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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Raith Rovers avg attendance 2,225 funds raised by fans to save their club £100,000

The Dee's avg attendance 4224 funds raised by fans to save their club £130,000

Bradford Bulls avg attendance 13000 funds by fans raised to save their club £500,000

Rangers avg attendance 49000 funds raised by fans to save their club £611,987.00

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Here's a thing.

I'm heartily fed up of the financial argument being used to keep the cheats in the SPL.

Time after time, apologists (ha!) trot out the line about Scottish Football failing without their money.

The absolute worst case-scenario (for the H'newco anyway) I can imagine the beaks having the balls for will be an SFL3 entry.

In that case the same money will stay withing football, but some will be distributed among the clubs who probably need it the most, and will allow a more competitive game overall. After all, the fans don't do walking away.

Of course I'd have them taken outside and shot in front of their families, but then again I am Jeremy Clarkson.

And on that bombshell...

beaks can have as small balls as they like, the decision is with the 12 SPL member clubs if they reject it moves to the 30 SFL member clubs

they cant tell them how to votesmile.gif

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Don't think it's split Celtic fans at all, empirical evidence suggests various reason Celtic fans almost to a man don't want Rangers in the SPL. My opinion is that the level of cheating can only merit Rangers being kicked out of Scottish football all together. I'd have to say, as someone who's been around a bit, Rangers money men fans have played a blinderr so far...be interesting to see if our authorities have the balls to do the right thing.

Have to say also it's been a pleasure watching the new media try and run the agenda on this, from this site to the excellent Rangers tax case site I've been quite amazed at how ordinary fans can push the decision makers that used to meet in smoke filled room and sort things out.

Only real negative is the complete absenceof any investigative push from our MSM, that's been a real disappointmet

In fairness, the BBC investigation on this has been fairly explosive at times, as has that channel 4 guy, but there has been a lot of embarrassment and coverups at work in the media. I asked earlier on today if Craig Whyte made money out of the club, and if he planned it all like this, and Im still not sure just how much or how little was planned...

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Perhaps, but no one can criticise McColl in that respect because of all the good work he's done in the engineering industry. Just hope Rangers benefit from his business expertise.

Rangers won't benefit from anything as they are dead

The Rangers might

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There is no way in hell :D that SKY will pull out the SPL completely like some have suggested.They may reduce the revenue stream by up to 40% perhaps but won't pull the plug completely.

If they did SKY know that many many households in Bonnie Scotland would just cancel their current sky sports deals and some may even cancel SKY all together and that is worth more than the puny little amount pot of pish they pay to televise our SPL.

They pull £110 million over 5 years then Scotland will make them lose that amount every year.


So all this reek of pish SKY will pull out has to go ! they will renegotiate the deal and I hope the SPL will stick to their guns to keep the current deal.

The other thing is, as some may well already have pointed out, SKY have a schedule to programme as well. It's not really in their interests to pull a deal that means they're getting regular content for SKY Sports 4 or whatever for peanuts and have to replace it with some other league.

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Not mid-season... the 1994-95 reconstruction was voted in a year before, creating the play-offs, and in 1999-2000 the 3-way play-off ceased to exist when Falkirk finished in a participating place having failed to upgrade Brockhole.

However, when it comes to promotion-n-relegation Aberdee have little room for moralism. They were promoted in 1905, after 1 season in the old Second Division, having finished 7th from 12.. and the Champion, who'd finished runners-up the year before, weren't promoted. Dodgy decisions aren't a modern phenomenon...

Automatic promotion and relegation didn't exist until 1921. Aberdeen were excepted into an increased league reconstruction.

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In fairness, the BBC investigation on this has been fairly explosive at times, as has that channel 4 guy, but there has been a lot of embarrassment and coverups at work in the media. I asked earlier on today if Craig Whyte made money out of the club, and if he planned it all like this, and Im still not sure just how much or how little was planned...

He did make money out the deal. I think it was a 100% profit ;)

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If the SPL do not kick out rangers, and FIFA ban scotland and our teams from europe and world cup qualifiers what would happen then ??

There a few curved balls yet to be thrown in this, think a few complains to Uefa about footballing debts have still to be actioned or not, reports on double contracts etc etc , but really the SFA / SPl should have kicked Rangers out of football for the unprecedented level of cheating we've ever seen in Scottish sport...who's to say they won't just blank it.

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There is no way in hell :D that SKY will pull out the SPL completely like some have suggested.They may reduce the revenue stream by up to 40% perhaps but won't pull the plug completely.

If they did SKY know that many many households in Bonnie Scotland would just cancel their current sky sports deals and some may even cancel SKY all together and that is worth more than the puny little amount pot of pish they pay to televise our SPL.

They pull £110 million over 5 years then Scotland will make them lose that amount every year.


So all this reek of pish SKY will pull out has to go ! they will renegotiate the deal and I hope the SPL will stick to their guns to keep the current deal.

I think you forgot the 'IMO'.

Cancel SKY completely cos they don't show SPL pish????? Aye right :lol:

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Imagine this scenario.

Using Kilmarnock as an example. Kilmarnock board vote yes to the newco playing in the SPL. First game of the season turns out to be Rangers at Rugby Park. Rangers fans rock up to Rugby Park with their banners and songs saying "We don't do walking away", "Rangers til I die" and all that pish. Rangers pump Killie 3-0.

Do you think many Killie fans will be back for the next home game?

It's utterly ridiculous that any clubs are even entertaining the thought of voting yes.

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The other thing is, as some may well already have pointed out, SKY have a schedule to programme as well. It's not really in their interests to pull a deal that means they're getting regular content for SKY Sports 4 or whatever for peanuts and have to replace it with some other league.

The SFL :smartass

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He did make money out the deal. I think it was a 100% profit ;)

And whatever else he squirrelled away before the administrators came in.

Remainder of ticketus cash, arsenal shares, jelavic fee..

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He did make money out the deal. I think it was a 100% profit ;)

:lol: True! £1 into £2!

Remember the Arsenal shares too? The money for them went into a stockbroking company, which also went under I believe. That was owned by and had a main creditor of the name Craig Whyte. So I reckon he made money out of that at the very least.

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Cannot believe Aberdeen were brought into this. f**k sake. Aberdeen stayed up because of league reconstruction which was agreed before that season had started (as far as I know, correct me if I'm wrong). Furthermore Aberdeen paid their taxes and didn't overspend to the extent to which Rangers did, to put it simply it's not a worthy comparison because Aberdeen are not cheating, bigoted scum I should really not have to make this post.

Edited by uni
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