player who, during the age of 15–21 years, was licenced to play for the club for three different seasons or years

So in fact, a "local" player could come from anywhere from Koblenz to Kathmandu, they just need to have been licenced to play and presumably be resident.

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Okay - news about Rangers has gone on a go-slow; so it's competition time.

P&B Agents, your mission - should you choose to accept it, is to find out all you can about a meeting last night, (Monday, 21st May) in Chinaski's bar in Glasgow.

Those present were, Graeme Souness, Andy Goram and a bunch of business-type suits.

Were they forming a new bid for Rangers FC, was it a cell meeting for a right-wing, military coup on Glasgow City Chambers or was it merely a "who's got the biggest ego/willy competion"?

We need transparency here, people; we need names to be named and rumours to be rumoured.

There will be a top prize, (a virgin packet of 20 Capstan Full Strength, to be prised, at your own risk, from my cat's, extremely vicious, chain-smoking claws) for the best, or most original, ridiculous or, heaven help us, truthful answer.

We need to be told!

Take a step back now, please....


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