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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The CoS's role was to help The SFA's panel interpret its own rules since it was incapable of doing so itself. The CoS obviously agreed that Rangers had broken SFA rules but declared that the tribunal was incompetent in their choice of punishment.

From a selfish PoV this may backfire and we get a harsher punishment. There may well be pressure from the SFA panel from FIFA and we could be even more royally fucked than we are now. However, FIFA firmly believe that they are above the law and beyond scrutiny. Indeed, FIFA lickspittles use terms such as 'civil courts' in pejorative terms. You'll have seen that on this thread,

For sane people a civil court is a good thing. It means that there is some sort of accountability and pressure on the SFA to adhere to its own processes.

Any idea that 'It's a private club so we can do what we like' just flies in the face of common justice.

The problem I have with this argument is that the term 'association' makes it clear that a group of like-minded people have come together, in this instance, to compete in football competition. If members see the COS as a vehicle for settling disputes, even if it's a cast- iron case, that action by its very nature undermines the association.

The complaint needs to be dealt with within the association wherever possible and when a club finds a decision unacceptable they should then approach the governing body to ask for guidelines about the protocols for appeal.

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If you're a sensitive soul then you're not really going to last too long on an internet forum, so either give it back or GTFO.

As for being called a bigot, you usually find that the people so outraged and obsessed with accusing all OF fans of bigotry don't really get the irony of it all.

So the OF are just ironic bigots? :huh:

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The CoS's role was to help The SFA's panel interpret its own rules since it was incapable of doing so itself. The CoS obviously agreed that Rangers had broken SFA rules but declared that the tribunal was incompetent in their choice of punishment.

From a selfish PoV this may backfire and we get a harsher punishment. There may well be pressure from the SFA panel from FIFA and we could be even more royally fucked than we are now. However, FIFA firmly believe that they are above the law and beyond scrutiny. Indeed, FIFA lickspittles use terms such as 'civil courts' in pejorative terms. You'll have seen that on this thread,

For sane people a civil court is a good thing. It means that there is some sort of accountability and pressure on the SFA to adhere to its own processes.

Any idea that 'It's a private club so we can do what we like' just flies in the face of common justice.

It's a common association for a common good and as a sporting body can never and should never be subjected to civil judicial process.

The same rules agreed by all parties, including Rangers. Hopefully this wilful act of disregard will see them suspended from membership, per the rules agreed by Rangers.

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I had previously raised the issue of football clubs reverting to the courts in a separate thread as I didn't want to discuss within the context of the Rangers situation, but few people wanted to discuss it.

However it seems that it may raise its head again with regards to the newco and interpretations of the TUPE legislation in relation to (ex) Rangers players.  

Employment rights in this country, supported it would seem by the European Court of Justice, would back the right of players to refuse to transfer to the newco.  In this scenario they would become free agents.  However UEFA might not agree to their registrations being released and transferred.  Could we therefore see another Court v Footballing Authorities issue?

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Would love to take my children to 3rd division games.. Aged 11 and 7.. No hatred.. Bring on the 3rd Division.. All SPL fans are Evil.. And remember.. What goes around.. ALWAYS... Comes around.. All footy fans love the third division.. Pie and Bovril fans are not footy lovers but rangers haters.. your own clubs are doing what?? You haven't a clue

Your children are aged 11 and 7 - and you have a grandkid???? Yep, Rangers fan.

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Quite recent.. You are not a solicitor.. I LMFAO at the footy supporters turned lawyers.. CVA experts.. Liquidators.. They know nothing.. mostly unemployed no nothings.. have followed this thread for 3 months.. they all need to get a job..


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Quite recent.. You are not a solicitor.. I LMFAO at the footy supporters turned lawyers.. CVA experts.. Liquidators.. They know nothing.. mostly unemployed no nothings.. have followed this thread for 3 months.. they all need to get a job..

You're not a nurse are you? You are a auxiliary. You make the tea for the nurses that is why you have such a chip on your shoulder.

A wee shame. Maybe if you tried harder at school you could have been a nurse, but you like to tell people that you are one on internet forums because it makes you feel better about yourself.

And now your team is gone too.

Are you sad? Are you?:(

It is quiet in your head now isn't it.

Night Night.

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OF fans get it far, far rougher than non OF fans on here. Sometimes deservedly, mostly not.

The problem is that if you start treating football like any other job, then it all falls apart. I don't know your job, but when was the last time a rival company offered your company a transfer fee for you? And if that fee wasn't acceptable, you had to stay there? What is to stop a football player deciding he wants to leave, and demanding complete freedom of movement in the courts? Or if a player isn't allowed in a squad because there are limits on foreign/over 21 players? Football works purely because it is a private club. If it was totally subject to law, then it would result in the complete breakdown of the international game.

Obviously, there are limits on this, but generally, sport is not law.

Aw bless, the poor wee souls! So maybe they could go and play in their own forum, specially created for them 'cos they're special?

Any of the Sisters' followers coming on here should be aware that the central tenets of their faith WILL be challenged - maybe they're not "more than a club", maybe not even "The Peepul". If they can't cope with their entrenched views being challenged, they can bugger off back to RM/KDS and wrap themselves in their "weer bettur than them, so we ur" comfort blanket, and have a nice warm drink of whataboutery.

And bear in mind, from brief visits to OF links from on here, I'd reckon we get the cream of the crop!laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

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1339624742[/url]' post='6333296']

Oh did I not say.. Have 3 older children aged 26, 25 and 23.. You seem excited thinking my 11 year old is a mother.. you are actually scary.. are you a paedophile..Passing you details to police

Make sure and tell them he's from Magrathea.wink.gif

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Quite recent.. You are not a solicitor.. I LMFAO at the footy supporters turned lawyers.. CVA experts.. Liquidators.. They know nothing.. mostly unemployed no nothings.. have followed this thread for 3 months.. they all need to get a job..

Not one for getting bored easily but by f**k your post's are boring me to sleep.

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First post but felt I had to join this excellent thread. I've been a regular supporter of Scottish Football for some 33 years. Some seasons I've had a season ticket, others I have paid at the gate but I have only missed a handful of games in that time, all due to holiday or illness.

This is in my opinion is the most critical period our game has faced in many years, probably in it's entire history. If a newco is voted in then for me I will turn my back on the game that has given me both some fabulous highs and devastating lows over the years. Sporting integrity is the only thing that matters, anything else reduces our game to the football equivalent of the WWE where the result is decided before the event. I believe that many others feel the same way and the easiest way for our chairmen, who for the most part treat us with utter contempt, to have football played in nearly empty stadiums is to ignore the overwhelming opinion of fans as expressed so excellentlly on this thread.

The notion that we cannot survive unless we vote to maintain an institution who have been liquidated from spending sums of money they never could afford to finance, thus allowing them to both buy players of an ability they could never have aspired to and also weaken direct opponents in the process to preserve a TV deal is absolutely ridiculous. The game can and will survive and I for one believes flourish without them. Initiatives like imaginative ticket pricing plus a league structure that allows fixtures against traditional rivals could well increase crowds and subsequently revenues if properly marketed.

Rangers or whatever the newco is called should be made to apply along with Spartans etc. to try to get into SFL 3. This should be their only possible route back in, If the SFA do what they should and suspend them then it will be a long time before any reincarnation of Rangers play senior football again and in all honesty our game will become much healthier.

On a final point any attempt to sell the assets to green must surely be up to legal challenge as in no way does this maximise the return to creditors . The liquidator must have a duty to prevent this . As for all the journalists saying that Rangers must be kept in the SPL my message is do your job properly rather than printing rubbish with absolutely no basis in fact. Time to accept that the succulent lamb has gone off.

Edited by 1962bairn
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Oh did I not say.. Have 3 older children aged 26, 25 and 23.. You seem excited thinking my 11 year old is a mother.. you are actually scary.. are you a paedophile..Passing you details to police

You mentioned taking your children, not some of your children. You never mentioned your 11 yo was female, so why would I assume they were a mother rather than a father. You are passing me details to police what????

f**k off Thicko Dicko.

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